Down The Barrel

Newsletter of the Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club

December 2016

2016 Annual Boxing Day Shoot !!

Sporting Clays and Trap

Fun for all, plan to attend

9:00 a.m. Sporting Clays start &Trap registration

Trap shoot starts at 10:00 a.m.

Trap 25 – 16 yd., 25 – handicap, Annie Oakley’s & Buddy Shoot

Lunch will be available

The OVR&G grounds and facilities are being posted NO HUNTING and NO TRESSPASSING. Anyone not a member in good standing or a guest of same is considered trespassing and should be reported to a member of the executive.

Please note; those with legitimate cause to be on the grounds will be considered guests of the club. Examples would be prospective members, maintenance personnel, and so on.


** As of the most recent CFO range inspection our indoor range is now also approved for the use of frangible and poly coated bullets as well as pure lead projectiles. All ammunition is to be 1000 feet per second or less. Jacketed ammo is not frangible and remains prohibited indoors. If in doubt, please ask.

The bench rest ranges are for rifles only. Handguns are not allowed on any of the rifle ranges including the new offhand and 25-yard sight in positions at the far left end of the benches. The cowboy action / pistol range is adjacent and is the CFO approved outdoor handgun range.

For section information please contact Mike.

Section Contact: Mike Marques (519) 875-4803

Sporting Clays

Sporting clays shoots are generally scheduled for the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month but are subject to change. Please check /confirm shoot dates via the clubhouse chalkboard, the OVR&G website, online forum calendar, or section contacts below.

As per the OVR&G online forum the next 3 scheduled shoots are Dec 26th. Jan 8th. & Jan 29th. ** Please note the outdoor ranges will be closed until approximately 3:00 p.m. during most of these shoots. The Jan 8th. date is a Can Am shoot hosting 6 clubs and will likely run later.

OVR&G was well represented with 14 of the 110 shooters at the first Can Am event – by all reports a good time! Future dates and info is available on the forum calendar or from one of the section contacts.

Section Contacts: John Hurley - (519) 377-9442 Adam Kennedy – (226) 777-4799

O.V.R.&G. is currently attempting to obtain additional Range

Safety Officer and “train the trainer” instruction. Interested parties are

asked to contact Mike Lorch -

Thanks to all involved in the recent work on the pond – especially

Mark Hopper and Ken Allan. New boards and screen have been installed

under somewhat trying conditions!


*** REMINDER*** Registration for the trap portion of the Boxing Day Shoot starts at 9:00 a.m. & shooting starts at 10:00 a.m.

The winter Interclub schedule is now underway, dates as follows;


Dec 26 – Otter Valley Jan 15 - Glencoe Jan 22 – Otter Valley

Feb 5 – Crumlin Feb 12 – St. Thomas Feb 26 – Verschoyle

Mar 5 – Glencoe

The 2017 ATA shoots scheduled for OVR&G facilities are Apr 23rd. and May 7th. The May shoot will be in memory of Joe Butcher.

Please check the online forum, the clubhouse or contact one of the following for any possible updates.

Section Contacts: William Toronyi (519) 842-4360

Steve Van Acker (519) 550-4996

Bud van Gulck (519) 842-2239

If you received a printed version of this newsletter and were expecting an electronic copy please send me an email and I’ll add or correct your email address. I do have a few addresses that are difficult / impossible to read on the copy of the application I work from, make a few typos of my own, etc.

Email at

O.V.R.& G. executive 2016 / 2017

President Francois Deschenes (519) 539-2899

Vice President Bill Harris (519) 688-1206

Recording Secretary Patty McKiernan (519) 539-2899

Secretary Mike Lorch (519) 423-6603

Treasurer John Peazel (519) 688-2023

Range Safety Officer John Peazel (519) 688-2023


Bill Toronyi (519) 842-4360 (trap)

John Hurley (226) 377-9442 (sporting clays)

Adam Kennedy (226) 777-4799 (sporting clays)

Andrew Demaray (519) 521-8672 (benchrest)

Mike Marques (519) 875-4803 (handgun)

Henry Atkinson (519) 842-2118 (handgun)

Mark Hopper (519) 866-5440 (archery)

Tom Davis (519) 652-3134 (newsletter)

Glenn Foster (519) 842-3118 (cowboy action)

Emil Hartmann (519) 765-3121

Ken Allan (519) 842-2075


Steve Van Acker (519) 550-4996 (trap)

Bud Van Gulck (519) 842-2239 (trap)

Mike Lorch (519) 423-6603 (benchrest)

John Hawley (226) 678-0707 ( benchrest)

Gary Ramsey (519) 842-9536 (handgun)

Rick Szucsko (226) 231-4824 (handgun)

Membership Chairman

Jeff Wilson (519) 842-7442

The O.V.R.& G. website is accessed via;,or

The Otter Valley online forum is hosted by Mike Lorch and is accessed via;