SENIOR Year Timeline

  • Review youronline graduation check sheet and make sure you are enrolled in what you need to graduate.
  • Complete College Now application, AUTHORIZATION FORM, AND ACT SCORE SUBMISSION if taking College Now courses through JCCC.
  • Discuss after high school and college plans with parents and your alpha counselor.
  • Register for the ACT: SAT: or COMPASS test: at JCCC.
  • Prepare for the SAT or ACT – and
  • Meet with college representatives when they visit South. Listen for announcements throughout year.
  • Begin college and scholarship applications, KNOW DEADLINES!
  • Ask teachers and counselor for letters of recommendation. Submit all forms to be filled out by the counselor at least 2 weeks before due date. Complete transcripts request form to have transcripts sent. See registrar, in Student Services.
  • Attend College Clinic held at ShawneeMissionEastHigh School.
  • Complete Admission/Scholarship Applications to some State Universities by Nov. 1

November- December

  • Register for December ACT, SAT or COMPASS test at JCCC
  • Attend Financial Aid Evening at SM Northwest
  • Check online audit sheets, make sure you are enrolled in the necessary

creditsto graduate.


  • Keep your grades up your last semester.
  • Apply for Kansas State Scholarships if fulfilled Kansas Scholar Requirements
  • Complete College Now application, AUTHORIZATION FORM, AND ACT SCORE SUBMISSION if taking College Now courses through JCCC.
  • Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1
  • Take COMPASS exam if attending community college.
  • Register for Advanced Placement Examinationsbefore Spring Break.
  • Notify Student Services of any scholarships, awards offered.


  • Request that your final transcript be sent to the college of your choice.
  • Complete Senior Survey
  • Take Advanced Placement Examinations.
  • Notify Student Services of ALL Grants and Scholarships that have been offered to you even though you may not accept them.
  • Inform selected college of acceptance and intent to enroll.