TROG 03.04 RADAR Study


Version 4

July 2006

FOCUS/XiO Instructions

Initial Tasks

1. Getting the IP address of the planning computer

2. Downloading, installing, and configuring WinZip

Export Instructions

A. Unwanted Beam Removal

1. Call up the patient plan

2. Deleting unwanted beams

3. Saving DVHs for RTOG export......

4. Recording patient information

5. Close the patient and return to the welcome screen

B. RTOG Submission

1. Displaying the RTOG submission panel

2. Selecting the patient

3. Selecting a study set

4. Entering export information

5. Entering plan information

6. Entering structure information

7. Exporting RTOG information

8. Returning to the welcome screen

FTP Instructions

1. Opening the command prompt

2. Making an FTP connection

3. Changing the transfer mode to binary

4. Transferring the RTOG information

Tasks To Complete Before Burning

Extracting the compressed RTOG information

Burning Instructions

FOCUS/XiO Instructions

Initial Tasks

The initial tasks only have to be completed for the first patient being put on the trial. That is, once the initial tasks are completed once, they don’t need to be done again.

1. Getting the IP address of the planning computer
  1. Login to the planning computer as root.
  2. Open a terminal and type “ifconfig”.
  3. The 12-digit number to the right of “inet address” is the IP address. Where there is a 0 prefixing a number it may be less than 12 digits. For example: will be displayed as

Note: Another way to display the IP address is to type “ip show addr”.

2. Downloading, installing, and configuring WinZip
  1. If WinZip is already installed, ignore this section. Otherwise go to:

to download the evaluation version of WinZip.

  1. Once the file has finished downloading, double-click it to begin the installation process.
  2. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  3. After installation, run WinZip and click the “Use Evaluation Version” button.
  4. Go to the “Options” menu and select “Configuration…” A configuration dialogue will appear.
  5. Click the “Miscellaneous” tab. In the “Other” panel uncheck the “TAR file smart CR/LF conversion” check box. If this check box is already unchecked, leave it that way.
  6. Click the “OK” button and close WinZip.

Export Instructions

Before starting the RTOG submission for the patient, make sure that a supervisor has checked the completed plan. This section has 2 main parts:

  • A. Unwanted Beam Removal and Saving DVHs
  • B. RTOG Submission

A. Unwanted Beam Removal

1. Call up the patient plan
2. Deleting unwanted beams
  1. Call up phase 1 of the treatment plan.
  2. Delete ALL beams that are TURNED OFF. Select the menu “Beams” from the menu-bar and select the beams that should be removed. Once all the appropriate beams have been selected, click the “Delete Beam” button.
  3. Repeat steps i. and ii. for all treatment phases apart from the combined phase.
3. Saving DVHs for RTOG export
  1. Call up the combined phase of the treatment.
  2. Open up the dialogue for calculating DVHs. To do this select the “Dose” menu, followed by the “Histogram” menu and select the “New/Edit” menu-item.
  3. Under the “Available plans” label there are two free selection boxes. Middle-click the first box and select phase 1. Middle-click the second box and select phase 2. Finally, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the dialogue.
  4. A new dialogue title “Histogram Report” should be displayed. Middle-click both of the boxes next to both of the “Plan” labels and select phase 1. Click the “PTV 1” (or equivalent) button and click “Accept”. Click the “CI Box” (Conformity Index) button and click “Accept”. Go back to the boxes right of the “Plan” labels and this time select phase 2. This time calculate the DVHs for “PTV 2” and the “CI Box”. Finally select the combined phase for each of the boxes next to the “Plan” labels. Calculate the DVHs for the “Left femoral head” and the “Rectum”.

Note 1: For 78Gy treatments, please include the DVH for the “Bladder” in the combined phase.

Note 2: For 3 phase treatments, export DVHs for “PTV 3” and “CI Box 3” by following the same procedure as though for “PTV 2” except phase 3 is selected instead of phase 2.

  1. Click the “Save DVH for RTOG” button and then click the “OK” button.
  2. Click the “Cancel” button.
3.1 Instructions for Version 4.3.1
  1. Call up the combined phase of the treatment.
  2. Go to “Tools” and select “Plan Review”.
  3. “Plan ID 1” defaults to the plan you have open i.e. the combined phase. To select the phase 1 and 2 plans middle mouse click in each of the boxes and select the other plans available.
  4. Go to “View” and select “Window Format” and set up the windows to view the 3 plans simultaneously.
  5. Open up the dialogue for calculating DVHs. To do this select the “Dose” menu, followed by the “Histogram” menu and select the “New/Edit” menu-item. Say “OK” to the “Display histogram in spare window?” dialogue box.
  6. A new dialogue title “Histogram Report” should be displayed. Click the “PTV 1” (or equivalent) button and click “Accept”. Click the “PTV 2” (or equivalent) button and click “Accept”. Repeat these steps for the Lt Femur, Rectum, PTV 3 (if there is one) and Bladder (if treating to 78Gy).
  7. Click the “Save DVH for RTOG” button and then click the “OK” button.
  8. Click the “Cancel” button.
4. Recording patient information
  1. Before closing the patient take note of the patient’s ID and the number of fractions for each treatment phase. (Apart from the combined phase.)
5. Close the patient and return to the welcome screen

B. RTOG Submission

Before starting this step of the process, make sure that you know the patient’s ID and the number of fractions for each phase of the treatment.

1. Displaying the RTOG submission panel
  1. Go to the welcome screen.
  2. Highlight “RTOG Submission” from the list. This brings up the RTOG submission panel.
2. Selecting the patient
  1. Go to the top left-hand corner of the screen. There is a panel titled “Patients”.
  2. Select the patient from the list by left clicking on them.

