2015 Edition


Program Overview / …………Page 3
How the Program Works
·  Selection Process
·  Program Participants Expectation
·  The Process
·  Capstone Project / …………Page 4 thru
Page 6
2015 Mentor Protégé Process / …….…..Page 7
2015 Mentor Protégé Program Members / ….……Page 11
2015 Program Calendar / ....…...Page 12
Waiver, Release & Indemnification Agreement / ………Pages 13
Protégé Application / ………Pages 15
Interview Questions & Process / ………Pages 17
Evaluation Form / ………Pages 18


The Greater Women’s Business Council Mentor Protégé Program was developed in 2008 to guide certified women-owned businesses to the next level of success.

The program, now on a six-month calendar is uniquely comprised of WBEs and Corporate Members empowering fellow WBEs in the development of their business through expert advice from the Mentor Advisory Board. The Mentor Advisory Board is comprised of seasoned WBEs and Corporate Members who flourish in their own businesses and have the desire to pay-it-forward and share their breadth of knowledge.

The Mentor Advisory Board also engages Subject Matter Experts from various business fields to participate in regularly scheduled, topic specific sessions. Coupled with frequent group exchange, one-on one contact and constant evaluation, the program is purposefully shaped to produce successful graduates.


As you read through this section, you will gain understanding of the format of this unique program and how you can best optimize the opportunity for your business success.

Selection Process

Those who wish to participate on the Mentor Advisory Board or as a Protégé will complete an online application. The application provides the reviewer with information that will identify prospective program participants based on:

·  Revenue

·  Number of years established

·  Business skill sets… and

·  Mentoring/Protégé needs and strengths

The Mentor Protégé Program Advisory Board is comprised of certified WBEs, former program participants, and Corporate Members. The Mentor Advisory Board is responsible for the following:

·  Review all applications

·  Conduct face-to-face interviews

·  Select program participants

Program Expectations

It is imperative that the Mentor Advisory Board and Protégés begin the program with a sound foundation. Here are a few tips that you should consider to optimize your Mentoring and Protégé relationships and experience:

·  Communicate clearly and often

·  Share your progress and concerns

·  Respect each other’s time by arriving at meeting early and ending on time

·  Visit each other’s facilities at least once during the program. Take the time to truly learn about each other’s company’s and what makes it special

·  Establish realistic goals. Identify two to three goals that you can focus on during the duration of the program

·  Bring program materials to all meetings

·  All meetings are confidential and proprietary to meeting attendees



Determine the yearly goals and objectives of the program

·  Number of Mentors / Protégés

·  Program structure

·  Topics

Plan and execute educational components and events of the program

·  Oversee the planning and execution of special events, Kick-Off Meeting, Protégé Graduation and Mentor Trainings

·  Assist in establishing the calendar for the program

·  Solicit and solidify educational opportunities for program

·  Maintain communication with special guest speakers and program partners to ensure strong foundation of the program

Facilitate monthly meeting

·  Provide updates to participants and discuss progress of the program

·  Collaborate to determine the location of monthly meetings

·  Serve as an advocate and liaison between members of the Mentor Advisory Board

(ig: Corporations, and partner organizations, and WBEs)

·  Help identify appropriate program content

- Relevant topics and themes

·  Identify and Secure correlating Subject Matter Experts (SME) to speak to the group on key and agreed upon areas of interest

Oversee Application Process

·  Review and revise application to capture information that will solicit the best candidates for the program

·  Assist in determining marketing strategy for prospective applicants

·  Conduct interviews with prospective applicants and

·  Complete selection process ( ig: Protégés and Mentors)

Capstone Project

·  Review and provide feedback on capstone projects for each participant (see page 10)

Additional Responsibilities

·  Review and revise program manual as program evolves and as deemed necessary

·  Provide insight and tips throughout the mentoring process to enhance experience

·  Work with the Program Administrative team to provide recommendations for future Mentors and Protégé recruitment initiatives

GWBC Program Managers

Support Chairs in all responsibilities listed above:

·  Execute the program plan

·  Maintain communication and updates with all program participants

·  Distribute communications about the program

Create and maintain communication with the program:

·  Submit website content updates for advertisements, news, etc.

