INFO I101 UI/UM Application

Please fill out this application by typing directly into the Word document. Save it and then print all materials.

Please turn in application packet (Cover Letter, Application, Resume) to INFO West 102 (the mailroom)

Basic Information

Full Name (Last, First): IU Username:

IUID# (used to check your GPA):

Class Standing (what will you be next semester)?:

Current Major/Cognate (undecided is ok):

IU Cumulative GPA (if you are a first semester student, enter your projected GPA):

What semester did you take I101 (ex. FA14): What grade did you receive/do you expect in I101:

UI/UM Specific Questions

Are you applying to be a UI or a UM?

If you are applying for a UI position, when did you serve as a UM? (ex FA14):

In 1-3 paragraphs, write a short essay explaining why you want to be a UI/UM and why you feel you would be a good UI/UM. Please include any relevant experience you may have (for example: previous semesters as a UI/UM, tutoring, etc...):

In 1-3 paragraphs, tell us about a time in which a teacher/mentor made a positive impact on you:

In 1-3 paragraphs, tell us about a time where you were faced with a difficult situation and what the outcome was.

Being an Instructor for I101 require that you act responsibly and in a mature manner. How do you feel you would react to a situation where you are teaching a good friend/roommate? How would you handle student data/information?

Cover Letter

Please include a cover letter for your application packet.


Please include a paper copy of your most recent resume with your application

In addition, we require that you have at least TWO (2) references fill out our provided Reference form. Please have them emailed to fill it out at this website (which is also on the reference form download):

Please provide the contact information for your references:

Reference 1: (Name, title, organization, email, and phone number)

Reference 2: (Name, title, organization, email, and phone number)


I certify that all of the information provided was correct and true to my knowledge.

Signature: Date:

Printed Name:

INFO UIUM Application Form – Updated Fall 2014