Civil Rights and Social Change: Chapter 28.3, Chapter 29, Chapter 31. Chapter 33.3

NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 29 Civil Rights: Section 1 Taking on Segregation / 6.1.12.A.13.b: Analyze the effectiveness of national legislation, policies, and Supreme Court decisions (i.e., the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the Equal Rights Amendment, Title VII, Title IX, Affirmative Action, Brown v. Board of Education, and Roe v. Wade) in promoting civil liberties and equal opportunities
6.1.12.C.13.a: Explain how individuals and organizations used economic measures (e.g., the Montgomery Bus Boycott, sit downs, etc.) as weapons in the struggle for civil and human right / WALThe Civil Rights movement marked a period of social turmoil and political reform, resulting in the expansion of rights and opportunities for individuals and groups previously discriminated against
WALThat activism and a series of Supreme Court decisions advanced equal rights for African-Americans in the 1950s and 1960s
WALThat Landmark S. C. decisions beginning in 1954 have guaranteed civil rights for Americans today / 1.  Explain how legalized segregation deprived African Americans of their rights as citizens. (Read The Segregation System)
2.  Summarize civil rights legal activity and the response to the Plessy and Brown cases. (Read Challenging Segregation in Court, Reaction tot the Brown Decision)
3. Trace Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights activities, beginning with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. (Read Dr. King and SCLC)
4.  Describe the expansion of the civil rights movement. (Read The Movement Spreads)
Define and Identify on a key terms worksheet Thurgood Marshall, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, sit in / ¨  Read 29.1 The Americans pages 854-863 (Online 906-913)
¨  Complete Formative Section Assessment for 29.1
¨  Take Notes while reading: (OPTIONAL)
ÿ  Complete Guided Reading Chapter 29 Section 1
ÿ  Complete an Outline using proper format (for example: Roman numerals, indentation and Arabic numbers)
ÿ  Create notes using an audio summary from classzone
ÿ  Write a summary using Objectives 1-4. One paragraph per objective
ÿ  Fill in bulleted points for each objective-to the left
¨  Define and Identify Key Terms on a Key Terms Worksheet in order to complete an Key Terms Quiz for CH 29, 28.3 (The Great Society)
¨  View a PPT Presentation of an overview of the Civil Rights Movement and take notes
¨  View map of School Segregation and research to discover when New Jersey schools became integrated (desegregated)
¨  Complete Political Cartoon Activity and respond to a set of response questions. (Written Response WKST)
¨  Examine the details of the Plessy v Furguson; Brown v the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Supreme Court Cases using Textbook Summaries
¨  View segments of the film, Eyes on the Prize and take notes (Who What, When Where Why?) on each event.
¨  Utilize handout Cicero: Civil Rights Movement Timeline in order to complete a timeline and Map Activity of Civil Rights Hot Spots
¨  Read excerpts of “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” and analyze the importance of MLK Jr. as a role model of civil disobedience (Written Response WKST)
¨  Class Discussion: Are WE segregated?
¨  Utilize Facts on File Worksheets: Major Events 1950-1959, 1960-1969; Landmark Civil Rights Legislation, 1959-1965; African-American Civil Rights: Protest and Unrest; African-American Civil Rights: Major Court Decisions
¨  OPTIONAL: Complete DBQ: Civil Rights (DBQ Practice Book #1)
NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 29 Civil Rights: Section 2 The Triumphs of a Crusade / 6.1.12.A.13.a: Analyze the effectiveness of the New Jersey Constitution of 1947, New Jersey Supreme Court decisions (i.e., Hedgepeth and Williams v. Trenton Board of Education), and New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (i.e., P.L. 1945, c.169) in eliminating segregation and discrimination
6.1.12.C.13.a: Explain how individuals and organizations used economic measures (e.g., the Montgomery Bus Boycott, sit downs, etc.) as weapons in the struggle for civil and human rights.
