Executive Committee Minutes

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jacksonville, Fl

Call to Order:

The meeting of the Executive Committee of the Florida Chapter was called to order by President Rick Keeney at 3:00 p.m. with introductions of our Regional Director, Shelby LaSalle and Brian Van Norman, Director of Chapter Relations, of National APWA.

Roll Call of Voting Members:

President Rick Keeney Present

President-Elect Pat Overton Present

Vice President Karen Johnson Present

Secretary Althea Parrish Present

Treasurer Rebecca Ares Present

House Delegate Tony Leffin Present

Immediate Past President Mark Juliano Present

District No. 1 – Representative Roger Workman Present

District No. 2 – Representative Jon Yarbrough Present

District No. 3 – Representative Thomas Frisbie Present

District No. 4 – Representative Ed Hall Present

District No. 5 – Representative Paul Moore Present

District No. 6 – Representative Ernie Nelson Present

District No. 7 – Representative John Dunton Present

District No. 8 – Representative Dale Haas Present

District No. 9 – Representative Nicole Maxey Present

District No. 10 – Representative Wayne Schooley Present

District No. 11 – Representative Cheech DeCelles Present

MOTION: It was moved by House Delegate Tony Leffin and SECONDED by Chapter Treasurer Beck Ares to accept the February 2, 2008 minutes of the Executive Committee.


MOTION: It was moved by Dist. Rep Ed Hall and seconded by Dist. Rep. John Dunton to accept the treasures report. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.


President Rick Keeney gave his thanks to the Executive Board and all his committee chairs.

Discussion of the National Director at Large vacancy for the Transportation Committee appointees which includes Jeff Wilson and Sue Hann.

Jeff Wilson gives his credentials.

Regional Director Shelby LaSalle spoke of the position. Discussion follows.

MOTION: It was moved by Dist. Rep. Cheech DeCelles the Florida Chapter send letter of endorsement for Jeff Wilson and Sue Hann to be nominated to the National Director at Large for the Transportation Committee. Seconded by Dist. Rep. John Dunton.


MOTION: It was moved by House Delegate Tony Leffin for the Florida Chapter to endorse Jeff Wilson for the endorsement to the National Director at Large for the Transportation Committee. Seconded by Vice President Karen Johnson. MOTION PASSED.

President Elect Pat Overton gives his report about the 2008 Conference & Trade Show.

The dates for the year 2008/2009 are as follows:

July 18 & 19, 2008, Key Largo Holiday Inn

October 3 & 4, 2008, Amelia Island

January 16 & 17, 2009 West Palm Beach Marriott Host Hotel

April 20, 2009 West Palm Beach for the Convention & Trade Show.

Vice President Karen Johnson gave her report for the 2009 Annual Conference & Trade Show.

Question by Dist. Rep. Cheech DeCelles was asked about marketing the convention.

As House Delegate Tony Leffin asked Mark Juliano to give his HOD report, as Tony was unable to attend that meeting. Tony also asked Shelby LaSalle & Brian VanNorm to speak.

Discussion of how hard times have fallen on Public Works because of all the budget cuts.

Discussion of APWA National coming to the Florida Chapter.

MOTION: A motion was made by House Delegate Tony Leffin to have the Florida Chapter contribute up to $10,000 towards the purchase of the Mardi gras beads and the remainder to off set the making of the book to the New Orleans Chapter. Seconded by Mark Juliano. Motion passed 11 for and 6 opposed.

The 2011 Conference & Trade Show is still open.

Awards Chairman, Jim Proce is ready for the awards on Thursday. After the Chapter awards, Jim will be working on the PACE award.

Member of the Year Chairman, Cheech DeCelles is ready for the Member of the Year Award.

The Nominating Committee, Immediate Past President Mark Juliano, President Rick Keeney and President-Elect Pat Overton announced Rob Ribaric as the next Chapter Vice-President.

Scholarship Chairman Kim Kirby was absent, as Rick Keeney gave her report.

Chapter Treasurer Becky Ares went over her budget and treasury funds.

MOTION: A motion was made by President-Elect Pat Overton to move the checking account only from Morgan Stanley to Sun Trust. Seconded by House Delegate Tony Leffin. MOTION PASSED.

Tracy Quintana went over her District Representative schedule for the APWA booth at the trade show,

Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Althea Parrish

Florida Chapter Secretary
