2017-2018 Sports Premium Report
Total AllocatedTotal number of pupils on roll / 318
Total amount received / £ 18,710
Total amount spent / £ 18,990
Targets Set for 2017-2018 / Allocated Funds / Impact
To develop CPD opportunities for staff (inc. PE/Sports Manager)
- 1:1 subject manager meetings to develop the PE/Sports Manager in her role
- Ongoing sports leader training
- Annual lunchtime supervisor training
- Release time has enabled the PE/Sports Manager to organise school plans into a comprehensive scheme of work to support teaching and learning, thus allowing sustainability of previous monies spent on planning support. Teachers have a bank of resources that can now be used when teaching the PE curriculum.
- Sports leader training is updated regularly on an annual basis as pupils leave and new pupils are trained. Sports leaders manage active play at lunchtimes and take their role seriously initiating play situations.
- Lunchtime supervisors are trained in encouraging and facilitating active play, thus resulting in increased participation and engagement in physical activities.
To increase the amount of competitive sport via the funding of a sports leader to facilitate this
- To compete in at least 10 events this year
- To participate in the School Games
- The school has competed in the school games in Summer 17 and plans to continue this is in 2018.
- Competitive schools have included; Rounders (Y5 and 6, Y3 and 4), multi-skills (KS1), Indoor Athletics (Y3 and Y4), Walsall swimming gala (Y5 and Y6), Football (Y3 and Y4), Tag Rugby (Y5 and Y6). A total of 13 competitive events have been attended this year.
To provide specialist provision for identified sports activities
- To increase the amount of specialist teaching within the curriculum (Dance, Tae Kwon Do, Boxing and Yoga)
- To increase the range of activities within the curriculum (Tae Kwon Do, Boxing and Yoga)
£ 3,510 /
- Specialist teaching now exists for dance, and boxing. Tae-Kwondo was delivered during the Autumn term. Pupil voice is used to plan the specialist provision. As yet Yoga has not been introduced to supplement the PE curriculum.
- The PE curriculum now incorporates a range of sports including; boxing, ballet, contemporary dance and cheerleading. Pupils are given the opportunity to learn new and exciting sports and this increases their engagement in sport and the sports ‘diet’ of the pupils at Elmore Green.
To increase engagement in physical activity
- To facilitate active playgrounds
- To develop engagement in 30 minutes of physical activity in addition to curriculum PE
(outdoor Gym equipment KS2) /
- School has purchased playground gym equipment to encourage active play and lunchtimes. This will be fitted during Summer 2018
Meeting National Curriculum Requirements for Swimming and Water Safety
What percentage of current Year 6 pupils swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25m? / What percentage of current Year 6 pupils use a range of strokes effectively (e.g. front crawl, back crawl, backstroke and breaststroke ? / What percentage of current Year 6 pupils perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations ? / Has Primary PE and Sport Premium been used to fund additional provision for swimming ?
98 % / 50% / 98% / No