World History 1 –Final Exam Study Guide

Essay Questions (Choose three)

A. Explain the class system in ancient India. How did religion play into it?

B. What factors contributed to the demise of the RomanRepublic? How did it all play out?

C. How is the historical method used when studying the life of Jesus?

D. What three schools of thought existed in early Christianity as regards obligations of the Gentiles to be part of the faith? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these views?

E. What is the difference between Theraveda and Mahayana Buddhism?

F. Describe the Chinese philosophy of legalism. What might be the advantages and dangers of a state run like this?

G. How did the Emperor Constantine change the relationship between the Roman government and Christianity?

H. Describe the Hebrew Biblical system of covenants.

I. Compare and contrast Confucian ideas on human nature with Christian ideas. Are humans inclined towards good or evil? Are some people better than others? How should people be kept in line?

J. Discuss and compare the great philosophers of world history.

K. What were the causes of the First Crusade, and how was it marketed to the people of Europe?

Timeline of Important Events

2.3 million years agoFirst humans appear

6000 BCECatal Hoyuk built

3100 BCEThe rise of Sumer. First evidences of writing. Narmer unites Egypt.

2700 BCEGilgamesh reigns in Uruk

2500 BCEOldest cities built in IndusRiver valley (Harappan civilization)

2350 BCESargon of Akkad creates Akkadian Empire

2200 BCEXia dynasty founded in China by Yu the Great

2000 BCEMinoan civilization appears on Crete

2000-1500 BCEAryans move into India

1766 BCEShang dynasty founded in China

1628 BCEVolcano erupts on Strongphyle (Thera)

1500 BCERise of Mycenaeans

1482 BCEThutmose III defeats Canaanites in Battle of Megiddo

1207 BCEMerneptah composes Merneptah Stela (first mention of Israel)

1200 BCETrojan War

1175 BCEPhilistines settle in Gaza Strip

1045 BCEBeginning of Zhou dynasty in China

980 BCESolomon builds Temple in Jerusalem

934 BCEIsrael and Judah split into two kingdoms

720 BCEAssyrians conquer northern kingdom of Israel

622 BCEJosiah of Judah begins religious reforms

586 BCEBabylonians conquer southern kingdom of Judah

563 BCESiddhartha Gautama born (Buddha)

551 BCEBirth of Confucius

539 BCECyrus the Great conquers Babylon, frees Jewish exiles

515 BCESecond Temple built in Jerusalem

509 BCEFounding of the RomanRepublic

490 BCEAthenians win Battle of Marathon against the Persians

399 BCETrial and execution of Socrates

387 BCEPlato founds Academy in Athens

331 BCEAlexander defeats Persians at Battle of Gaugamela

268-232 BCEReign of Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire in India

300 BCELao Tzu writes Tao Te Ching

300-200 BCEMahabharata and Ramayana completed in India

166-160 BCEMaccabean Revolt against Seleucids

141-87 BCEReign of Wu Di of the Han dynasty in China

44 BCEAssassination of Julius Caesar

27 BCE-14 CEReign of Augustus Caesar

6 CEBirth of Jesus

35-36 CEMinistry of Jesus

50-120 CEEarliest Christian writings, including the New Testament

70 CERomans destroy Jerusalem and its Temple

202 CEPerpetua martyred

300 CEBeginning of Mayan Empire

313 CEEdict of Milan. Christianity made legal under reign of Constantine (306-337)

325 CECouncil of Nicea

381 CEChristianity made official religion of the empire. Council of Constantinople.

476 CELast emperor in Rome deposed.

527-565 CEReign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian. (reconquers Italy 535-554)

570-632 CELife of Muhammad

622 CEDate of the Hijra (Muhammad’s flight to Medina)

645 CETaika Reform instituted in Japan

710 CEMuslims invade Spain

713-756 CEReign of Hsuan-tsung; cultural high point of Tang dynasty in China

768-814 CEReign of Charlemagne

800 CECharlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor

993-1059 CEHu Yüan revives Confucianism in China

1066 CEWilliam the Conqueror wins Battle of Hastings

1095 CEFirst Crusade begins

1180-1185 CEGenpei War in Japan. Minamoto clan victorious.

1206-1227 CEReign of Genghis Khan of the Mongols

1215 CEJohn of England signs Magna Carta


Know the following places:








Aachen (Aix)


Constantinople (Byzantium)














Mediterranean Sea

Black Sea

Red Sea

Aegean Sea




Jordan River

Yellow River
