Article 5

Academic Achievement Plans

What is the Purpose of the AAP?

-to provide a roadmap to student achievement and success
Can the AAP conflict with the language of the CBA?

No. The AAP may not conflict with any language in CBA unless approved by CTU president and CEO (CBA p. 14)

What is the function of the Core Planning Team (AAP Team)?

-to develop, review/modify annually the AAP

Who is on Core Planning Team?

Building principal(no designee)
CTU chapter chair (no designee)
Parent of a child attending the school
3-5classroom teachers
May also invite others

How is the Core Planning Team selected?

CTU members elected biennially
Parent selected by SPO

How are CTU members compensated for being on the Core Planning Team?

CTU members paid at in-service rate for 5 hours in spring and 3 hours in fall
Payment made following approval of AAP in fall

How is the AAP written?

AAP written by Core Planning Team developed on template developed and approved by CMSD/CTU committee
-it includes academic goals, related goals and budget

-also may define any supplemental professional development to be provided to school employees and may require attendance at such professional development

What is the timeline for the AAP?

-Timeline for Spring draft

-presented to bargaining unit members by May 15

-voting completed no later than May 23

-70% of members voting must approve the AAP

-submitted to Chief Academic Officer May 24

-if rejected it must be returned to Core Planning Team with written reasons for rejection for review and revision

-CEO and CTU President notified

-final approval must be by last Bargaining Unit Member working day in June

-Timeline for final draft

-presented to bargaining unit members no later than September 15

-voting completed no later than September 23

-70% of members voting must approve the AAP

-submitted to Chief Academic Officer September 24

-if rejected it must be returned to Core Planning Team with written reasons for rejection for review and revision

-CEO and CTU President notified

-final approval must be by September 30

-there shall be no more than 2 votes on an AAP modification or revision during the calendar year (excluding the initial spring and fall vote

-timelines may be modified by the mutual agreement of the CEO and CTU President

What happens if the Plan is not approved?

-if a school fails to present an AAP that is satisfactory to the Chief Academic officer, then the CAO and CTU President will meet with the staff; if after the meeting the AAP is still not satisfactory to the CAO or is not approved by the members then the CAO and CTU President will mutually agree on the AAP to be implemented at the school