Summary of Legacy Lasallian Meeting of December 1, 2017

Four Legacy Lasallians met with Maryann Donohue Lynch at the DENA headquarters at 10:00 AM in Eatontown, NJ on December 1, 2017.

Present were Anna Tufano, Marianne Sheehan, Pam Turzo and Ray Ricci.

Following an opening prayer, Maryann reminded the group of the Superior General’s message in “Living the Promise of the 39th General Chapter.” The challenge is to create structures that support the idea of inviting lay persons into the Lasallian mission. Discussion on this point followed.

The meeting’s main focus was to come to a decision on objectives the group hopes to accomplish by September, 2018 and to agree on action steps toward their achievement.

Generating greater awareness of the Legacy Lasallian associative group has been an on-going concern. In addition to supporting each other and nurturing our vocational call by being a presence when needed in our local area, the group’s main goal for 2018 is to increase awareness of the Legacy Lasallian associative group. With that in mind, a letter to chief administrators drafted by three Legacy members was approved. The letter, to be mailed in January, will describe the group’s purpose and activities and will ask for the names and contact information — preferably email addresses — of faculty and staff who have retired over the last five years. The request to chief administrators will have a mid-February response date. In late February, the level of responses will be reviewed for possible follow up. By March, we hope to have a working list of recent retirees who will then be sent a questionnaire. The survey is intended to measure interest in activities organized under the general rubric of faith, service and community. Feedback from the survey will inform the development of future programs and agenda.

On other business, the group accepted the recommendation that the Pam Walker Book Club’s next reading will be Living Gently in a Violent World by Stanley Hauerwas and Jean Vanier. The date for discussion of this reading is January 29. In addition, other titles for possible future readings were offered. Finally, Maryann reminded us of dates for annual retreats in 2018.

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ray Ricci