We hope you have enjoyed your stay in Family Housing. The following checklist has been prepared to assist you in the check-out process.
We will check out the apartment after you have turned in your keys. You do not need to be present when we check your apartment. If you would like to be present at the checkout, you must schedule a checkout at least two business days in advance of your departure by calling Housing Reservations (509-335–4577). Appointments are scheduled between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You must be ready to turn in your keys and leave the apartment when your scheduled checkout takes place. If you schedule your checkout prior to the time you will be leaving, you will be assessed a $25 return charge as we will need to return and complete the checkout when the apartment has been completely vacated and all keys have been returned.
Return all door, laundry, mail keys & parking permits. Keys should be given to the custodial supervisor at your check-out or, if you do not have a check-out appointment, returned directly to the Housing Reservations Office in Streit-Perham. (Do NOT return keys to your apartment coordinator’s box!)If the Housing Reservations Office is closed, remove one of the key envelopes from the envelope box attached to the Key Return Box outside the Housing Services entrance at Streit-Perham. Seal your keys and parking permits in the completed envelope and drop the envelope in the box. You are responsible for rent until the keys are received by the Custodial Supervisor or Housing Reservations.
Change your address on the university address system. This can be done by accessing your address on the university kiosk terminals or, and updating your address records. Kiosks are located in the Housing Reservations Office and Payroll Offices.This address is used by WSU Housing to return your security deposit. If you need assistance changing your address, please contact Payroll Services, French Administration Bldg. Room 236, 509-335-9575.
Complete a change of address card at the US Post Office on South Grand or online at
Notify Avista to discontinue electrical service. (1-800-227-9187) –(Valleycrest does not do this)
Thoroughly clean apartment. (Directions for cleaning are on the back of this page.) You will be charged if extra time must be spent preparing the apartment for the incoming tenant. Damage, cleaning, and miscellaneous charges are deducted from your security deposit. The Custodial Supervisor will give reasons for deductions at time of check-out. Charges that exceed the amount of your security deposit will be billed to you.
All cable modems, splitters and connecting cables are the property of WSU. All equipment and material are to remain in the apartment that it has been assigned. Do not move or transfer your cable to another location or you will be charged.
Your entire monthly rent amount will be charged for your final month. Rent for partial months will be adjusted during the checkout process. If you have recently paid using a credit card, your refund (security deposit less any cleaning or damage charges and unpaid rent) will be refunded directly to that credit card. If you have paid with cash or check, your refund will be processed through student accounts. If you have a balance due on your student account, the deposit will be credited first towards the balance due and then refunded. Deposits refunded will be mailed to the mailing address currently listed for you on the university address system.
Clean out kitchen cupboards and under sink. Be sure to pull out and clean the breadboard
Stove (range)
- Remove food and burnt items under burners.
- The stove burners, oven racks, and oven interior must be thoroughly cleaned.
- Wipe off enamel with lukewarm water and sudsy ammonia.
- For Steptoe ranges, follow self-cleaning instructions. If your self-cleaning oven is not working, call maintenance and have it repaired prior to your departure.
Defrost Freezer/Clean Refrigerator – leave on 1.
Clean tile and shower stalls.
Clean toilet bowl, sink and bathtub with a suitable cleaner.
Medicine cabinet should be cleaned out and washed down with water and sudsy ammonia solution.
Thoroughly vacuum upholstered furniture with special attention to areas under loose cushions.
Wipe off chairs, tables and desks.
Vacuum mattresses on both sides.
Open and wash out ALL drawers.
Wash all walls with Mr. Clean or another ammonia based product. Wipe walls from bottom and move upward toward the ceiling.
Clean and mop floors. DO NOT WAX.
Vacuum carpets thoroughly.
Wash inside of windows with a mild solution of sudsy ammonia in water or a suitable window cleaner.
Remember to clean all items out of storage areas and to sweep them out. Items remaining in storage will be considered abandoned and disposed of.
Remove all trash and cleaning supplies from apartment and dispose of it all in the proper manner.
Anything found inside apartment or storage area will be considered "unwanted" and will be disposed of by the Housing staff. Costs for hauling trash or for removing items left in storage will be assessed to your account.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns regarding specific cleaning procedures, please contact Housing Custodial Services at509-335-6460. Our staff will be happy to speak with you.