First Grade

Language Arts


·  Create a flip book to show the beginning, middle and ending of story (character traits)

·  Create a quiz to show important elements of story. Include answer key.

·  Read a book of your choice, create a word search puzzle about the important words (terms).

·  Create a comic strip illustrating the beginning, middle and end of a story

·  Compare yourself to a story character and create a diagram to show how you are alike and different.

·  Select 3 challenging words from a book you didn’t know before. Learn their meaning, write the word in a sentence and illustrate their meaning.

·  Rewrite the ending to a story. Include an illustration.

·  Draw the setting or character from a story, use 5 adjectives to describe your drawing.

·  Create a song or poem describing (topic).

·  Compare the difference between (topic) and (topic).

·  Make set of trading cards for main characters or characteristics of topic being studied.

·  Create a diorama to show . . .

·  Turn one of your favorite books into a play. Submit your script.

·  Choose something you would like to know more about. Research and write facts into a report.

·  Create an alphabet book using vocabulary on a specific topic or story.

·  Design a board game (rhyming words, new vocabulary, etc.)

·  Create an acrostic poem, for your class. Provide the answer key.

·  Read 2 similar stories, create a diagram to compare and contrast.

·  Develop a lesson to teach your class . . .

·  Write a mini book detailing important . . . .

·  Review a book, write your opinion about why you like it or not.

·  Create postcards about the setting of your book.

·  Develop or design a model of setting (or location). Write several sentences to describe.

·  Create a book cover that could be sued for this book.

·  Write a letter to: a character, the author or a friend about . . .

·  Choose 10 important events and create a timeline of the events

·  Develop a lesson to teach new vocabulary words to your class

·  Create picture cards to retell the story

·  Create new words and meanings, to go with your story. Illustrate the meaning.

·  Write another chapter for your book

·  Write a new ending for your book

·  Research the topic, write new pages for your non-fiction book

·  Create a comic strip and write dialogue statements between 2 characters

·  Create a diagram of a lifecycle, label parts and explain the lifecycle.

·  Write a diary page, detailing a day in a characters life

·  Create a crossword puzzle using vocabulary from your text. Use at least 10 words, provide clues for each word.