/ VLS EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM / If you have questions, please contact:
Matthew McGovern
Director of Experiential Learning
Villanova University
Charles Widger School of Law


1. Please enter your full name.


2. What is the name of the office where you externed? Note: For judicial externships, enter the name of the judge and the court where the judge sits.


3. Please enter the full name of the attorney who supervised your work.


4. Please describe the assignments and tasks that you were given.


5. Please describe any assignments you expected to encounter but did not.


6. How was your workload?

a. Too heavy

b. Comfortable

c. Too light

d. Uneven

Answer: _____

7. Please enter any additional comments you would like to make about your workload.


8. How many hours a week did you spend working with your supervisor?


9. It was difficult for me to get assignments.

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree nor Disagree

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

f. Not applicable

Answer: _____

10. Please explain your answer to the last question.


11. My supervisor gave me clear directions when assigning work.

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree nor Disagree

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

f. Not applicable

Answer: _____

12. Please explain your answer to the last question.


13. My supervisor was available to answer my questions while I was working on my assignments.

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree nor Disagree

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

f. Not applicable

Answer: _____

14. Please explain your answer to the last question.


15. My supervisor gave me constructive feedback on assignments that I completed.

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree nor Disagree

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

f. Not applicable

Answer: _____

16. Please explain your answer to the last question.


17. Select each skill that you believe you improved on as a result of this externship.

a. Client Interviewing and Counseling

b. Legal Writing

c. Legal Drafting

d. Legal Research

e. Analytical

f. Fact Gathering

g. Advocacy

h. Organization

i. Prioritization

j. Time Management

k. Listening

l. Judgment

Answers: ______

18. Please discuss any other skills that you developed in this externship.


19. I would recommend this externship to someone else.

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neither Agree nor Disagree

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

f. Not applicable

Answer: _____

20. What aspects of the classroom sessions enhanced the externship experience and what aspects did not?

21. Please describe any training or education you would recommend the Law School provide for future extern students.