Daphne project: 2003-143








6. Core problem – Stalking

Stalking can be defined as a whole of repeated intrusive behaviours of surveillance and control, pursuit of contacts and communication creating annoyance, preoccupation and fear in the victim, with repeated harassment often associated with threats and violence (in some contexts: over 60 percent). Such phenomenon falls under a “pathology” of communication and relationship even when the personological and /or psychological features of the stalker seem to be totally determinant.

The study conducted on stalking analyses the problem from the side of the victim, her suffering and the impact that such form of violence may have on her physical and psychic health in terms of limitation of movements, fear and the need for specific interventions. Handling of the problem by means of investigations carried out by operators who are more likely to identify it, not only allows for contact with the victims but also may improve the knowledge and capacity of the operators to recognize the phenomenon with consequent positive effects on the interventions in favour of victims. As a result, the negative impact of stalking on the health of women and their family could be easily limited.

7. Response of the Project

7.1Specific objectives of the Project

The Project is specifically aimed at promoting the cognition of the phenomenon among the operators and helping professions entering in contact with the victims of stalking, in a view to improve the possibility of interventions and approach both in terms of legal and health support.

7.2Origin and Preparation of the Project

The Project derives from investigations on stalking conducted in primary data banks, supported by evidences from clinical cases and confrontation with health and legal operators and the associations for the protection and defense of women.

7.3Project beneficiaries

All women aged from 18 to 65.

7.4Destination groups

-Health personnel.




-Welfare officers

-Organizations for the protection and defence of womens’ rights

7.5Actors of the Project/ Partners of the Project

J.H Kamphuis, Ph D. Ass. Prof. Clinical Evaluation at the Program of Clinical Psychology – AmsterdamUniversity.

Author of empiric researches on stalking published on international reviews.

International Consultant for the Association “Violence against Women”-

Percentage of activity in the Project : 15%

David V. James

Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychiatry

Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences

Royal Free and UniversityCollege – School of Medicine - University of London;

International expert in the research on stalking published on Lancet 2000.

Percentage of activity in the Project: 15%

G. Vervaeke

Full Professor in Methodology of Research in Psycology and Law - Faculty of Law – CatholicUniversity – Leuven- B – His fields of research involve conceptualization and operationalization of crime and safety.

Percentage of activity in the Project: 15%

Administration of the Province of Modena – Councillorship at Work, Social and Family Policies, Associationism, Voluntary Organizations and Immigration.

Municipality of Modena.

Department of Mental Health of the Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Modena (Local Health Service) – National Health Service;

Association Women and Justice, free service of legal and psychological assistance for women victims of violence; Phone Line “Ascolto Donna”;

Unione Donne Italiane (UDI Rete) (Italian Women Union) - Association for the defence of the rights of women in the family and the society.

Associazione Differenza Maternità (Association for Motherhood Difference); Association for the promotion of health and welfare of women through all their life phases, with particular respect to motherhood.

7.6 Innovative unpublished elements

The Project is particularly innovative as it copes with a phenomenon scarsely known and dealt with in the EEC notwithstanding the existence of studies which, though numerically limited, demonstrate the broad spreading of the problem at all levels, with a prevalence of female victims, often suffering severe consequences from the duration of stalking and from the transitory and/or permanent limitations and changes ensued in their life. Furthermore, the lack of specific rules (except in some countries) is another aspect which makes more difficult to organize interventions to support and protect directly the victims. These deficiencies also involve the area of the authors and the treatment options available. The problem acquires then a specific connotation as, in most cases, the phenomenon becomes evident between ex partners or in a context of home violence where one of the partners does not accept the decisions of the other to interrupt their relationship.

7.7. European added value

The Project involves the partners from the very beginning of its formulation; the interviews with the several categories of operators in the different countries are expected to favour the cognition of the phenomenon and the setting up of interventions implemented through the exchange of diverse experiences. This goal will not only constitute the conclusive step of the Project, but will also represent the initial phase of work when indicators of common interest and strategies to proceed with in the activities of sensibilization and formation as resulting from the Project will be set up. The achievement of a better knowledge and the setting of indicators useful to approach the victims by the operators interviewed in the countries involved in the Project, apart from being useful to schedule specific interventions, may represent a ground of knowledge easily exportable in other member states, utilizable for the same purposes.

7.8 Risks and predictable difficulties.

The difficulties which may arise during the implementation of the Project are connected with the survey and the contextualization of the phenomenon to an extended dimension embodying diverse cultural conditions; however, an adequate methodology of survey, formerly agreed upon since its preparatory stage, aimed both at the subjects of destination and at the beneficiaries of the survey, together with the clinical experience and the specific knowledge of the partners should limit and solve this occurence.

