MINUTES–Retail Market Consultative Forum(RMCF)

DATE: / Friday, 17 October 2014
TIME: / 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM
LOCATION: / AEMOs Offices; Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide or Teleconference
Contact: /


Attendees / Company / AEMO office/ Teleconference
David Woods / SA Power Networks / Adelaide
Errol Murray / APA Group / Adelaide
Peter Ellis / AusNet Services / Melbourne
Greg Szot / Powercor / Melbourne
David Lipshut / Energy Reform Consulting Pty. Ltd. / Melbourne
Mohanraj Murugesan Kuppusamy / Jemena / Melbourne
Dianne Shields / Simply Energy / Melbourne
Sallie Proctor / Energy Australia / Melbourne
Peter Carruthers / Jarosite Consulting Pty Ltd / Melbourne
Stefanie Macri / Lumo / Melbourne
Alex Cruickshank / AGL / Melbourne
Paul Troughton / Enernoc / Melbourne
Charles Coulson / Metropolis / Melbourne
Mario Sousa / Ausgrid / Sydney
Hilary Priest / Pooled Energy / Sydney
David Grove / Origin / Sydney
Ty Crowhurst / TasNetworks / Teleconference


The following participants were in apology for the RMCF meeting:

  • Paul Dunn (AER)
  • Arun Wadhwa (Origin)
  • Mara Tenis (EA)
  • Peter van Loon (Powershop)

2. Confirm agenda

The agenda was confirmed with no further business added.


Terms of Reference (ToR) discussion

The revised RMCF ToR were discussed with participantsraisingthe following feedback:

  • That the objective needs to be re-worded to add clarity;
  • That the definition be refined, outlining where the B2B Procedures will sit going forward;
  • Clarify whether the RMCF is duel fuel.

AEMO noted that they would take the above feedback into consideration, and amend the draft RMCF ToR accordingly. AEMO to re-circulate the draft ToR to participants for consideration prior to the February RMCF meeting.(Action Item 2.3.1)

4. Collaborative Retail Working Group Report

The Collaborative Working Group Report was discussed with participants, with updates provided on:

  • B2B MSATS Reference Group (BMRG)
  • Gas Retail Consultative Forum (GRCF)
  • Information Exchange Committee (IEC)
  • Meter Data Provider Working Group (MDPWG)
  • Metering Services Working Group (MSWG)
  • Metrology Reference Group (MRG) – AEMO to circulate the Meter Testing Review paper to participants. (Action Item 2.4.1)
  • NSW/ACT Retail Gas Project (NARGP)
  • Retail Business Process Working Group (RBPWG)
  • Retail Market Operating Frameworks

5. Strategic Projects – Update

Oriel Mendoza (AEMO) gave a high level overview of the Strategic Projects (for both gas and electricity) covering off on the following topics:

  • Multiple Trading Relationships & Embedded Networks (MTR-EN)
  • Minimum Functionality & Shared Protocol (MF-SP) - AEMO to circulate finalised MF-SP working document to participants. (Action Item 2.5.1)
  • Hub Upgrade Project (HUP)
  • NSW and ACT Retail Gas Project (NARGP)

6. Power of Choice

Lee Brown (AEMO) walked participants through Power of Choicework stream noting the following highlights:

  • Power of Choice/ AEMC straw man meeting took place on Wednesday 26th November.
  • AEMC released two information papers – one relating to the extension of time for the draft determination of metering competition and the other relating directly to the timeframes associated with projects such as embedded networks and multiple trading relationships.
  • Customer Access to Data was discussed noting that AEMO are currently scoping the work including identifying how to engage with industry prior to the formal consultation process.

7. Retail Market Blueprint – Update

Violette Mouchaileh (AEMO) discussed the Retail Market Blueprintwith participants noting the following:

  • The Blueprint is being developed to ensure a holistic and proactive approach to Retail Market development and to inform investment decisions going forward both from an AEMO and a market participant perspective.
  • AEMO is looking to deliver discussions regarding the Retail Market Blueprint straw man over the coming weeks beginning with the Energy Leaders Forum on December 1, followed by a Retail Market Blueprint Workshop on December 8th.
  • AEMO agreed to circulate Retail Market Blueprint Workshop meeting pack to RMCF participants. (Action Item 2.7.1)

8.Other business

No additional business was added to the agenda.

9.Close and recap of matters arising

Action Item 2.3.1 / AEMO to re-circulate amended draft ToR to participants for consideration prior to the February RMCF meeting.
Action Item 2.4.1 / AEMO to circulate the Meter Testing Review paper to participants.
Action Item 2.5.1 / AEMO to circulate finalised MF-SP working document to participants.
Action Item 2.7.1 / AEMO agreed to circulate Retail Market Blueprint Workshop meeting pack to RMCF participants.