Minutes of meeting 4th July 2012

  1. Apologies – Lucy Gibbon, Karen Clotworthy, Keith Blackwell, James Divall
    Present – Claire Proudley, Mike Bickerton, Vanessa Eve, Malcolm White, Ernest Kong, Robin Carpenter, Liz Raymont
  2. Minutes of last meeting previously circulated and agreed
  3. Minutes of PC Recreation Committee were circulated
  4. (a) Despite the weather, the opening ceremony on 5th June went very well with approximately 200 people attending.
    (b) Main sign; Mike has given Gordon Chapillon a large piece of wood to make the sign with, and Gordon is making good progress with this task. Tim Dunning donated the wood for the sign. Mike and Tim are keeping an eye out for a suitable piece of wood to use for the posts.
    (c) A donation of £3000 has been made by an anonymous local company (it was a condition of the donation that the company remain anonymous)
  5. Declarations of interest – none
  6. Treasurer’s report. There is a reserve of approximately £18000, of which £13000 will be due to Playdale leaving a balance of approx £5000.
    It was unanimously agreed that the FOHCS bank account be left open with a nominal sum in it, in case any further donations were received payable to FOHCS. However, the aim is for funds to now be held by the PC.
  7. PC Recreation Committee is to meet quarterly, just before each PC meeting.
  8. (i) Playdale equipment has been ordered. Rob Parr and Darren Moore will be visiting the field on 12th July at approx 10.15 to decide on location of the buddy swing, monkey bars and zip wire. Anyone who is available to attend this meeting will be most welcome. It was unanimously agreed by all present that the zip wire should be placed between the bike track and the wildflower meadow for many reasons.
    (ii) Further items and benches; 6 people have so far said they want to donate benches. Mike Bickerton will investigate the price of the benches made in West Coker (as per 2 of the benches in the conservation fields); it was thought that these might be sponsored by 2 people each, as the price was expected to be quite high. Mike to liaise with Ernest Kong regarding this.
    It was agreed that 2 seating benches and 2 further picnic benches be purchased, and placed at or near the top of the field.
    A climbing structure for smaller children is needed; Robin proposed approaching Toy Barn to purchase this as their quote was lowest for a good quality item of play equipment. This was unanimously agreed.
    Rob Parr has agreed to do the post-installations inspection for £125, which is half the usual fee.
    Robin is planning to create a (properly tuned) giant bamboo hanging xylophone.
    The willow structure requires some attention; it was proposed that the dead bits be replaced with fresh whips, and that the wet nature of the area be monitored and dealt with at a future date if necessary.
    (iii) Inspections. Robin has a spreadsheet of inspections. The insurers insist on a weekly visual check with a monthly check of the cycle area.
    Grass cutting is also being logged on the spreadsheet; this is currently not happening quite as often as fortnightly, but the weather has been a huge factor in this. Robin will liaise with the company doing the maintenance to see if there is anything that can be done to reduce the growth rate of the grass (which is fast-growing forage grasses) – perhaps inter-drilling with a slower growing grass.
    It was agreed by the PC Recreation Committee that SSDC be asked to carry out annual inspections (£46.20) and annual risk assessments (£29.40) both prices ex VAT. Robin will investigate whether the quarterly “operational inspections”, for which SSDC would charge £26.50, can be carried out by volunteers (Robin and A.N.Other) if they were trained by RoSPA to do these.
    (iv) Wildflower area. This is full of thistles, which need pulling out now. Anyone with a bit of spare time is asked to go (wearing stout gloves) and gently pull some thistles out.
    Trees are being strangled by weeds, this situation needs checking regularly. It was proposed to weed and then heavily mulch with bark. Jim Hawkin is willing to supply the bark necessary for this.
  9. AOB. Bags for bins – not huge amounts of waste so far, so the current supply of bags should last for a year or more.
    Mike suggested that a roofed wooden gazebo and perhaps a barbeque area might be considered in future. It was agreed that Mike enquire about prices and specification of the gazebos.
    Malcolm reported that his son James runs an under-9s football team in East Coker, but that they need a new site to play. They would need a toilet, but it was agreed that it would be good to have the field used for this purpose. The options of a portaloo to be brought in every other week for the Saturdays it was needed, or of using Scout-style camping toilet in a tent were suggested. Malcolm to report back to James White and James Divall. It was agreed that this be for a one-season trial period initially.
    Ernest reported that he has had a few children knocking on his door asking for permission to camp on the field. He has told them he would have to ask the Parish Council – so far, no children have returned!
    Liz suggested, and Robin will enquire about insurance, that the Beavers might like to camp on the field occasionally.
  10. Matters of report – Chair – Robin reported that he had made an error when he got the commemorative vase engraved for Ernest Kong, as he omitted to include his wife Mary in the inscription. This is being rectified with a second citation thanking Mary Wang on the other side of the vase.
  11. Next meeting, Thursday 13th September, 8pm, Weaver’s Cottage.