·  DUE Friday 2/7/14: Book 1

·  DUE THURSDAY 2/13/14: Books 2 & 3

·  DUE Friday 2/21/14: Books 4 & 5

·  DUE THURSDAY 2/27/14: Books 6 & 7

·  DUE Friday 3/7/14: Books 8 & 9



Augustine wrote his Confessions as a type of autobiography addressed to God. Yet, though it was evident that this work was addressed to His Creator, he also intended others to read it – thus why it is called the, “Confessions.” Remember that Augustine portrayed three types of confessions in this great work…

1. Confession of Praise to God

2. Confessing his sins (and God’s forgiveness of them)

3. Confessing his beliefs

Your assignment:

After the example of St. Augustine, write your OWN “Confessions.” Now, don’t panic – I’m not trying to ask you to give me a detailed account of your personal sins. Rather, this is how we’ll do it:

Your “Confessions” will be divided into THREE books (6 pages total). You should:

1. Use double-spaced typing

2. 12 pt. font (Times New Roman or similar)

3. No big gaping spaces between paragraphs.

4. Normal set for margins

5. Add a title page. “The Confessions of ______.”

6. Pictures from your life (for extra credit)

Book 1:

Meditate on the story of your childhood – the history of your life up until now. Then write at least two pages explaining how God worked in your life in order to bring you to where you are today. Remember to address this to God as you write it. After the style of Augustine, you also should praise Him, thank Him and ask Him questions about your life up until this point. You may also use Scripture quotes, as did Augustine, to help clarify your thoughts! Also, you may wish to compare some aspects of your life to Augustine’s.

Book 2:

Contemplate the nature of God’s forgiveness in your live. How has he changed you spiritually to grow closer to Him? Write at least two pages reflecting on the role of God’s forgiveness and mercy in your life. Please do not feel that you have to give a detailed account of your sin(s). I have enough trauma working on my own – I don’t need to add yours to the pile! HA! But, do focus on God’s forgiveness. What role has it played in your life and those dearest to you? Were there any turning points in your life where you were touched by God in a special way and now are closer to him? Were there times…or is it now…when you felt far from Him? Again, thank, praise and question him about the role of his forgiveness in your life. You may also use Scripture quotes, as did Augustine, to help clarify your thoughts! You may also want to compare some aspects of your spiritual life to Augustine’s.

Book 3:

In this section, write two pages contemplating your faith. Where are you in your faith life? What is it that you believe? What is it that you struggle with the most? Do you see any contradictions in your faith? (Remember – Augustine loved to contemplate contradictions!) Ask God for an increase in the gift of faith. Again, thank, praise and question him about the gift of faith in your life. You may also use Scripture quotes, as did Augustine, to help clarify your thoughts! You may also want to compare some aspects of your faith journey to Augustine’s.

THIS WILL BE DUE BY TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 at 11:59 PM! Yes, you can email it to me.