·  Oversee newsletter or email to program participants that contains program updates and tips for successful mentoring and business relations

·  Provide a copy of the selected agenda for each workshop

Develop and track evaluation surveys that will provide insight to the infrastructure of the program:

·  Bi-monthly evaluation surveys should be distributed electronically to Mentors and Protégés to assess the relationship and progress made throughout each reporting segment

·  Additional evaluations should be created for various parties of the program to obtain data that will enhance the development of the program

·  Reports should be maintained to understand the impact of the Mentor Protégé Program

·  At the end of each program year, report of the evaluation surveys will be provided to the committee to determine program feasibility

·  Develop and maintain communication with past program participants through email, special events and/or initiatives

·  Administer post program evaluations that will provide pertinent information of the impact of the Mentor Protégé program

·  Maintain speaker database and files

Advisory Board Member

·  The Mentor Advisory Board is comprised of seasoned WBEs, Corporate Members, and other SME' that can provide coaching, teaching, advice, etc.

·  Utilize subject matter experts from various business fields on the panel to enhance the program success

·  Use the EASI Method: Explore, Accept, Solve and Implement

·  During the 6 month program all mentors are expected to attend all meetings or at a minimum of at least 3 designated meetings, addressing the specific topics in a panel format in an open forum with protégés

·  Graduated Protégés that have met all the program requirements and have an opportunity to serve as a Mentor to current Protégé class.

·  Minimum revenue of $500k

·  Must be certified for at least one (1) year


·  Required to attend all programs and meetings for the 6 month program

·  Must be a GWBC Certified WBE (Owner Only)



With a focused yet flexible framework, the Mentor Advisory Board Members are able to follow the EASI process. EASI is a four step process that enables the Mentor Protégé Advisory Board to track the protégé’s process during the mentoring cycle. EASI is for our protégé’s to prepare for the next level of their business as they Explore, Accept, Solve and Implement their strategies for success!

As the Mentor Protégé Advisory Board Members guide the protégés through the EASI process, it is the goal of the program to enable participants to develop an internal resource for future business partnerships and reposition companies to optimize opportunities for growth.

GWBC® commitment to developing women business enterprises is the cornerstone of its existence. The staff of GWBC® and the Mentor Protégé Program Committee wishes participants business success that will go beyond the scope of the program. Feel free to contact the office if you should have any questions or concerns.

It is suggested that the Mentor Advisory Board use various techniques to assist Protégés. Examples: Attend workshops, refer business contacts or supplemental development programs.


MERPS are key influences that impact our daily business and personal lives. Identifying your MERPS at the beginning of each meeting using a one-word adjective, you tap into what you are feeling at that exact moment, and provides your fellow program participants a glimpse inside your world. Reviewing each Protégés MERPS at the beginning of each gathering sets the tone and direction of the meeting for optimum peer-to-peer interaction.

Today I am…

M- Mentally ….

E- Emotionally ….

R- Relationally ….

P- Physically….

S- Spiritually….

Protégé Experience Questionnaire (Use for open exchange at every meeting)

What was the best thing that happened from a business perspective in the past month?
What was the worst thing that happened from a business perspective in the past month?
How are you planning to deal with it (or how are you dealing with it)?
What are you most looking forward to in business over the next 30 days?
From a family perspective, what is the best thing that happened in the last month?
From a family perspective, what are you least happy about in the past month?
From a personal (self) perspective, what is the best thing that happened in the last month, or what are you happiest about?
From a personal (self) perspective, what are you least happy about in the past month?
What is the coolest thing you learned in the past month? (business or personal)
What is your biggest opportunity right now? (business or personal)
What is your biggest threat right now? (business or personal)
What is the most important thing you would like to learn, achieve or focus on in the next 30 days?

Goals—Protégé Progress Update

Objectives / Target Date / Progress this Month

Use this form to list your objectives for the Mentor Protégé Program and track your monthly progress.

