Meeting on Needs Assessment Challenges and Next Steps

12 March 2009, Geneva

Summary Note and Action Points

FINAL DRAFT (20 March 2009)

Humanitarian actorsconvened in Geneva on 12 March 2009 to discuss and agree on next steps in improving multi-sector needs assessment and forming a group to support this. Present at the meeting were representatives from: OCHA-DVPS (Chair); Cluster representatives, UN agencies,other international bodies, NGOs and NGO consortia, and one donor.(See Annex 1 – List of Participants).

The need for improving multi-sector needs assessment was broadly recognised among humanitarian actors present at the meeting. While the ‘what, when and how’ needs to be discussed in further details, all actors present emphasised the importance of a consultative, flexible and all inclusive process, in particular as regards non-UN partners, in order to generate ownership and ensure that outcomes are broadly representative.

There was wide support for establishing a Needs Assessment Group (NA Group) to work on improving multi-sector needs assessment. As a preliminary step, rather than having the full NA Group discuss and identify key challenges and tasks to be addressed, a smaller technical ‘Scoping Group’ would be convened to undertake this work. The Scoping Group would also provide suggestions on procedure and composition of the group, including frequency of meetings, participation, chairing arrangements, date for the next NA Group meeting,etc.

With the purpose of providing ideas for the Scoping Group to build upon, participants undertook a brainstorming exercise on (i) the scope, i.e. which major challenges and gaps within the field of needs assessment require concerted action and (ii) possible structure and composition of the group.

Scope, including possible key challenges and tasks, of the group:

The three working groups identified the following key suggestions for the Scoping Group to consider when drafting the ToR for the NA Group. This is a preliminary list for use by the Scoping Group, which would also build on already existing analytical work such as the mapping of assessment initiatives.Cross-cutting issues should be systematically mainstreamed in all activities undertaken by the group.

Technical support:

  • Strengthen preparedness and contingency planning, including defining and agreeing on the minimum pre-crisis information requirements per type of crisis and per cluster;
  • Address assessment gaps in the early onset phases;
  • Further refine and adopt ‘Proposed Framework for Assessment Following a Major Sudden-Onset Crisis’, covering the whole planning cycle;
  • On a cluster basis, identify information, tools and guidance for each emergency phase, which would improve comparability in measuring needs and severity across sectors, and ultimately across emergencies;
  • Develop and/or revise common standards, guidance, methodologies, procedures and tools for multi-sectoral needs assessment, while noting that some work can be done as a common/simultaneous manner, other is best done independently;
  • Map different analysis structures within and between clusters. Rather than focusing on the information gathering phase only, there should be more emphasis on the analysis phase, as the problem seldom is the gathering of information, but rather is trusting the information to other organisations;

Capacity building and responsibilities:

  • Map needs assessment capacities and responsibilities at the national, regional and global level;
  • Map Cluster activities and examining how the global level bests supports the field in addressing gaps at the national and regional level;


  • Provide more timely, systematic and evidence-based raw estimates of the approximate costs of providing humanitarian assistance, including to the CAPs and flash appeals;
  • Examine and map key donors funding cycle to better meet requests and enhance funding for early phases;


  • Establish linkages between response and early recovery;
  • Define reporting lines and accountability (upwards to the IASC or downwards to Clusters and agencies) of the group.

Process and composition of the NA Group:

It was stressed that the group’s composition should be inclusive and flexible, including the ACE Project (OCHA), Cluster and cross-cutting theme representatives, UN agencies, other international organisations (IFCR, ICRC, IOM) and NGOs. To best facilitate this, it was decided that focal points from all interested organisations should be identified as follows: Clustersand cross-cutting themes to identify their respective focal points; UN agencies and IFRC, ICRC and IOM to identify focal points within their respective organisations; and ICVA, SCHR and InterAction to identify NGOs. Academia and other technical experts would be consulted and may be engaged in the process when the scope of the Group has been agreed.

When discussing chairing arrangements, participants expressed general support for OCHA as a suitable chair, and for the possibility of having a co-chair or revolving-chair arrangement with another member of the participant of the group, potentially an NGO.

