This week’ speaker is Scott McCaffrey
Scott McCaffrey has been editor of the Sun Gazette newspaper group since 1997, and through his career has worked in various capacities at newspapers in Florida, South Carolina and West Virginia, as well as in the Old Dominion. The Sun Gazette chain has papers that cover Arlington and Fairfax counties, with sister papers covering Loudoun County and Virginia's Hunt Country. As an editor, McCaffrey believes that news outlets serve two key resources: First, being a watchdog, and second, serving as a community gathering place where news and views can be shared in a civil and honest manner. In the community, Scott is active in the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, where he has served as vice chairman for government affairs and economic development, and is active in a number of community and civic groups. He has served on a number of community task forces, including the Arlington bicentennial commission, the Arlington “Complete Count” census task force and the Local Emergency Planning Committee. A resident of Arlington for the past 20 years and a homeowner in Shirlington for more than a decade, he understands that the growth Arlington has seen brings both positive impacts as well as challenges, and enjoys chronicling them for the community
Last week
Hugh Barton, Hugh Heishman, Steve Klemp, Ward DeGroot, Shannon Owens, Linda Valentino & Tahiya Morgante had a very informative tour of the Arlington Career Center followed by a box lunch prepared by students at the Center.
Important upcoming dates are
22 Jan - John Richardson of the Arlington Historical Society
29 Jan - Speaker to be announced
26 Mar - Spring Luncheon (location to be decided)
23 Apr - AREF Banquet Fundraiser at China Garden (in lieu of regular lunch)
25 Jun - Installation dinner (location to be decided)
The Numbers from Monte Carlo Night are Finally In!
The final profit numbers are
· Arlington - $5,001.08 (about $1,000 of which is earmarked for scholarships)
· Dunn Loring - $18,144.20
· McLean - $13,171.82
· Tysons – $11,054.62
Total profit to all Rotary Clubs from the event was $47,371.72
Despite higher expenses this is still the most money the event has made since 2010.
For comparison here are the numbers for the past three years:
· 2013 - $35,826
· 2012 - $31,952
· 2011 - $45,885