Staff Governance Committee Report to Grampian NHS Board
Committee Meeting on 19 March 2014
Purpose of Report
This report updates the Grampian NHS Board on key issues arising from the Committee meeting on 19 March 2014.
The Board is asked to note the following key points:
- Recruitment 2020
In order for NHS Grampian to attract, retain and develop a skilled and flexible workforce a number of innovative recruitment solutions will be progressed and reviewed in the next six months. These include executive search, social media, values based recruitment, engaging excluded/marginalised groups, national and international recruitment markets, remaining competitive, exit questionnaires, accommodation and departmental open days.
- National Staff Survey
The results were provided to Sectors along with both the Deputy Director of Workforce and Employee Director attending all local partnership forums to discuss the requirement to complete local monitoring forms on addressing staff survey outcomes. The next national survey will take place in autumn 2014.
- Performance of HR Service Centre (HRSC)
A comparison across NHS Scotland of the Payroll, Expenses and SSTS functions illustrated NHS Grampian in a favourable light. The Committee thanked Richard Morrison and his team for their hard work to achieve this performance.
- ePayroll update
The Committee was assured on the robustness and governance arrangements in the implementation of this national project.
- Staff Governance Action Plan
Progress against the staff governance action plan is continuing with additional recording of the achievement of objectives.
- Learning and Development
Performance on Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) appraisals and objective setting continues to be reported. Across NHS Grampian the overall Personal Development Plan (PDP) rate is increasing and there has been some improvement. However, it is still of concern given all staff should have an agreed PDP in relation to ongoing statutory and mandatory training. The overall rate for agreed objectives is disappointing and General Managers have been asked to work with their teams to ensure that reviews and objectives are signed off before 31 March 2014.
Using the AT-Learning system there has been on average 5,000 bookings per month for development activities. In addition, 79% of the staff responding to the staff survey said they received the required training.
There continues to be a comprehensive programme of leadership development and training for clinical and managerial staff at national and regional level across the North East Public sector, as well as within the Board.
Doctors at Work, which has been run in this format for four years, continues its success with 180 applicants in 2013, attracting applicants from Orkney, Shetland and outwith Scotland.
NHS Grampian continues to review current induction practices. There is a proposal to allow access to core skills induction information for all staff including locum medical staff and bank staff. The three areas of focus will be enabling staff, equipping staff and assessing the benefits of induction.
- Dignified Workplace
The results of the pilot have been fedback and a steering group has been set up to ensure issues are addressed in a timely and effective manner. The overall project encompasses a module in Datix that facilitates the collection, storage and analysis of both patient and staff experience, national staff survey results, revised Dignity at Work Policy, Staff Experience Person centred care workstream and national work on iMatter Staff experience.
- Attendance Management
Sickness absence continues to be 4.6% at the end of December 2013. This is an increase of 0.3% at the same period last year.There has been an increase nationallyin the levels of sickness absences and discussions are ongoing as to the reasons for this, including the implications of employing an ageing workforce.
Terry Mackie
Staff Governance Committee
19 March 2014