Action Points:

-OCHA to circulate a draft summary note including action points asap for feedback. [Feedback is requested no later than COB Thursday 19 March 2009.];

-The Scoping Group to convene for a ToR drafting retreat on 25 March 2009 to (i) discuss and identify tasks to be addressed by the group and (ii) further clarify process related issues such as participation, frequency of the meetings, chairpersonship, next meeting of the NA Group, etc.;

-Participation and identification of needs assessment focal points for both the NA Group and the Scoping Group: Clusters to identify focal points; UN agencies and IFRC, ICRC and IOM to identify focal points within their respective organisations, and ICVA, SCHR and InterAction to identify relevant and interested NGOs to engage in the process.

Annex I: List of Participants

Name / Title / Organisation / Project / Cluster / E-mail address / Land-line / Mobile
Alspach, Andrew / Information Management Officer / OCHA / / +41 79 444 00 47
Baker, Leila / Humanitarian Specialist / UNFPA / / +41 22 917 82 80 / +41 79 619 80 16
Blanc, Laurent / Logistics Officer / Logistics /
Damerell, John / Project manager / Sphere Project / IFRC / / +41 22 730 45 01 / +41 79 308 98 13
De Radigues, Xavier / Epidemiologist / HNTS /
Eling, Kim / Humanitarian Councillor / EC/ECHO / / +41 22 918 22 36 / +41 79 799 44 65
Esteban, Leon / Disaster and Post-Conflict Officer / UNHABITAT / / +41 22 917 87 57 / +41 79 504 08 35
Foran, Siobhán / Gender Advisor / GenCap (based at IOM) / Cross-cutting / / +41 22 717 9458 / +41 79 649 6649
Fung, Li / Human Rights Officer / OHCHR / / +41 22 928 96 80 / +41 77 251 18 10
Golaz, Anne / Senior Advisor on Health in Emergencies / UNICEF / / +41 22 909 58 36 / +41 79 248 97 18
Haan, Nick / Senior Technical Advisor / OCHA-ACE / / +254 733 616 882
Higgins, Nuran / FACT/RDRT Officer / IFRC / / +41 79 386 50 31
Hoskins, Alexis / Senior Advisor / OCHA-ACE / / +41 22 917 43 24
Johannsen, Louise / Ass. Humanitarian Affairs Officer / OCHA-ACE / / +41 22 917 18 43
Lawry-White, Simon / Chief of the IASC Secretariat / IASC Secretariat / / +41 22 917 31 94
Leahy, Myke / Ass. Humanitarian Affairs Officer / OCHA-HRSU / / +41 22 917 21 53
Lund, Jesper / Humanitarian Affairs Officer / OCHA (UNDAC) / / +41 22 917 17 83 / +41 79 417 41 66
MacLeod, Heather / Associate Director, Rapid Response Team / World Vision / / +41 22 79 841 83 / +41 79 712 55 98
Matheson, Lea / IOM / CCCM / / +41 22 717 93 26
McCluskey, Jean / WASH Emergencies Adviser, Global WASH Cluster Manager / UNICEF / WASH / / +41 22 909 56 16 / +41 79 212 73 77
Micheau, Pascale / Senior Technical Officer / OCHA-ACE / / +41 22 917 15 54
Nicolai, Susan / Save the Children / Education / / +41 22 919 20 02 / +41 78 623 79 24
Richards, Rebecca / Operations Management Logistics Officer / WFP / / +39 340 88 220 37
Roberson, Kimberly / Chief of Field Information Section / UNHCR / CCCM / / +41 22 739 78 04
Scott, Niels / Chief of the Disaster and Vulnerability Section / OCHA / / +41 22 917 35 18
Thomas, Manisha / Policy Officer / ICVA / / +41 22 950 96 00 / +41 79 253 58 11
Tomar, Bhupinder / Disaster Preparedness Advisor / IFRC / bhupinder@ / +41 22 730 45 75 / +41 79 251 80 07
White, Robert / Deputy Director / ACT / / +41 22 791 60 47 / +41 79 857 53 34
Wolf, Veronika / Ass. Humanitarian Affaire Officer / OCHA /
Zagaria, Nevio / Cluster Coordinator / WHO / Health /
Zapater, Joseph / Senor Protection Officer / UNHCR / Protection / / +41 22 739 89 18 / +41 79 723 22 30