6.1.12.D.13.a: Determine the impetus for the Civil Rights Movement, and explain why national governmental actions were needed to ensure civil rights for African Americans / WALThat Civil Rights activists broke through racial barriers, promoting landmark legislation
WALThat Activism pushed for the federal government to end segregation and ensure the voting rights for African Americans / 5.  Identify the goal of the freedom riders. (Read Riding to Freedom)
6.  Explain how civil rights activism forced President Kennedy to act against segregation. (Read Standing Firm)
7.  State the motives of the 1963 March on Washington. (Read Marching on Washington)
8.  Describe the tactics tried by civil rights organizations to secure passage of the Voting Rights Act. (Read Fighting for Voting Rights)
Define and Identify on a key terms worksheet Freedom Riders, James Meredith, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Freedom Summer, Robert Moses, Fannie Lou Hamer, Voting Rights Act of 1965 / ¨  Read 29.2 The Americans pages 864-870 (Online 916-922)
¨  Complete Formative Section Assessment for 29.2
¨  Take Notes while reading: (OPTIONAL)
ÿ  Complete Guided Reading Chapter 29 Section 2
ÿ  Complete an Outline using proper format (for example: Roman numerals, indentation and Arabic numbers)
ÿ  Create notes using an audio summary from classzone
ÿ  Write a summary using Objectives 5-8. One paragraph per objective
ÿ  Fill in bulleted points for each objective-to the left
¨  View and analyze MLK’s “I Have a Dream Speech” in order to understand its role as the most important speech on American equality, and compare the content and style with that of John Lewis’ Speech given on the same day.
¨  Utilize handout Cicero: Civil Rights Movement Timeline in order to complete a timeline and Map Activity of Civil Rights Hot Spots
¨  Utilize the History Channel Link to review key components of the Civil Rights Movement:
¨  Read the following article and react:
NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 28 The New Frontier and The Great Society: Section 3 The Great Society / Determine the effectiveness of social legislation that was enacted to end poverty in the 1960s and today
6.1.12.A.14.b: Analyze how the Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution to define the rights of the individual, and evaluate the impact on public policies / WALThat Lyndon Johnson’s liberal domestic policy was a continuation of The New Frontier and the ew/Fair Deal, and solidified the Democratic platform
WALThat Reforms made in the 1960s have had a long lasting effect on the American justice system by increasing the rights of minorities
WALTWhat were LBJ’s goals in creating The Great Society? (racial injustice, equal opportunity, poverty) What pieces of legislation / 9.  Describe the political path that led Johnson to the White House. (Read Johnson’s Path to Power)
10.  Explain Johnson's efforts to enact a domestic agenda. (Read Johnson’s Domestic Agenda)
11.  Summarize the goals of Johnson's Great Society. (Read Building the Great Society)
12.  Identify the reforms of the Warren Court. (Read Reform of the Warren Court)
13.  Evaluate the impact of Great Society programs. (Read Impact of the Great Society)
Define and Identify on a key terms worksheet Lyndon B. Johnson, Economic Opportunity Act, Great Society, Medicare and Medicaid, Immigration Act of 1965, Warren Court, reapportionment, Miranda Rights / ¨  Read 28.3 The Americans pages 843-851 (Online 892-899)
¨  Complete Formative Section Assessment for 28.3
¨  Take notes on 28.3 (optional)
¨  Complete Guided Reading Chapter 28 Section 3
¨  Complete an Outline using proper format (for example: Roman numerals, indentation and Arabic numbers)
¨  Create notes using an audio summary from classzone
¨  Write a summary using Objectives 9-13. One paragraph per objective
¨  Fill in bulleted points for each objective-to the left
¨  View segments of The Presidents: LBJ and complete a set of focus questions
¨  Utilize the Great Society Chart into Notebooks (847) online 986, to create a chart diagramming successes and failures of LBJ’s Great Society- compare to the JFK’s New Frontier
¨  Research and Create a Graphic Organizer of Major Warren Court Decisions utilizing the website
¨  Evaluate the textbook for bias/segregation of topics
¨  Utilize Facts on File: The New Frontier and the Great Society
NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation:
We Are Learning: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 29 Civil Rights: Section 3 Challenges and Changes in the Movement / 6.1.12.D.13.b: Compare and contrast the leadership and ideology of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement, and evaluate their legacies / WALThat Disagreements among civil rights groups and the rise of black nationalism created a violent period in the fight for civil rights
WALThat From the fight for equality came a resurgence of Racial Pride for African Americans, a legacy which influences today’s generation / 14.  Compare segregation in the North with segregation in the South. (Read African Americans Seek Greater Equality)
15.  Identify the leaders who shaped the Black Power movement. (Read New Leaders Voice Discontent)
16.  Describe the reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Read 1968: A Turning Point in Civil Rights)
17.  Summarize the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. (Read Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement)
Define and Identify on a key terms worksheet de facto segregation, de jure segregation, Malcolm X, Nation of Islam, Stokely Carmichael, Black Power, Black Panthers, Kerner Commission, Civil Rights Act of 1968 / ¨  Read 29.3 The Americans pages 871-879 (Online 923-929)
¨  Complete Formative Section Assessment for 29.3
¨  Take notes on 29.3 (optional)
¨  Complete Guided Reading Chapter 29 Section 3
¨  Complete an Outline using proper format (for example: Roman numerals, indentation and Arabic numbers)
¨  Create notes using an audio summary from classzone
¨  Write a summary using Objectives 14-17. One paragraph per objective
¨  Fill in bulleted points for each objective-to the left
¨  Create a T-chart of de jure and de facto segregation (Written Response WKST)
¨  Read Civil Rights Leaders: MLK and Malcolm X. Complete a Venn Diagram of the different ideologies of MLK and Malcolm X (Civil Rights Review WKST); Conduct Research and compare the similarities to Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois; UNIA v NAACP with that of Malcolm X and MLK.