7.9 Favourable external factors.

The daily socio-political commitment of the Institutions (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities) and non-institutional Agencies (Organizations for the protection and defense of womens’ rights) and the interest in the Project by the representatives of the different professional categories.

8. Project Implementation

8.1 Approach , methodology.

The survey tools will be represented by case vignettes in which the typical stories of stalking (case vignettes) described will be completed with a questionnaire related to the following areas : recognition – knowledge of the phenomenon; actions to put on place or suggest; risk of violence.

8.2 Activities implemented, means used.

1. Updating of available bibliography, functional for drafting the questionnaire through confrontation and exchange of comments among the different partners (1 month);

2. Qualitative analysis of pilote interviews on stalking to representatives of diverse categories of helping professions (family doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social officers) (1 month);

3. Joint drafting of the questionnaire; translation by the partners in the language of each country participating to the Project (2 months).

4. Contacts with the diverse categories of operators concerned with the survey; presentation of the Project in the different countries to agree upon the modalities of distribution, delivery and collection to start with the drafting of the questionnaire (1 month).

5. Delivery of the questionnaire (1 month).

6. Collection of questionnaires, analysis of results and related comments in each country; transmission of the questionnaires to the Project Coordinator for final analysis.

Identification of cognitive and intervention deficiencies, if any, and related comments in respect of European conditions and those of each country involved (2 months).

7. Planning of sensibilization and formation strategies; information to the professional categories involved for the purpose to also reach other associations and institutional agencies likely to take advantage from the Pproject (1 month).

8. Organization of meetings/seminars including divulgation and description of the Project; disclosure of results at the intermediate and final phases (20 days).

9. Organization of a final congress to follow in parallel the Project from the beginning.

8.3Organization, implementation procedures.

The Project partners will jointly take care of drafting a questionnaire with regard to the different conditions for its circulation, under the control and following the indications of the Coordinator who shall keep into due account any suggestion and comment trasmitted to him within the terms and the timing agreed upon. Each participant shall take care of the translation of the questionnaire in his own country and shall maintain the contacts with the Organizations and professional Associations the questionnaire will be addressed to. The participants are committed to disclose the knowledge acquired through the Project in their own country; for this purpose, an intermediate seminar to be attended by at least one member of the other partner countries will be organized accordingly.

The final scientific aspect of the results and their circulation will be performed by the Coordinator on behalf of all participants.

The associated partners have been involved in the operation from the very first steps of the Project. They shall cooperate to the drafting of the questionnaire and the review of the results also on behalf of the associations representing the victims of violence; similarly, they shall analyse the interventions and possible deficiencies that may arise during the interviews at the ASL (Local Health Services) of Modena. As to the other associated partners, they will contribute to make use and disclose the results obtained to the widest range of possible users thus favouring prevention of violence related or connected to stalking.

8.4Implementation Calendar

8.5 Profile of the Project Leader

Luberto Salvatore, born 02.12.1939 in Cosenza, Italian national, graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in neuropsychiatry, forensic and insurance medicine; languages spoken: Italian, English.

Experience: since 1975, Auxiliary Professor of Forensic Medicine then senior registrar until 1982; Associated Professor of Forensic Medicine until 1990, then Full Professor of Criminology at the Faculty of Law; University of Modena and Reggio; since 2002 Full Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. Coordinator of a Research Doctorate in Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry Sciences until 1997. Today, Director of Specialization Schools in Crime Clinic and Forensic Medicine. Also Chairman of the Graduation Course in Law and Penitentiary Sciences a the Faculty of Law of University of Modena and Reggio. In these capacities, he coordinated operative activities in the prevention of deviant behaviours, thus forming skilled operators in this field through cooperations with law and territorial structures. The main targets of this last activity are better identified in the setting up of guide lines and intervention protocoles in the field of violence prevention. In February 2002, he took part to the first seminars held in Italy on stalking, jointly cooperating with foreign lecturers to the organization of a seminar held in Modena. He was lecturer at the National Congress in Rome on the same subject. A publication on stalking with his contribution is now being released.

Ultima frase non tradotta in quanto sorpassata dagli eventi !

B. Predictable results

1. Predictable results

The main results to be expected from the Project are:

  1. a wider knowledge of the phenomenon through a proper identification of possible deficiencies in the activities of intervention related to health necessities and the valorization of approaches that may have proved to be to be more promising and qualifying.
  2. Sensibilization and formation of all categories of operators involved in the Project.
  3. Identification of other categories of operators likely to be interested in the Project.
  4. Preparation and editing of a book with the results of the surveys.
  5. Opening of a web site to divulge all information connected with this Project, its developments and news.
  6. A CD rom containing the findings of the Project.

