Park School Site Council Minutes

November 7, 2016

I.Call to Order: School Site Council was called to order at 3:43 by School Site

Council Chair Ana Haskins.

II.Approval of the Agenda and SSC Minutes: The Minutes for 10/3/16 were approved.


An updated copy of the ByLaws for Park School Site Council was given to the

Council members. These ByLaws were approved 9/12/16.

III.Introduction of new SSC members and alternate: The new members are Paul Fung,

Sandra Cruz and Michael Sepulveda ( alternate).

IV.Special Election of SSC Officers: A motion was made to hold a special election

to elect the following officers for SSC. Gasca/Burnett Motion passed.

A motion was made to accept the vote of the Park School Staff to elect

Myriame Steep to fulfill the role of other staff on SSC

Gasca/Ibsen Motion passed.

V.Principal’s Report: Park School Principal Dr. Molina-Solis gave her report.

●The LCAP Expo was held at SGHS on 10/29/16 and 7 Park School Staff members attended and shared with the community some of Park School’s achievements.

●There will be upcoming LCAP meetings with students, staff and parents in late November.

VI. ELAC Report:Myriame Steep shared information from the last ELAC meeting.

●There was and EL Needs Assessment taken and the results of 7 questions were tallied and shared. All parents of English Learners are invited and encouraged to complete the survey.

●The CELDT is changing and will be implemented soon.

●There were resources shared with parents that could be used at home.

●A Title I meeting was held on 10/11/16.

VII.SSC Needs Assessment:

All members went through statements relating to SSC and rated them on a scale of 1-5.

VIII.Tier II and ST Intervention Update: There was discussion about iRead and beginning of a

plan for its use as an intervention tool for grades TK to 2nd. This is a computerized access

program for foundation skills.

There was also discussion of the use of Acellus for Tier 2 Intervention and using some of the

licenses of grades 3-5 for grades 6 to 8..

A motion was made to allow flexibility to use the 3 to 5 grade licenses for grades 6 to 8 if there

is a need. Steep/Burnett Motion passed.

IX.SPSA-Review of Expenditures: Our current 2016/17 site allocation and expenditures were

reviewed and discussed with some suggestions and adjustments made. The following were

Items discussed.

●Decision to add additional $500.00 to the supplies allocation.

●Allocate funds for Reader’s Workshop classroom library for each teacher. This would be for 32 teachers and equal $16,000.

●Decision to use the remaining budget for technology upgrades. This equals approximately $46,000. Some ideas include a chrome cart for 6th grade, some Chromebooks for Special Ed., some additional iPads, and some headphones. There was also some discussion about trying to purchase 2 Chrome carts but there was concern about the cost and it was decided to table the technology part to a later date.

A motion was made to accept the $16,000 for the purchase of books for classroom libraries for

Reader’s Workshop and to add $500 to the supplies and to purchase one Chrome Cart for

Approximately $36,000. Fung/Burnett Motion passed.

X.How SSC will monitor SPSA and a review of data & recommendations for 2016/17:

School Plan handouts related to Involvement and governance and Goal 1 for English

Language Arts and Reading were given to SSC members but because of time, these will be

discussed at the next SSC meeting. A calendar of upcoming SSC meetings for 2016/17 was

also distributed. Next meeting will be on Monday, December 5, 2016.

XI.Adjournment: There was a motion to adjourn at 4:57 pm. Molina-Solis/Haskins

Respectfully submitted by Marie Ibsen, Park School Site Council Secretary

Approved 12/5/2016