43065 Joy Road

Canton, MI 48187

Teaching Pastor Application For Employment



Contact Information:

Phone Numbers:




Family Information

Family (Check all that apply):

Single, never married

Married (name of spouse)

Divorced and currently single

Divorced and remarried (name of spouse)

Widowed and currently single

Widowed and remarried (name of spouse)

Please list the names and ages of your children:

Education, Associations and Achievements

List your post-high school education and degrees earned.

List professional associations and achievements.

When and where were you licensed and/or ordained?

Experience and Beliefs

Briefly explain when and how you became a believer.

Briefly explain when and how you were called to the ministry.

Briefly describe your style and philosophy of preaching.

With regard to Calvary Baptist Church's Statement of Faith (posted at CBCJOY.ORG), is there any part of this statement with which you disagree or have questions? If so, please explain.

Do you believe that you have one or more of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible? If so, for each one, please name it and describe briefly the evidence that tells you that you have it.

Please describe your experience, organization name and address, employment dates, and duties of your previous four ministry positions.

Self Assessment

With respect to each ministry area below, please rate yourself according to your strengths and weaknesses. Note: we do not expect anyone to be perfect in every category, nor do we want you to humbly underrate yourself.

Ministry AreaSelf RatingScale

Preaching 1 One of my greatest strengths

Leading 2. I am strong here

Shepherding 3. I am average here

Counseling 4. I am weak here

Evangelism 5. One ofmy greatest weaknesses



Training Leaders


Please rate (strength or weakness) and describe your experiences in working within a team-oriented ministry.


Please include the following information for 4 references. One of the references should be a non-Christian.


Contact Information:

How he/she knows you:

Other Information

From what you know about this position, CalvaryBaptistChurch, and/or the geographical area, what interests you about this position?

Is your interest in our church confidential or can it be treated as public knowledge?

Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of visa or immigration status? (yes or no – proof of eligibility will be required upon employment)

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or criminal offense?

Submission Information

Please save this file in the following format: lastname_firstname_TP.doc

Electronically attach or provide links (urls) for at least 2 of your recent sermons. If not available electronically, please mail copies of your sermons to:


43065 Joy Road

Canton, MI 48187

Attn: Search Team

Email this form, sermons (if possible), an electronic copy of your resume and any other information to the following email address:

CalvaryBaptistChurch Canton, Michigan