Note: To scroll up and down the list, hold down the middle mouse-button whilst dragging the scroll bar.

3. Selecting a study set
  1. Directly below the “Patients” panel, there is a panel titled “Study sets”. Go to it.
  2. Select the entry “1” by left clicking on it.
4. Entering export information
  1. To the right of the previous two panels there is panel for entering treatment information. Go to it.
  2. The box to the right of the label “Patient name” contains the patient’s name. Delete the patient’s name and replace it with the TROG RADAR patient number.
  3. Enter your name in the box to the right of the label “Writer”.
  4. Enter ‘1’ in the box to the right of the label “Case #”.
  5. Click on the box titled “Submission” and select “Final”.

Note: To enter information in a box the mouse cursor must be over that box.

5. Entering plan information
  1. In the bottom left of the screen there is a panel containing plan information. Go to it.
  2. Go to the sub panel “Plan ID” and select the plan to export from the list”.

Note: For version 4.3.1 users, under “Plan ID”, plans are numbered as you have saved them in XiO (i.e. 1 = Phase 1, 2 = Phase 2, 3 = Combined phases), not the Plan ID you opened them in “Plan Review”.

  1. Enter the number of fractions for phase 1 in the box to the right of the label “#Tx”.
  2. Highlight the box titled “Beams”.
  3. Highlight the box titled “Doses”.
  4. Click the button titled “Add to List”. Notice that the first treatment phase has been added.
  5. For every phase APART from the combined phase, repeat steps ii to vi for that phase number.
  6. Go to the sub panel “Plan ID” and select the combined phase (“3” in a 2 phase treatment) from the list.
  7. Enter ‘0’ in the box to the right of the label “#Tx”.
  8. Highlight ONLY the box titled “DVHs”.
  9. Click the button titled “Add to List”.
6. Entering structure information
  1. In the top right of the screen there is a panel containing structure information. Go to it.
  2. Click the button titled “Select all”.
7. Exporting RTOG information
  1. Below the structure panel, there is a panel containing export options. Go to it.
  2. Highlight the box titled “Scans”.
  3. Make sure the box titled “Structs” is highlighted.
  4. Make sure the box titled “Plans” is highlighted.
  5. Click on the box titled “Submit Method” and select “NET”.
  6. Double check that all steps have been carried out correctly and then click the button titled “Submit”.

Note: If there is no network link to the ATC (most centres won’t have a link), an error will come up saying “~FOCUS/.netrc does not exist or is not readable. FTP file submission failed. No mail is being sent.” Ignore this message at is bears no relevance to our goal.

8. Returning to the welcome screen

  1. Click the button titled “Quit”.

FTP Instructions

The previously exported RTOG data needs to be transferred to a computer with a CD burner on it. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) provides a good method of file transfer. This series of instructions is the most complicated in this document and it’s recommended that a systems administrator provide help until the process is familiar.

Firstly, make sure that you are using the computer with the CD burner! The IP address of the planning computer is needed in the following steps. This is described in Initial Tasks.

1. Opening the command prompt

  1. Click the “Start” button in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select “Run…” from the menu. A dialogue will pop up.
  3. In the box to the left of the label “Open”, type ‘cmd’.
  4. Click the “OK” button. The command prompt will pop up.

Note: Some computers may not have “Run…” as a menu-item. If this is the case, open the directory C:\%SystemRoot%\System32 via My Computer or Windows Explorer. When this is done, double-click the file called “cmd.exe”.

2. Making an FTP connection

  1. To make a connection to the planning computer type “ftp” followed by a space and the IP address. For example, if the IP address was, then type “ftp”.
  2. Type in the username and password (for the planning machine) when prompted.

3. Changing the transfer mode to binary

  1. To change to binary mode, type “binary”.

4. Transferring the RTOG information

  1. Change the current directory to the export directory by typing “cd” followed by a space and the full path of the directory. For example, if the patient ID was A0000001 and the planning machine was running FOCUS, type:
  2. “cd /FOCUS/rtp1/1/rtog/submit/A0000001_aapm”.
  3. Check that the current working directory is correct, by typing “pwd”.
  4. Transfer the files by typing “mget *.tar.Z”. Press “Y” to start the transfer.
  5. The file(s) have now been copied to the local hard disk under C:\.
  6. Close the FTP session by typing “bye”.
  7. Close the Command Prompt by typing “exit”.

Tasks To Complete Before Burning

The tasks listed below MUST be completed before the RTOG data is burnt to CD, as otherwise the files won’t be able to be read.

Extracting the compressed RTOG information

  1. Open up WinZip. (Done via the “Start” menu.)
  2. Click on the “Open” button.
  3. Click on the pop down menu to the right of the “Look in:” label, and select “Local disk (C:)”. (Assuming that the location of transferred RTOG information is C:\).
  4. Click on the pop down menu to the right of the “Files of type:” label, and select “All archives”.
  5. Select the file with the extension “.tar.Z” and click “Open”.
  6. Click the “Yes” button when the question dialogue box pops up.
  7. Click the “Extract” button.
  8. Set the “Extract to:” location as “C:” and click the “Extract” button.

The extraction process is complete. Close WinZip.

Burning Instructions

The only files that should be burnt to CD are the files like so: aapm0000, aapm0001, aapm0002, etc. (Any other files should be deleted – including the *.tar.Z file). After the files have been burnt, the files should be placed in a unique temporary storage directory (we recommend the directory be named using the patient’s TROG ID number). The files should remain like so until confirmation has been received from the reference centre that files are intact. Make sure a computer running Windows is used for burning the CD.