ECCP Newsletter / N°8 – 3 November 2006
European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine
ECCP coordination

- Agenda

- 4-07/11/06: ECCP will participate in the EuroMed Civil Forum in Marrakech – (See Programme in Newsletter n°6)
- 9-16/11/06: 4th International Week against the Apartheid Wall
- 16-19/11/06: ECCP will attend the International Meeting in Beirut in support of the Resistance (See Programme)
- 29/11/06: UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
- 02/12/06: ECCP Meeting in Brussels - 13-15/12/06: PCHR Conference “If not now, when?” Protecting Palestinian Civilians (See Conference Briefing)
- December 06: ECCP mission to Palestine and Israel
- 20-25/01/07: ECCP will participate in the WSF in Nairobi
In view of the political sub-committee within the framework of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, read:
--ECCP letter to the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states, to Javier Solana
and Benita Ferrero-Waldner
--Action for Peace letter to Massimo D’Alema, Patrizia Sentinelli and Ugo Intini
--Nederlands Palestina Komitee letter to B. Bot
(See Attachments)
Members Activities
- Association Belgo-Palestinienne - «Journée internationale des Nations Unies pour les droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien» - 25/11/06 - Belgium
«A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des Nations Unies pour les droits
inaliénables du peuple palestinien, l’Association belgo-palestinienne a le plaisir de vous inviter à une journée de solidarité avec le peuple…»
See Attachment
Members Activities
- Association France Palestine Solidarité – «Un vice-premier ministre d’extrême droite en Israël: la communauté internationale bien silencieuse...» - 02/11/06 - France
«Chef du parti d’extrême droite «Israël Beiténou», Avidgor Lieberman est devenu vice-Premier ministre et ministre pour les «Affaires stratégiques» du gouvernement israélien. Le Parlement israélien a approuvé cette nomination lundi 30 octobre…»
See Article
Members Activities
- The Norwegian Association of NGO's for Palestine – “Norwegian Social Forum: BDS at the core of Palestine solidarity“ – Stop The Wall – 29/10/06 – Norway
“The Norwegian Social Forum was held between the 19th to the 22nd of October in Oslo under the title of “The Globalization Conference”. Around 1750 people attended over 60 meetings and seminars…”
See Article
News from Palestine/Israel
- AIC - “Palestinian Farmers under Severe Hardship during the Olive Harvest: a Call for Solidarity” - Ahmad Jaradat – 02/11/06
“During the first day that Palestinian farmers headed to their orchards to pick olives, several were injured when they were attacked by a number of settlers from the Nablus area, especially near the Gilad settlement post…”
See Article
- B'Tselem - “B'Tselem Urges the Security Forces to Prepare for the Olive Harvest” - 29/10/06
“The olive harvest in most areas of the Occupied Territories began this week (29 October), following 'Eid al-Fitr. It will continue for about two months…”
See Article
News from Palestine/Israel
- AIDA - Urgent call to implement the ICJ advisory opinion on the Wall in the OccupiedPalestinian Territories – 01/11/06
“Jerusalem (9 November 2006) November 9 commemorates the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and today, the undersigned international aid organizations express their alarm at the continuing construction of the Wall in the occupied Palestinian territory and the misery it is causing the Palestinian people…”
See Attachment
News from Palestine/Israel
- “Interview: Yehuda Shaul of Breaking the Silence” - Christopher Brown - The Electronic Intifada -1/11/06
”Standing at 6'1, with strong build, a full beard, and long dark hair, Yehuda Shaul seems like an unassuming young man. Wearing dark cargo pants, and a long-sleeved blue shirt, he paces back and forth taking in the whole room. It's hard to notice at first but his blue velvet kippa (skull cap) rests easily on his head…”
See Article
News from Palestine/Israel
- “A divided house, and divided lives, in Jerusalem” - Luke Baker – Reuters– 30/10/06
