How To File an Expense Report in BUworks

Business and Travel Expenses: As of February 2015, all faculty and staffmust use the Concur system in BUworksto claimbusiness and travel expenses. The Business and Travel Expense Formmay no longer be downloaded from the Accounts Payable website.

To access Concur:

Log on to BUworks( using the DUO security system, then click on the Employee Self-Service tab. Select “Travel and Expense Reimbursements”then “Manage Business Travel Arrangements and Reimbursements.” You will be prompted to log in again with your BU user name and password.

To create an Expense Report:

  1. Hover over the “+ New” box at the top of the screen and select “Start a report.”

PAGE ONE(Fields flagged with a red vertical bar must be filled in.)

  1. Report Name –This box will hold 33 characters. Please type: Your lastname,an abbreviation of the event (or what you purchased), andthe date you are submitting the report.
  1. Trip Purpose – Thisis a drop down box. Please select whatever is appropriate (or the closest option).The system was created with travel in mind, but it is used to reimburse all out-of-pocket expenses. Common answers in this field are Conference (airfare, ground transport, meals, fees), Local Meeting Expense (ex: snacks for a meeting, meals with candidates), Teaching (ex: books and other media, software), Group Travel (ex: class field trips), and Relocation (moving expenses).
  1. Travel Classification – Select “Domestic” for all expenses (whether travel- related or not), unless you traveled abroad, in which case select “International.”
  1. Cost Object – This is the account to which the expense will be charged. This field defaults to 120342000, the Writing Program’s operating account. Other possible cost objects are as follows:
  • If you are claiming CAS-funded conference/travel expenses, overwrite the WP’s cost object with cost object 1200510000 (CAS Research & Outreach).
  • If the expenses you are claiming were funded by the Academic Enhancement Fund, use cost object1200490000 (CAS Academic Enhancement Program).
  • If you are claiming search-related expenses (ex: meals with candidates, relocation costs), usecost object 1200500000 (CAS/GRS Recruiting).
  1. “Does this report charge a grant/sponsored program?” – The answer is NO.
  1. Traveler Type – This is a dropdown box. Select “Faculty.”
  1. Comment box – Add any pertinent notes about the item (helpful but not always necessary).
  1. Destination – Select “United States” for all expenses (whether travel-related or not), unless you traveled abroad, in which case indicate the country.
  1. Click on “Next.”

PAGE TWO(Fields flagged with a red vertical bar must be filled in.)

  1. Itemize your expenses – Start with the big box on the right. Look below at the six categories of “Expense Types” and click on the one that best describes your expense. This will cause the text box to populate.

NOTE: If you have a meal receipt, you must itemize the tip and anyalcohol purchased; if not, Accounts Payable will send it back to you. You must also list any attendees, other than yourself, and their titles (Lecturer, Professor, Director, etc.)

  1. Because“Vendor Name” is the fieldthat will map to the program’s financial reports, please add a descriptor after the vendor name. For example, instead of writing “CVS,” please write something like “CVS - cookies and beverages.”
  1. Business Purpose”- Please replicate here the text you used on PAGE ONE for Report Name.
  2. Upload your receiptas an individual PDF or JPG file (JPG photos of small receipts are acceptable). You can use the Concur phone app, a scanner, or simply save your email confirmations (airline receipts, Amazon receipts, etc.) as PDFs.
  1. Click on “Save” and continue with your second expense, if any, then your third and so on.Please note that if your funding is capped at a set amount, your total expenses may not exceed that amount.If, for example, you received $700 from the College to attend a conference, and you spent a combined $650 on airfare and lodging, any other receipts you may have may not exceed $50. This means that if you had a taxi receipt for $60, you would have to report it as a $50 expense, even though the receipt indicates $60.
  1. Submit – Afteryou have completed Steps 11-15 for each expense you are claiming, review all information entered then click on “Submit Report.”
  1. Save a PDF – To save a PDF of the report for your records (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED), hover over the “Expense” tab at the top of the screen and click on “Manage Expenses.” Click on the report you wish to PDF, find the “Print/Email” link above the report name, and click on “BU Detailed Report.”
  1. The REPORT KEY number is the one you want to write down for future reference, not the REPORT ID.