13 - 16 July 2015doc.: 18-15/0041r00

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes
Date: 13 - 16 July 2015
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Jay Holcomb, Secretary, RR-TAG / Itron / Liberty Lake, WA / 509-891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Michael Lynch,
Chair, RR-TAG / MJ Lynch & Assoc. / Allen, Tx / 972-814-4901 /


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Interimmeeting in the Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI, USA.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Plenary meeting atthe Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI, USA, 13 – 16 July 2015.

Monday, 13 July, 2015, PM2

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 16:00.
  2. The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance. (9 were in attendance)
  1. The current agenda is document 18-15/0027r02.
  1. The Chair reminded members, as they learned today at the other opening Plenaries about the cell phone courtesy policy, anti-trust provisions of IEEE 802, the Patent questions and Policy, inappropriate topics per the IEEE requirements, and Letters of Assurance (LOA), as shown in the agenda document.
  1. Reviewed the current voter list.
  1. We made a few minor updates to the agenda making it 18-15/0027r03.
  1. The following motion was made:

Motion: To approve the RR-TAG agenda for the July 2015 Meeting, 18-15/0027r03.

  1. Move by: John Notor
  2. Second by: Vijay Auluck
  3. Discussion: None
  4. Motion: Passed by unanimous consent
  1. The Vancouver, BC Canada Mayminutes are 18-15/0026r00
  2. No inputs suggested, so removed the Draft watermark for 18-15/0026r01.
  3. The following motion was made:

Motion: To approve the minutes for the May 2015 Interim held in Vancouver BC, Canada, 11 - 14 May 2015, 18-15/0026r01.

Move by: Rich Kennedy

Second by: John Notor

Discussion: None

Motion: Passed by unanimous consent

  1. Old Business beyond the agenda items:
  2. None
  1. Agenda item: Review PARs for this Plenary, :
  2. We brought up the list of the multiple PARs and due to the limited time and lack of available rooms this week, we were not able to review in detail the PARs that were related to wireless (those are the only PARs we review, per earlier direction).
  1. Agenda item: Request for questions from 802 participants on the Patent Policy Update tutorial; 2nd slot (7:30-9:00 PM) on Monday, 13 July.
  2. All were informed of this session and should go if interested.
  1. Agenda item: 18-14/0048r02; status on comments on draft new recommendation ITU-R M.[V2X] and ITU submission process
  2. The two documents, this one from IEEE 802 and one from IEEE VT/ITS have been turned into ITU-R.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0028r00: FCC NPRM: AMENDMENT OF PARTS 15, 73 AND 74 of the FCC rules for the preservation of one vacant TV band channel for wireless mics and TVWS devices
  2. One point of note, paragraph 34 is seeking comments to add channels 14-20, along with the channels => 21 that has been the plan all along. All were in favour of this.
  3. Second point of note is paragraph 48, that we need variable areas considering population density. Again, all were in favour of this.
  4. NPRM Comment Date: August 3, 2015 and Reply Comment Date: August 31, 2015
  5. 802.18 will look at doing comments this week.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0029r00: NCTA to FCC: LTE-U Will Gravely Harm Wi-Fi; ET Docket No. 15-105
  2. We are pastcomments and reply comments.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0030r00: “Technology trends of active services in the band above 275 GHz” from ITU-R WP 1A
  2. The ITU did use a fair amount of content from the IEEE contribution in their document.
  3. IEEE 802 will look at providing more input to ITU upon their request, likely into the first part of 2016.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0032r00: Review latest version of the work going on in ITU-R WP1A on ITU-R SM.[SMART_GRID] (Question 236)
  2. ITU is looking for inputs on this version of the report, since the WRC has not happened yet.
  3. The Chair did notify 802.24, 802.11, 802.15 for them to look it over and provide comment as appropriate.
  4. Time line is by our March 2016 meeting we should have input for ITU.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0033r00: Study on Question ITU-R 210-3/1 “Wireless power transmission"
  2. The Chair did pass along to the other IEEE 802 groups, and does anyone have interest to reply. The deadline is 15 April, 2016.
  1. The Chair recessed the meeting to independent study at 17:45 until Tuesday AM1.

