2016CFE Team Member Grant Award Contract

Please fill in the blanks below to directly correspond to the information in your offer email.

CFE Grant Number: G1516-Award Amount: $300

CFE Study Group Title: Teacher Name:

Email Address:School Name:

Home MailingAddress:City: Zip:

Congratulations! The Chicago Foundation for Education is pleased to offer you a 2016 Team Member Grant in the amount of $300. To accept your award:(a) fill in the information above as noted in your offer email, (b) read the requirements outlined below, (c) secure the necessary signatures, (d) make a copy for your records, and (e) return this documentvia email () or fax (312.670.2029) by Tuesday, May 24, 2016. If you are unable to accept this award and implement the Study Group project or strategy, please let us know immediately. Note that failure to return this contract by Tuesday, May 24, 2016will result in the termination of your grant award.


  1. I will attend the mandatory Study Group Program Kick-Off Dinner from 5:00 to 8:00pm on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at UIC(see award email for event information; check-in runs from 4:15 to 4:45pm).
  2. I will meet with my Study Group for the required minimum of 15 hours of meetings between June and November 2016. I understand that attendance at all meetings is required and necessary to retain the grant stipend. I understand that I will need to be available for at least one meeting over the summer.
  3. I will complete all assignments and participate fully in my Study Group. Additionally, I will begin to implement my Study Group project/strategy within my Chicago public school setting during the fall 2016academic term.
  4. I permit CFE to use any photographs I submit – including any photographs of my likeness – in their promotional materials.
  5. I will submit my Final Report, all receipts, and any unspent funds to CFE no later than December 5, 2016.
  6. I will notify CFE immediately with any changes to my assigned school or personal contact information. I understand that materials purchased with CFE grant dollars are for use in any school throughout CPS. If I discontinue employment with CPS, therefore, I will transfer the materials to another CPS teacher.
  7. I understand that failure to comply with any of the above criteria will make me ineligible for any further CFE grants for the current and two upcoming academic years. I understand that if I do not submit all project receipts and unspent funds, my award will be reported to the IRS as taxable income.

YES!I accept this CFE Team Member Grant, will fulfill the criteria stated above, and have secured the appropriate signaturebelow.

Unfortunately, I am unable to accept this CFE Grant.

DateTeacher SignatureTeacher IEIN

PRINCIPAL PLEDGE: I approve of my teacher’s involvement with this organization and will support my teacheras s/he fulfills the responsibilities of this grant.

Date SignaturePRINT NameTitle (e.g., Acting or Asst. Principal)