Tour groups, military and civilian, are welcome. There are a few rules we ask you to employ.

1.  Large groups who wish to tour Fort Bragg, to include the JFK and the 82d Museums, must first contact the Fort Bragg Garrison, Public Affairs Office - Mr. Frank Hanan 910-643-2741. Some of these requests are then handled by Ms. Vicky Lee 910-396-5401 or Mike Gaziano 910-396-8015.

2.  Groups coming by bus or vans will stop at the All-American Visitor Center for access.

3.  Foreign visitors will be issued passes at the All-American Visitor Center. All documentation must be in order in order to get a temporary pass to visit the museum.

4.  School groups/scout troops.

  1. Boy scout/girl scout groups who wish go through the National Visiting Youth Program should contact Ms. Gudrun Blackmon National Visiting Youth Program Coordinator 910-396-1270. All other scout troops visiting Fort Bragg who are not escorted by a CAC carrying escort, must check in at the All-American Visitor’s Center.
  1. We primarily support the training of military personnel; consequently, we ask that all groups book prior to their visit to ensure there isn’t a conflict between booked tours and your visit.
  1. Due to the size of our facility, groups should be no more than 50. If a group is large enough to be in more than one bus, please coordinate with the 82nd Museum 910-432-5307 to effect a flip-flop of tours. While one bus is at one museum, the other bus is at the other museum and then they switch.
  1. Please allow between 45 minutes to an hour for the visit.
  1. To book a tour, please provide the following information: date and time requested; a point of contact with telephone number and e-mail, the name of the group, the number in the group.
  1. We do have a gift shop. For school groups, please assign a monitor to limit the number of students in the gift shop to 10 at a time.

5.  We do not have any videos or theater.

6.  Photographs can be taken.

7.  If you are going to be late, or early, please call!! If there is a tour later than 20 minutes and has not contacted us, we will assume it has been cancelled.