The above actions will produce benefits for women victims of stalking as a result of a major information on the phenomenon. Equally important are the benefits obtained by a more accurate activity of prevention and intervention expected from both the subjects formed and sensibilized and any other subject likely to further contribute to the success of the project. Additional prevention and specific interventions should guarantee more protection to women victims of stalking, thus limiting the negative impact of this phenomenon on health.

2. Utilisation and circulation of results

The results outcoming from the Project will be utilized in different directions. Their circulation is to take place within the academic and non – universital field, and within the external institutions and organizations concerned with the Project. Two cycles of initiatives will be provided for, to take place respectively in the intermediate and final phases of the Project. The intermediate phase is to coincide with the return of the questionnaires and their preliminary processing. During this first phase, public confrontation among partners will be organized to evaluate the results of the investigations conducted in parallel in their respective countries. The target of reference will be represented principally by the categories interviewed during the surveys and the territorial operators (Family Organizations, Family Consulting Services, MedicalCenters). In each of the partner countries educational information will be imparted to both students/postgraduated doctors and operators in order to provide the necessary tools to deal with the phenomenon and adequately support the victims. During this first phase, attention will be given to reach the public and stimulate a contributive participation to the development of the Project. The first phase is also aimed at encouraging confrontation among the members of the social networks who are daily faced with the different aspects of the phenomenon with the purpose to generate a system of local communication lasting beyond the actual life of the Project. This prospect should guarantee complete response to the phenomenon by providing integrated support to the victim as well as adequate cares for stalkers.

In the last ultimate phase, coinciding with the end of the Project, two seminars will be held for the purpose to disclose the findings of the surveys, respectively in the Countries of the partner organizations. The final Convention to be held in Modena will disclose the final results of the works and establish the guide lines for the utlization of the tools identified.

3. Project evaluation procedure.

3.1 Internal monitoring of the Project during implementation

Internal monitoring of the project will be secured by the Coordinator. The Coordinator will check with his home staff, on the basis of a fortnight calendar, the status of the works, their progress, the problems, if any, encountered and the solutions to adopt. The Coordinator will supervise the works of the external partners via e-mail and phone; he will also appoint a referee for each partner involved in the Project. The person responsible for internal evaluation shall also periodically release intermediate reports to all collaborators for feedback, advices and comments on the activities implemented or in progress.

A final evaluation will be produced at the end of the works along with a comprehensive report of the works requesting comments, integrations and modifications as needed.

3.2 Project Monitoring and Assessment

The Project will be followed by an external activity of monitoring entrusted to a subject with the necessary experience in the field under survey as well as in Project Management . A first evaluation report on the status of the Project is planned at the intermediate phase following the extrapolation of preliminary issues from the questionnaires in view of their further processing and interpretation. Such assessment will raise critical comments on the progress of the Project and the results achieved and/or to be achieved thus acting as a checking procedure of the status of the project to also correctly direct future developments. A second evaluation report will be released when organizing the circulation of the final results. Sensibilization and formation of the helping professions identified as the final users will take place accordingly to provide adequate means for an effective prevention of violence.

3. Term /sustainability of results

The Project represents the initial phase of a further commitment towards women victims of stalking to promote knowlege and consisting interventions by the helping professions . The activity of information, sensibilization and formation promoted by the Project, in guiding all operators to approach the problem, would seem to provide positive long term effects in terms of prevention for the victims of stalking. The results of the survey will represent the starting point to organize formation cycles and successive actions of sensibilization, thereby enabling a deeper knowledge of the phenomenon by the associated partners engaged in fighting violence against women. During the Project, the social, health and territorial systems activated by the partners will become the privileged referees for all updated information meant to increase the capacity of response and prevention of violence connected with stalking.

3.4 Visibility

The support of the EEC is to be mentioned in all pubblications. The relevant logo is also to be affixed on all documents used in any correspondance and when circulating the different papers (letterhead, interviews, seminar works etc.) as a first measure to guarantee immediate visibility to the Project. The reputation of the applicant and of the partners involved in the project will enable them to promote the knowledge of the results and the methods adopted or implemented in terms of visibility.

A particular contribution to the visibility of the EEC fundings raises from the innovative features of the Project and from the representatives of the helping professions involved therein. Additional elements of visibility will be represented by all public initiatives connected with the presentation of the Project and its results during which special reference to the EEC support and the Daphne Program will always be mentioned , bearing in mind the EEC policy in favor of the lower ranks, namely women. adolescents and children victims of violence.

Daphne project: 2003-143