Steps to reproduce for CA SDM Defects:


Unable to view CI details from the CA Service Operations Insight (SOI) CMDB view.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Integrate CA Service Desk Manager with CA SOI using the Catalyst Connector.
  2. Update the 'LaunchInContextUrls' section of the Connector configuration
  3. Create a Configuration Item in Service Desk and import it in SOI.
  4. Select the CI in SOI Console and click the CMDB View tab.
  5. Optionally, enter the user credentials to access Service Desk.
    The Configuration Item detail page does not open. Instead error messages
    are displayed on the interface.


Object Managers with default option in Web Engine Detail is not generating CGI file(pdmweb4.exe)
Steps to Reproduce the issue:
  1. From the CA SDM Console, navigate to Administration, System, Configurations.
  2. Open an existing configuration ( if not, create one ). For example,primaryconfig
  4. Create new web engine with the below values:
  5. CGI Name: pdmweb4.exe
  6. Object Managers: Default)
  7. Run the pdm_configure and choose the configuration as mentioned in step2 (for example: primaryconfig)
    Upon successful configuration, pdmweb4.exe isnot created under $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\wwwroot
    Expected Result:
    Upon successful configuration, pdmweb4.exe should get created under $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\wwwroot


Perform a search from the CA SDM console with an assignee having a valid first name,
last name, and middle name. Saving the search filter gives an error.
Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create a user with a first name, last name, and middle name.
  2. Navigate to Search, Incidents.
  3. Select the user created in Step 1 as the assignee.
  4. Click Save to save the search filter.
  5. Click My Saved Search.
  6. Click the last saved filter and click Show Filter.
  7. Type the same user again in the assignee field.
  8. Save the search filter
    Result: An error “AHD03053:Bad where clause” is displayed on the CA SDM web interface in step 4 and 8.

Post-Install Steps:

Perform the following steps:

  1. Clear the browser cache by running the following command:
    pdm_webcache -b


Internal Notification is sent when access type is empty.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Update any activity notification for example 'Log Comment' and set thefollowing details.
  2. Check the Internal flag.
  3. Set Auto notification to Yes.
  4. Update the Object Contact Notification List with Affected End user.
  1. Create a contact with Contact Type as 'Employee' and Access Type as empty.
  2. Create a ticket with Affected End User as the contact created in step2.
  3. Create a Log Comment activity on the ticket.


Affected end user receives internal notification even when the Access Type is

set to 'employee'.

Expected behavior:

Notification should not be sent to the affected end user when the Access Type is empty.


Unable to attach any event to a managed survey.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. From the CA SDM console, navigate to Administration, Service Desk, Surveys, Managed Survey List.
  2. Create a new Managed Survey Name by mapping it to a Survey
  3. Click Attach Event.
  4. Select any existing event and click Ok.
  5. The Popup window freezes and hour glass spins forever


After installing CA SDM, Under Help -> About, license and the site id is shown as UNKNOWN.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Install CA SDM.
  2. Start the CA SDM services if not already started.
  3. Login to the CA SDM web interface.
  4. Click About under the Help tab.


In CA Service Desk Manager, unlinking a solution that was attached to anissue fails and a popup error message is shown in the user interface.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

  1. Open any existing issue type ticket.
  2. Navigate to Knowledge Management, Knowledge tab and search for any
    existing knowledge document.
  3. Right click the document that is displayed and click Accept as Solution.
  4. Navigate to the Knowledge Management, Solutions tab and click on thesolution that was linked in step 3.
  5. In the solution details page, click Unlink the solution.

Unlinking of solution fails and a popup error message is displayed in the interface:

Error AHD03029:Bad_param in Dob_by_id. on iss:XXXXXX


In CA Service Desk Manager, when avoid popups settings is on, saving a mailbox rule for maileater shows an hourglass. Workaround is to click the back button or navigate to any other link on the left navigation pane.
Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Navigate to theService Desk menu, View, Preferences.
  2. Enable the checkbox Avoid Popups.
  3. Click Administration, Email, Mailbox Rules.
  4. Select any rule to do a simple update like type in test in description of rule.
  5. Click Save.
    The hourglass icon is shown. The Back to List button is grayed out on the main panel, top right corner under the Set Role button.

