External Examiner Report for 2017/18 Academic Year
External Examiner
Programmes Examined
University of Greenwich Faculty
SECTION 1: Examiner's attendance and portfolio of work
Please specify which meetings you have attended this session Y/N
Semester 1 Subject Assessment Panel
Semester 2 Subject Assessment Panel
Progression and Award Board(s)
Partner College(s)
Approval/Review Panel(s)
Teaching Practice(s)
Clinical Assessment(s)
Viva Voce Examination
SECTION 2: Process of Assessment and Determination of Award Y/N
Assessment processes were appropriate to examining learning outcomes
Assessments contained clear feedback to students (where applicable)
Assessments were marked consistently to an appropriate standard
Assessments evidenced second marking to an appropriate standard
Assessment level was appropriate
Awards conferred were appropriate to the level of achievement
The decision of the PAB was fair, equitable and consistent
Additional commentary
SECTION 3: The Appropriateness of Standards Y/N
Standards set for the award(s) are appropriate for qualifications at this level in this subject
Additional commentary
SECTION 4: The Comparability of Student Performance Y/N
The standards of student performance are comparable with similar programmes or subjects in other UK institutions with which I am familiar
Course Examiners
If you review courses (units/modules) only and/or attend Subject Assessment Panels (SAP) please use this section to comment upon the strengths and weaknesses of the student group(s) and the quality of knowledge and skills demonstrated by the group(s) in the courses that they have taken.
Programme Examiners
If you review courses (units/modules) and/or also act as a Programme External through attending the Progress and Award Board (PAB), please provide your views on courses as above and in addition commentary on the comparability of student progression and achievement in their overall programme of study.
SECTION 5: Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)
Please utilise this section to comment upon the extent to which and how effectively the programme(s) or course(s) address or incorporate the requirements made by any Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB) where this is applicable. Please state N/A where it is not applicable.
SECTION 6: Action Points and Recommendations
Last Session's ReportCommentary
Please comment upon how and to what extent the University has addressed the issues raised in your last report.
Good Practice and Innovation
Recommendations for Action

Once you have completed this annual report please send it to