ART 2 Chapter 17: ITALY 1500-1600

  1. How did the status of the visual artist change during the High Renaissance? What was the reason for this?
  1. What dates are generally accepted as the span of the high Renaissance? What qualities characterize this period?
  1. Who were the major patrons in Rome during the High Renaissance?
  1. Why is the term classicism applied to the architecture of the period?
  1. Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper is the first classic statement of the High Renaissance. Describe the work and explain what qualities it shares with Early Italian Renaissance painting and in what ways it goes beyond.
  1. In what ways did Leonardo break with traditional imagery in the Last Supper?
  1. What is sfumato?
  1. How is Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks innovative?
  1. What was the favored compositional device of the High Renaissance?
  1. From where or who did Raphael draw most of his inspiration for his paintings? Describe.
  1. What is a Pieta? Describe Michelangelo’s sculpture of this theme.
  2. Describe Michelangelo’s portrayal of David. How is it similar to and different from earlier version? What did Michelangelo emphasize in his version?
  1. What is the subject matter and theme of Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
  1. Describe Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam. Who are the figures of God and Adam based on and what symbolism is present in the scene?
  1. What project was Michelangelo’s Moses originally intended for? Describe the sculpture.
  1. How did Michelangelo’s style change with his Last Judgment painting in the Sistine Chapel?
  1. What was Michelangelo’s last project for Pope Paul III?
  1. It has been said that Raphael resurrected the Greek art of painting through his ability to reconcile the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, which work of art would this apply to? Describe and explain why?
  1. Who designed the Tempietto and why was it built on a specific spot? Describe its design.
  1. Why was the central-plan church considered appropriate as a religious structure?
  1. How did Andrea Palladio impact Renaissance architecture?
  1. How is Palladio’s classicism apparent in the Villa Rotunda?
  1. How was the work of the Venetian artists different from their counterparts in Rome? What were their contributions to the Renaissance?
  1. Describe Titian’s Venus of Urbino. What did Titian establish with this work?
  1. Compare and Contrast Tintoretto’s Last Supper with Leonardo’s. What elements are strikingly different? What style does Tintoretto anticipate?
  1. What was Correggio’s contribution to the Renaissance?
  1. Where and when did Mannerism emerge as a stylistic movement?
  1. Who were the major Mannerist artists? What characteristics did much of their work have in common?