Library Lesson Template

Grade Level: First Grade and/or Kindergarten

Organizing Idea: General Activity for Beginning of the Year

Title/Subject: Introduce library etiquette

Time Frame: 15 minutes

Objectives: Students will learn library manners such as walking feet, quiet voices and using shelf markers.

Library Skills:

A. Reading Literacy
1. / Listen attentively, critically, and purposefully to stories and other texts read aloud


110.3.b.1.A / Determine the purpose(s) for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate (K-3)
110.3.b.1.C / Participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions (K-3)

Materials: book The Shelf Elf by Jackie Mims Hopkins

Shelf Elf doll and Shelf Elf bookmarks purchased from Highsmith


  1. Introduce Skoob our library shelf elf.
  2. Tell students that Skoob is the word “books” spelled backwards.
  3. Read the book The Shelf Elf.
  4. Review library etiquette that Skoob has taught us from his library etiquette book.
  5. Tell students that etiquette means manners.
  6. Sing “The Shelf Marker Song” to the tune of “The Hokey Pokey”.
  7. Display Skoob on circulation desk or around the library and tell students that Skoob will be watching throughout the year to see if they are using library etiquette.

Shelf Marker Song: (tune of Hokey Pokey)

You put your shelf marker in.

(Put right hand and arm forward.)

You pull a book right out.

(Pull right hand and arm back.)

You look through the pages,

To see what it’s about.

(Touch sides of hands together like an open book. Left hand closes on top of right hand and then back open like you are turning the pages of the book.)

You do the bookey lookey,

And you see if it’s just right.

(Continue to hold hands like an open book.)

That’s what it’s all about!

(Slap hands on thighs twice, clap hands twice, open hands on the word “about.”)

You do the bookey lookey,

(Hold hands in the air and shake them like the hand motion in the Hokey Pokey.)

You do the bookey lookey,

(Repeat, shaking hands in the air.)

You do the bookey lookey.

(Repeat, shaking hands in the air.)

That’s what it’s all about!

(Slap thighs twice, clap twice, open hands on the word “about.”)

Evaluation: Have students state some of our library manners. Remind them about Skoob and his library etiquette throughout the year when needed.


Submitted by Denel Adkins