Wildlife & Fishing Award Points List

Points will be awarded for activities that promote and educate good wildlife habitat and good fish habitat.

Posters and displays to be eligible for points must be entered in the Craig County Fair.

This form is due August 20th to be eligible to receive this award.

Wildlife Project:

Juniors - Total of 50 points possible for each of the following:

______1. A collection of fifteen (15) different kinds of plants that provide food or cover for wildlife

______2. Scrapbook of Oklahoma wildlife

______3. Exhibits of the tracks of eight (8) wild animals or birds

______4. Self-determined Exhibit

Seniors - Total of 50 points possible for each of the following:

______1. A collection of thirty (30) plants known to provide food & cover

______2. Evaluation of an Oklahoma habitat type

______3. Self-determined Exhibit

Fish Project:

Juniors - Total of 70 points possible for each of the following:

______1. Display board showing steps in tying one (1) kind offish knot used in tying lines

______2. Notebook describing habits and appearance of five (5) fish found in Oklahoma

______3. Display of five (5) member assembled lure

______4. Self-determined fish project

Seniors - Total of 70 points possible for each of the following:

______1. Notebook describing habits and appearance of ten (10) fish found in Oklahoma

______2. Display of five (5) fishing flies tied by the exhibitor

______3. Display of five (5) fishing lures

______4. Self-determined fish project

Junior and/or Senior Age 9 - 19:

Educational Display on - A total of 200 points possible for the following:

______1. Desirable fish habitat for different species of fish and how to evaluate the habitat.

______2. Identification of locations that different fish inhabit.

Workshop - A total of 300 points possible for the following:

______1. Hands on demonstration to evaluate a water habitat for the desirable environment for fish by determining:

______A. Food Source

______B. Cover

______C, Water quality

______D. Oxygen

______E. Other

______A total of 500 points possible for:

High school graduate , fist year in college, has a major of wildlife management, fisheries, game warden, or biologist, must present class transcript as proof of major.