“Jerusalem, Oct 30 (Reuters) - If they look out of their windows, Fawzia al-Kurd and Bryna Segal share the same view from the same house across the rooftops of East Jerusalem. But that's where their shared vision ends. Kurd, a 54-year-old Palestinian, raised her five children in the house, which sits half-way up a hill in Sheikh Jarrah, one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Arab East Jerusalem…”
See Article
News from Palestine/Israel
- “The Lovable Man?Lieberman and the Decline of Israeli Democracy” - Uri Avnery – Counter punch - 2/11/06
“In its original German form - Liebermann - the name means "lovable man". It is hard to imagine a name less appropriate for the new Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. He is not lovable, neither in his personality nor in his views - and that is the understatement of the year…”
See Article
News from Palestine/Israel
- “Go back to Madrid - Renewed Madrid peace process would align peace-seeking countries against fundamental Islam” - Eytan Bentsur – Ynetnews – 31/10/06
“The 15th anniversary of the Madrid Conference (October 30-November 1, 1991) should be a day of reckoning. When the peace process in the Middle East is in a quagmire, in abeyance with no light in sight, it is imperative to resort to the only proven, solid, promising process there is: The Madrid Process…”
See Article
- Palestinian Centre for Human Rights - forthcoming Conference – “If Not Now?' When? Protecting Palestinian Civilians” - 13-15/12/06 – Geneva
“To bring together International Human Rights Organisations, Regional Human Rights Organisations, Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Organisations, Key Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Human Rights Agencies, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC - Geneva), Swiss Parliamentarians, European Parliamentarians, International Palestinian Solidarity Groups, Human Rights Lawyers, Academics, Experts, Social Commentators and other key influencers and opinion shapers to formalise joint tactics and strategy to…”
See Presentation
- PNGO - Protest Letter sent to Mr. Heikki Hannikaine Finland Head of Mission to the Palestinian Authority – 01/11/06
“We, the signatories of this letter representing a number of Palestinian civil society organizations in the OccupiedPalestinianTerritories express our deepest concern and disappointment over the meeting held between Mr. Javier Solana/ EU Foreign Policy High Representative and the leader of the Israeli Yisrael Beitenu party, Avigdor Lieberman…”
See Attachment
- Diakonia launches a new website on international humanitarian lawin the occupied Palestinian territory – “Easy Guide to international humanitarian law in the occupied Palestinian territory” at
“Diakonia is a Swedish non-governmental organization, consisting of a global network of people, organizations and churches working towards more people living a life in dignity.From our regional office in Jerusalem we direct a program on International Humanitarian Law, which aims at increasing respect for and further implement IHL in Israel/Palestine
Available on the website, some important briefings from the latest IHL Forum -8th AIDA IHL Forum on 10/10/06
1 - Negotiations Support Unit – “Demographic Change through the Lens of Self-Determination” – Hala Rashed, Legal Advisor
2 - Badil – “Forced Displacement: Internally Displaced Persons and the Collaborative Response - Legal Concepts and International Mechanism” - Karine Mac Kallister, Coordination for Legal Advocacy
3 -Al Haq – “Deportation, Forcible Transfer, Assigned Residence and Ethnic Cleansing in International Humanitarian Law” - Marko Divac Oberg, Legal Researcher
See Presentations
- United Nations - “UN lays out function of office for Palestinians to claim damages from Israeli barrier” – UN News Centre – 27/10/06
“27 October 2006– The United Nations has established the institutional framework for a registry of damages incurred by Palestinians to their homes, business and agricultural holdings as result of Israel’s construction of a barrier in the OccupiedPalestinianTerritory…”
See Article – (Including the Report of the Secretary General pursuant to General Assembly resolution ES-10/15)
ECCP - quai du Commerce 9 - 1000 Brussels - Tel: +32 (0)2 217 59 95 - E-mail:

Rabab Khairy
Nizar Kabbany
Communication assistant
European Coordination of
Committees and Associations for Palestine
9, quai du Commerce
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 217 59 95
Fax: +32 (0)2 250 12 63