Mt. Jordan School Community Council Meeting-February 13, 2014

Members in Attendance: Denice Hyer, Lark Anderson, Jodee Esplin, Kenda Rose, Rebekah Cowdell, Molly Hart, Melissa Baker, Stephanie Yorgason and Trudy Cloward.

Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Council Chair, Denice Hyer.

Agenda was approved as read.

We have two members of the Council who still need to complete the Canyons District training for school community councils. They will do complete this by our next meeting in April.

Parents have expressed the need for increased communication of what is happening at the school. We hope to accomplish this by keeping the school’s website updated more often. The school produces a monthly newsletter that is sent home with the students. It is unlikely, though, that the parents are receiving these from their students.

Next Tuesday, the 18th, the school is having a showcase event for the parents and public. This is to inform them of the great things that are happening at Mt. Jordan and, hopefully, reduce the public’s poor reputation of the school.

Melissa Baker attended the meeting to field any questions or concerns from the parents about the counseling center.

Mt. Jordan, at its new location, has a cell tower. The school receives money from this. The Canyons District allows Principal Hart to spend this money, but requires approval through the school’s community council. There is $4,100.00 received this year from the cell tower. Dr. Hart made a motion to appropriate this money to purchase incentives for positive behavior. Stephanie made a motion to vote on this issue. Rebekah seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

We received notification that we have a surplus of 37,000.00 in the 2013-2014 budget. This money needs to be spent this year. The majority of our meeting was spent discussing multiple ways to spend this money.

It was decided that we will spend $4,000.00 on the I-XL math program.

We will spend $13,000.00 on teacher stipends for those teachers finishing the reading endorsement.

Dr. Hart received approval to have Ms. Snyder work on an hourly basis to tutor small groups in math. Her hourly salary is $45.00. We will budget $6,000.00 for her salary.

$6,600.00 will be used to buy iPad and Chromebook apps.

The remaining $24,000.00 money will be a carryover until the 2014-2015 school year budget.

All members of the community council were in favor of these budget allocations. Dr. Hart will submit an amendment to our current budget plan so it reflects these changes.

We discussed our budget plan for the 2014-2015 school year. The managers of the Trust Land Funds estimate we will receive $32,500.00 for this year. We plan to spend the money on the following:

$13,500.00 for an after-school Homework Lab

$6,000.00 for a lunch-hour Learning Lab

$2,000.00 for postage of the Academic Achievement Certificates

$10,000.00 for reading endorsement stipend

$3,500.00 for 17-hour aides

The meeting is adjourned at 7:40 pm until April 10, 2014.