Post-Install Steps:

  1. Run the following command:


Unable to receive the failure message set at mailbox rule

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create/update tickets via mail eater.

Mail eater mailbox rule: "Reply Success" and "Reply Failure" option message should be received on success or failure.

  1. Send a mail to maileater from an email account not associated to any CA SDM user for ticket creation.
  2. It should fail to create the ticket and should give a reply email back with error message:

“AHD58004:Cannot determine valid requestor id. Cannot continue processing" instead of the"Reply Failure" message that we have set for the rule.


In CA Service Desk Manager, sending multiple attachments in a manual notification causes the files to be corrupted in the notification email.
Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Ensure that the mail_allow_attachmentsoption is installed.
  2. Navigate to the Incident details page, Activities, Manual Notify.
  3. Attach two or three files (For example: 1 text file and one bitmap)
  4. Check the email that is received.
    The name of attached files is correct but content of all files are same (the first file attached content).


Running GRLoader may throw Axis Fault error in the GRLoader.log file.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. OpenWeb Screen Painter and add an extension table zapp.
  2. Add a new SREL column z_category which is an SREL to pcat table.
  3. Save and publish the changes.
  4. Stop the CA Service Desk Manager services and run the pdm_publishcommand.
  5. Open the CA Service Desk Web interface and create a class pointing to the new extension table created in Step1.
  6. Create a new Family named TestApp.
  7. Create a CSV file (test.csv) similar to the following:
    FF478,System FF47,TestApp,777776,80:92:66:65,Software
  8. Execute the following command on the server:
    grloader -s -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -csvf test.csv -a -n

No errors are seen on the GRLoader.log.

  1. Run the same command once again without any modifications to the csv file.

Update is performed but an error similar to the one below is logged in GRLoader.log:
mm/ddHH:mm:ss ERROR grDataMgr 2056 AxisFault
faultCode: {
faultString: Error fetching: AHD03053:Bad where clause: Parse error at : "id = pcat:XXXX" (Bad where clause)
{}ErrorMessage:Error fetching: AHD03053:Bad where clause: Parse error at : "id = pcat:XXXX" (Bad where clause)


In Internet Explorer 11 browser, when a user copies an incident using the File, Copy menu, it opens the new incident window behind the working window:
Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. Login to ServiceDesk in IE11.
  2. Search and Open any incident
  3. Click File, Copy.

Result: The new window (new incident) popup is behind the working window(incident detail page).

Post Installation Steps:

Perform the following post-install step:

  1. Apply the patch and clear browser cache by running the following command:
    pdm_webcache -b


Notification History Search is not functioning properly

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Login to CA ServiceDesk using IE 11.
  2. Search and Open any incident.
  3. From the File menu, click Copy.

Actual Result:
The new window(new incident) popup behind the working window(incident detail page)
Expected Result: The new window should popup in the front.


Key board users along with users who are using JAWS screen reader are not able to toggle between Yes and No radio button in the Knowledge Documents comments section.

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. Login to CA SDM.
  2. Open a Knowledge Document.
  3. Tab down to the rate & comment section
  4. Tab and the focus will shift on theYes radio button.
  5. JAWS should announce the radio functionality.
  6. Use the right arrow key or up arrow key to toggle to no radio button.
    For JAWS to work with the radio buttons, it must switch to PC cursor mode.