¨  Read Malcolm X’s Ballot or the Bullet Speech explain Malcolm X’s political philosophy (Written Response WKST)
¨  OPTIONAL: Conduct a (debate) scored discussion to determine the most important Civil Rights Historical Leader
¨  Read American History Review (1968 Textbook) and discuss bias in the language. Compare with The Americans
¨  Read and Summarize The Black Panther Party 10 Point Plan. What famous American Document is invoked? (Written Response WKST)
¨  View RFK Announces MLK’s Death How does the crowd react. What does RFK implore the crowd to do?
¨  Complete Civil Rights Review Sheet
¨  Utilize Facts on File: The Assassinations of the Kennedys, King and Malcolm X
¨  OPTIONAL: Read the article and view the video segment on the New Jersey/Rutgers Reaction to the social and political change of the 19060s
NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation:
We Are Learning: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 31 An Era of Social Change: Section 1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality / 6.1.12.D.13.c: Analyze the successes and failures of women’s rights organizations, the American Indian Movement, and La Raza in their pursuit of civil rights and equal opportunities. / WALThat Latinos and Native Americans confronted injustices the 1960s
WALThat Campaigns for civil rights and economic justice won better representation and opportunity for Latinos and Native Americans / 18.  Describe the growth and diversity of the Latino population in the United States during the 1960s. (Read The Latinos Presence Grows)
19.  Summarize the efforts of Latinos to secure civil rights and respect for their cultural heritage. (Read Latinos Fight for Change)
20.  Explain the efforts of Native Americans to secure reforms in government policies. (Read Native Americans Struggle for Equality)
Define and Identify on a key terms worksheet Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, La Raza Unida, American Indian Movement / ¨  Read 31.1 The Americans pages 918-927 (Online 974-979)
¨  Complete Formative Section Assessment for 31.1
¨  Take notes on 31.1 (optional)
¨  Complete Guided Reading Chapter 31 Section 1
¨  Complete an Outline using proper format (for example: Roman numerals, indentation and Arabic numbers)
¨  Create notes using an audio summary from classzone
¨  Write a summary using Objectives 18-20. One paragraph per objective
¨  Fill in bulleted points for each objective-to the left
¨  Compose a series of If…Then statements which address the effects of the social movements of the 1960s
¨  CH 31 Tiered Word Banks
¨  Compose a series (at least 3) of If…Then statements which address the effects of the social movements of the 1960s, include the impact of minority groups other than the mainstream African American Civil Rights movement. (Written Response WKST)
¨  Investigate the following link and discuss how LBJ reacted to the Longoria Incident.
¨  Utilize Facts on File: Cesar Chavez and the Chicano Movement; Facts on File: Asian-American Youth and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; Facts on File: The American Indian Movement and Native American Civil Rights
NJCCCS: / Learning Expectation:
We Are Learning: / Objectives: Students are responsible for being able to: / Activities:
Students will be asked to:
Chapter 31 An Era of Social Change: Section .2 Women Fight for Equality / 6.1.12.D.13.c: Analyze the successes and failures of women’s rights organizations, the American Indian Movement, and La Raza in their pursuit of civil rights and equal opportunities
6.1.12.D.13.f: Relate the changing role of women in the labor force to changes in family structure.