Tuesday 14 July, 2015, AM1

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 08:35
  2. The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0035r00: National experience on the implementation of the digital dividend in Brazil
  2. Interesting that a quick search on the Ties ITU site, does not look like it is out there.
  3. The reason we have this is that 802.22 would like to add some comments to our IEEE 802.18 submission to the ITU on the SM.[SMART_GRID] on points brought up in the Brazil comments. 802.18 will wait for the 802.22 input.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0036r00: FCC: Chanel sharing by full power/class A stations outside the broadcast television spectrum incentive auction context
  2. FYI only, does not appear to affect IEEE 802.
  1. Agenda item: 18-15/0037/39r00: Comment Deadlines Set in Further Citizens Broadband Radio Service Rulemaking, SFNPRM Proceeding No. 12-354 - 3550-3650
  2. Comments are due tomorrow, 15july and reply comments due 14aug. We will pass.
  1. Agenda item: General items of interest
  3. Reviewed and decided there is nothing for us to add from our previous submissions.
  1. The Chair recessed the meeting to independent study at 10:00 until Tuesday PM2.

Tuesday, 14 July, 2015, AM2

  1. We are in independent study, most are in the 802.11/15 regulatory Standing Committee meeting.

Tuesday, 14 July, 2015, PM2

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 16:00
  2. The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
  1. We are not ready to review comments on the NPRM for the TV channels available for wireless mics and TVWS devices.
  1. The Chair recessedthe meeting to independent study at16:10to Wednesday PM1.

Wednesday, 15 July, 2015, PM1

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 13:30
  2. The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
  1. After checking with a few folks, the decision was made to not do comments on the NPRM for the TV channels for wireless mics and TVWS devices. The WiFi alliance is doing some that will cover the same points.
  1. One person from 802.19 has informed the chair they have some interest in doing comments in the ITU Wireless Power Transmission documents. We will wait to hear from the chair of 802.19.
  1. The Chair recessed the meeting to independent study at 13:45to Thursday AM2.

Thursday, 16 July, 2015, AM1

  1. We are in independent study though most are in the 802.11/15 regulatory Standing Committee meeting.
  2. From the 802.11/15 reg. SC meeting a highlight on clarifying the process, via the operations manual, for releasing regulatory documents to outside organization or body.
  3. A WG can release a document to an outside organization with 75% approval of the WG and not go thought 802.18. This document is then from that WG, not IEEE 802.
  4. With the 75% approval, the document goes to the EC, the EC can block the document, with 5 days to review, but formal approval is not needed.

Thursday, 16 July, 2015, AM2

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:30
  2. The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
  1. 802.24 plans to provide contributions on ITU-R Q236/1 in time to review and approval a response to WP 1A by the March 2016 Plenary.
  1. The following motion was made:

Motion: The chair is directed to conduct as necessary teleconferences from 16 July, 2015 through 30 November, 2015.

Move by: Peter Ecclesine

Second by: John Notor

Discussion: None

Vote: 5 Yes0 No 0 Abstain

Motion: Passed

  1. With no further input or needs from the other WGs and TAGs, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:50 Thursday 16 July, 2015.
  1. The next IEEE RR TAG 802.18 face to face meeting will be the Interim from 13– 18 September, 2015, at the Centara Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand.


Chunihui Zhu Huawei

Jay Holcomb Itron, Inc.

Jerry KalkeCBS

Jodi HasszIEEE staff

John Notor Notor Research

Michael LynchMJ Lynch & Associates LLC

Peter Ecclesine Cisco Systems, Inc

Richard KennedyMediaTek Inc

Vijay Auluck Intel Corp.

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