Export temporary XML files are not removed

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

1)Login to CA SDM.
2)Ensure that you pick a list with a large number of rows to be returned.
3)Check CATALINA_BASE/temp folder and ensure that no pdmexport_*.xml files exist.
If they exist, delete them.
4)Use the Export button to get the list in an excel sheet.
5)While the export is in progress click on the Xto close the window.
Do not use the Close or Cancel buttons. If the popup windows closes automatically too fast, use a larger list that takes longer time to export.
Check CATALINA_BASE/temp folder and note that there is a pdmexport_*.xml file.
Expected outcome:
No XML file found in CATALINA_BASE/temp folder.


On selecting a row as part of Edit-In list, the dropdown's does not get properly populated with the record's entry when the value is empty.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Customize Request list page (list_cr.htmpl) to add impact as part of edit-in-list fields.
  2. Add listEditField("impact"); to edit-in-list section.
  3. Add <PDM_MACRO name=lsColhdr="Impact" attr=impact exporthdr="Impact"> to list section.
  4. Save and publish the changes and run: pdm_webCache -bH
  5. Login into CA SDM as an analyst.
  6. Search for request, make sure there are at least 5 requests in results, and few of them with impact as 'empty' and others with "5-One Person" impact.
  7. Select Edit in List, select a ticket that has impact "5-One Person". This will update the edit-in list dropdown with "5-One Person" selected.
  8. Now, select a row that does not have an impact value.
    You can see that the Edit-In-List impact dropdown value does not changed, and the only way to update impact of the selected ticket to "5-One Person" is to select some other value and then set to "5-One Person" again.


Domsrvr crashes while invoking workflow task from mobile UI.

Step to reproduce the issue:

  1. Login to CA SDM as Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration, Service Desk, Requests/Incidents/Problems, Areas.
  3. Open the Applications area.
  4. In the Workflow tab, use Classic workflow for Incident.
  5. Add Approval task
  6. Create an Incident with Incident Area as Applications.
  7. Verify the Relationships, Workflow tasks for list of classic workflow tasks.
  8. Now, login to Mobile UI as an Administrator.
  9. Navigate to the Workflow task and hit refresh again and again

Result:Domsrvr memory will keep growing.

Expected Result:Domsrvr memory should not grow significantly, if it grows, it should come down after sometime.

Post-Install Step:
Perform the following post-install step:
1. Delete the following folder:

Note: Tomcat will auto deploy workflow.war after applying the patch.


Additional logging for archive and purge rules.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

This resolution introduces new logging that may be enabled for Archive and Purge rules, if

desired. These new log messages will be output to the stdlog file whenever an Archive and Purge

rule is started or stopped. When this logging is enabled, the following messages will be output when a rule starts and stops successfully:

“Starting rule <RULE_NAME>."

"Rule <RULE_NAME> completed its processing with no error."

As well, if a rule is scheduled to stop within a certain amount of time, the following message

will be output when the rule is stopped:

"Rule <RULE_NAME> that is currently running has reached its allocated time limit. Stopping rule."

Additional log messages to notify of error conditions have also been added.

This resolution requires manual post installation steps.

Post Installation Steps

This fix introduces a new NX variable @NX_ARCPUR_RULE_LOGGING. This variable is used to specify if additional logging should be output for Archive and Purge rules. Its value should be set to 'Yes'.

This variable can be installed by running the following command from the Command Prompt on the Primary server machine:

pdm_options_mgr -c -s ARCPUR_RULE_LOGGING -v Yes -a pdm_option.inst

To avoid losing this change when pdm_configure is run, please also run the above command with the '-t' flag as follows:

pdm_options_mgr -c -s ARCPUR_RULE_LOGGING -v Yes -a pdm_option.inst -t


Edit In List not saving new assignee with NX_GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT option

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Install NX_GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT option with value Yes.
  2. Restart CA SDM services.
  3. Login into CA SDM as privilege user.
  4. Create a group that has No members
  5. Create three tickets and put the newly created group in these tickets.
  6. Perform a search for tickets with the newly created group.
  7. Click Edit-in-list.
  8. Select an assignee (that is not part of the newly created group)
  9. Click Change All.
  10. Click Save, observe that the list now shows the three tickets with the updated assignee on them.
  11. Search again for the same tickets.