Please list below any current concerns or issues you are facing. The objective of these forms is to provide you with a tool to help identify and evaluate these key concerns. These topics will be discussed at each meeting which will allow program participants to assist you in developing strategies to meet these goals and overcome obstacles.

Concerns / Issues / Date / Strategy

Capstone Project

At the culmination of the program, Protégés are required to present their progress at the Mentor Protégé Graduation Program. The Capstone Project will require Protégés to create a PowerPoint with
3-5 slides that outline learning results.

The slides should be designed as noted below:

Business Description

·  Company overview

·  Identify company strengths and weaknesses

Process and Goals

·  Identify your target goals established with Mentor Advisory Board

·  Explain process, trials or learning experiences

·  Share your accomplishments. Give examples (ig. productivity, new clients, 50% revenue increase)

Future Think

·  Describe how you plan to implement the information gained from the program, into your company strategy. Give examples

·  Explain your future goals, desires, and next steps

When developing your presentation slides, keep it clear and concise. Feel free to utilize photos or brief videos imported into your slide to communicate your progress. While you are sharing your company’s progress, this is a great way to showcase the great things your company is doing to move to success!

Project Deadlines/Submittal Process

Completed capstone projects must be submitted electronically to GWBC® Program Managers, please note that your submission is subject to slight modification by GWBC®. Modifications will be made to the extent of spell check, aesthetic revisions, and ensuring that the presentation is a maximum of 5 slides. If additional information is needed, you will be contacted.

2015 Mentor Protégé Chairs & Staff

GWBC® Team
Participant Type / First/Last / Company / City, State / Title / Email Address / Phone / Cell
GWBC Staff / Tonya Harris / GWBC / Charlotte,
NC / Program Development Manager / / 704-280-8383 / 704
GWBC Staff / Mignon
Philpotts / GWBC / Atlanta, GA / Program Manager / / 404
846-3314 / 404
Mentor Protégé Chairs
Participant Type / First/Last / Company / City, State / Title / Email Address / Phone / Cell
Co-Chair Carolinas / Julie
Logan / Wells Fargo / Charlotte, NC / VP, Business Manager / / 704
374-7124 / 704
Co-Chair Carolinas / Jennifer
Maier / WDS Inc. / Charlotte, NC / CEO / / 803
619-0301 / 803
Co-Chair Georgia / Carol
White / Hamco Atlanta / Atlanta, GA / President / / 770
451-8684 / 678
Co-Chair Georgia / Susie
Galyardt / XIOSS / Atlanta, GA / Founder & CEO / / 404
932-3432 / 404
Mentor Protégé Advisory Board
Participant Type / First/Last / Company / City, State / Title / Email Address / Phone / Cell
Advisory Board-GA / Marlene
Kelly / Exhibits South / Lawrenceville, GA / President / / 678
225-5201 / 678
Advisory Board-Carolinas / Summer Nichols / Piedmont Natural Gas / / 704
Advisory Board-GA / Shani Godwin / Communiqué USA, Inc. / Atlanta, GA / President and Chief Executive Officer / / 404
Protégé's (Carolinas & Georgia)
Participant Type / First/Last / Company / City, State / Title / Email Address / Phone / Cell

2015 | GWBC® Mentor Protégé Program Manual | Page 6

Updated January 2015


Mentors & Protégés

Program Calendar

Unless otherwise noted:

Ø  Meetings in Georgia, will be hosted at GWBC

Ø  Meetings in the Carolinas, will be hosted at Wells Fargo Headquarters

Ø  Each meeting will take place from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. (unless otherwise specified)

The Mentor Protégé Advisory Board is scheduled to meet for 30 minutes prior or after each meeting. If the date, time or location changes, participants will be contacted by GWBC® staff via email. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

The Program Calendar is Currently Underdevelopment for 2015

Waiver, Release & Indemnification Agreement


This ______day of , 20 a Georgia proprietorship/corporation with principal offices located at .

WHEREAS, Mentor Advisory Board members and Protégé are participants in the Greater Women’s Business Council 2015 Mentor Protégé Program (the Program);