Governance Group Minutes
9 August 2012
Wellington International Airport Conference Centre
Present / Keri-Anne Stephens, Linda Te Aho, Murray McGregor, Naomi Aporo, Neville King, Victor Main.
In attendance: NZQA and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa facilitation staff.
1 / Karakia
1.1 / Following karakia, members introduced themselves and NZQA and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa staff explained their role in supporting the Governance Group (GG) throughout this review.
2 / Background: TRoQ - Māori Governance review
2.1 / Tui Marsh provided a background to the Targeted Review of Qualifications and related it to the review of the Māori Governance qualifications.
3 / Role of the Governance Group
3.1 / · The Governance Group discussed the Terms of Reference. A suggestion is for a whakatauki, and vision statement/s to be added. Some editing on the Terms of Reference and they will be accepted at the next hui.
· Additions to the Terms of Reference:
o Appendix 1 – Ngā kaupapa Māori principles (taken from MM EQA kaupapa Māori principles) will be added.
o Appendix 2 – Qualification Developer information added.
3.2 / It was unanimously agreed that future reference to the qualifications and this review would be Māori Governance.
4 / Election of a Chairperson
4.1 / Linda Te Aho was nominated and unanimously accepted as Chair of the Governance Group.
5 / Current Qualifications
5.1 / There are currently three qualifications that will be impacted by this review:
· National Certificate in Governance of Māori Authorities [Ref: 1201] (Level 3).
· Certificate in Advanced Māori Ambassadorship and Leadership Development [Ref: I2001] (Level 5).
· Diploma in Governance and Leadership [Ref: AI2075] (Level 6).
5.2 / It was agreed that the current qualifications owners/developers of these three qualifications, Te Wananga o Aotearoa and NZQA - Māori Qualifications Services, would co-facilitate the review.
Action 1 / Merepaea to contact Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi to see if they wish to review their certificate: Certificate of Local Governance [Ref: AW1230], as part of this review.
6 / Māori Governance needs analysis, Literature review report
6.1 / David More gave a presentation which identified issues and opportunities for the GG to consider:
· The breadth and depth of reading for the Literature review.
· What is Māori governance?
· What does it “look” like?
· Is there a need for Māori governance qualifications?
· Implications of ‘other’ qualifications e.g. Business management qualifications, on this review.
· Is a qualification the best way of meeting Māori governance needs?
6.2 / The meeting identified and suggested the following stakeholders for the review:
· Public sector – Māori Trustee, Te Kooti Whenua Māori, Te Puni Kokiri.
· Private sector – Trusts (Poutama Trust, Ngai Tahu Trust board), Māori Boards, FOMA, Chamber of Commerce, Oceania Group Ltd, New Zealand Institute of Directors, Iwi Rūnanga including Post Settlement Groups.
· Education sector – Te Kohanga Reo National Trust, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga, AMPTEE, ITF, PTE’s, University of Auckland, Tainui Endowed College.
6.3 / It was acknowledged that the Māori Governance needs analysis would be ongoing and would rely on contributions from individual Governance Group members, owners of current qualifications, and other stakeholders.
Action 2 / NZQA and Te Wananga o Aotearoa to provide respective stakeholder lists to amalgamate for consultation for the duration of the Māori Governance qualifications review.
7 / Survey Results
7.1 / Due to a low response to the survey, it was decided that the closing date for the survey would be extended to 27 August 2012. A stakeholders list would be shared among Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and NZQA. Every attempt will be made to contact as many stakeholders as possible to complete and send in the survey.
Action 3 / NZQA to update the website with the new close off date for the Survey – 27August 2012.
8 / Review Plan
8.1 / The first deliverable for the Governance Group is to submit a Review Plan to the NZQA Quality Assurance Division (QAD). The Plan will be endorsed at the next hui.
Action 4 / Review plan to be added as an agenda item for the next hui.
9 / Communications Plan
9.1 / Was not available and was not discussed. An e-copy is to be forwarded to the GG for consideration, which will be added to the next hui agenda.
Action 5 / Communications Plan to be added as an agenda item for the next hui.
10 / Working Group Terms of Reference
10.1 / Was not discussed. Will forward a draft e-copy to GG for consideration and added to the agenda for next hui.
Action 6 / Working Group Terms of reference to be added as an agenda item for the next hui.
11 / Māori Governance Qualifications Landscape
11.1 / The Governance Group began its consideration of the Māori governance qualifications and their relationships, pathways and levels.
Will be added to the agenda for the next hui with the following considerations:
· different audiences for these qualifications;
· education pathways including links with schools and universities.
Action 7 / Landscape to be added as an agenda item for the next hui
12 / Schedule of future hui
12.1 / The next Governance Group hui (# 2) was confirmed for Wednesday 29 August 2012, to endorse the following:
· Terms of Reference for the Governance Group.
· Review plan.
· Communication plan.
· Terms of Reference for the Working Party.
· Māori Governance qualifications landscape.
Murray McGregor still to confirm his availability for this hui.
12.2 / The next Governance Group hui (# 3) was confirmed for Thursday 20 September 2012 to critique/endorse the qualification/s development by the Working Group.
12.3 / The first Working Group hui was confirmed for Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September 2012, to begin the development of the Māori governance qualifications. A qualifications landscape will be developed by the GG at the GG hui #2 Wednesday 29 August 2012.
13 / Karakia whakamutunga
Action List
Action # / Hui date / Minute Ref / Action / By When /1 / 9 August 2012 / 5.2 / Merepaea to contact Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi to see if they wish to review their certificate: Certificate of Local Governance [Ref: AW1230], as part of this review. / 29/8/12
2 / 9 August 2012 / 6.3 / NZQA and Te Wananga o Aotearoa to provide respective stakeholder lists to amalgamate for consultation for the duration of the Māori Governance qualifications review. / ASAP
3 / 9 August 2012 / 7.1 / NZQA to update the website with the new close off date for the Survey – 27August 2012 / ASAP
4 / 9 August 2012 / 8.1 / Review plan to be added as an agenda item for the next hui / 29/8/12
5 / 9 August 2012 / 9.1 / Communications Plan to be added as an agenda item for the next hui / 29/8/12
6 / 9 August 2012 / 10.1 / Working Group Terms of reference to be added as an agenda item for the next hui / 29/8/12
7 / 9 August 2012 / 11.1 / Landscape to be added as an agenda item for the next hui / 29/8/12
8 / 9 August 2012 / Level descriptors will be sent to GG members to aid in the discussion about qualifications
9 / 9 August 2012 / GG create a Risk register to be tabled at the next GG and to be incorporated into the review plan and updated on a regular basis
S:\QD & TM\MQS\1 QUALS & UNIT STDS\1.00 Whenua\Governance\TROQ\Hui\1 9 August 2012 GG\Minutes\Mins 090812.doc