Note that the assignee is still blank with the old value, and does not have the new value.


Perform the following post-install steps:

Note: This correction introduces a new optional NX variable,@NX_GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT. This variable when set to Yes,

Will ignore the assignee assigned to the group restriction.

  1. This option can be installed by running the following command from

the command prompt on the primary server:
pdm_options_mgr -c -s GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT –v Yes –a


  1. To avoid losing the change when you run the pdm_configurecommand, run

the above command with the '-t' flag as follows:
pdm_options_mgr -c -s GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT -v Yes -a

pdm_option.inst -t

  1. Restart CA SDM.

Note:For each secondary Service Desk Manager server you have configured, you must manually add or update the NX variable above in each secondary server. The NX.envfile is in the $NX_ROOT directory. Restart CA SDM so that the new NX variable to take effect.

Post-Backout Steps:

Perform the following post-backoutsteps:

  1. Run the following commands to uninstall the NX variable:
    pdm_options_mgr -c -s GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT -v yes -a pdm_option.deinstpdm_options_mgr -c -s GROUP_ASSIGNEE_INDEPENDENT -v yes -a pdm_option.deinst -t

Note: For each secondary CA SDM server you have configured, manually add or update the NX variable above in each secondary CA SDM server. TheNX.env file is in the $NX_ROOT directory. A CA SDMrestart is required for the new NX variable to take effect.


Default non-required properties are not displayed on the CA SDM console if the properties are not saved in xFlow previously.

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. Ensure a ticket category has 3 properties:
  2. prop1 - required
  3. prop2 - not required
  4. prop3 - required
  5. Raise a ticket using the xFlow Analyst Interface against this category.
  6. Fill out prop1, prop3, ignore prop2 and do not fill it.
  7. Create the ticket.
  8. View the ticket via CA SDM classic interfacenow.

Only prop1 and prop3 are visible. You cannot edit the ticket and add a value for prop2 as that option is not available for editing back in the xFlow Analyst Interface

  1. UpdateProperties on the ticket, and now set a value for prop2.
  2. View the ticket in CA SDM classic interface and you can seeprop2 alongside prop1 and prop3.


The href links provided by the CA SDM Restful webservice response is incorrect. Using the obtained links in a GET operation may throw an error.

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. Make a POST Rest call to get the access key using any Restful client.
  2. Now make a GETrest call to chgcat object GET

With the following headers:
X-AccessKey= accesskey obtained from step 1
X-Obj-Attrs = *

  1. From the xml response obtained, identify the href link for the property_templatesattribute.
  2. Make a GET rest call using the href link in Step 3.


An error is displayed in the response and a log message similar to the one below is shown in the jrest.log file.

Post-Install Steps:

Perform the following post-install steps:

  1. After installing the testfix, undeploy the restful web apps by running the following command:

pdm_rest_util -undeploy

  1. Redeploy the web apps using:

pdm_rest_util -deploy


Knowledge document Edit Resolution Scrolls to the bottom of the page.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer 11.
  2. Navigate to Administration, Knowledge, Knowledge Categories.
  3. Create a category or go to an existing one.
  4. Create a new document or use an existing one.
  5. Ensure that the document has a large amount of text in the Resolution field.
  6. Save the document and click Edit Resolution.

The new popup window will show the resolution text scrolled to the bottom, assuming text is large enough that scrollbars are needed.

Expected Result:

The popup window should show the first line of the resolution text, the top portion.


Lookup window appears in search filter even without tabbing out of a lookup

field. This problem is seen in CA Service Desk Manager 12.6 and later versions.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Navigate to Service Desk, Search, Incidents.
  2. In the Incident Area lookup field, type %ABC%. Click Search.
  3. Incident Area lookup window is displayed.


Exporting a list of change orders with open date and scheduled start time where server time zone and contact time zone are same with DST results in adding an extra hour to the exported excel sheet.