Ocean Certified Partner Program—Application Form
Industry recognition for developers of high-quality, value-addingOcean plug-ins
This form is to be used by Ocean Partners to provide information for the assessment and qualification as a Certified Partner in the framework of the Ocean Certified Partner program. All confidentially provisions on the Ocean Software Development Framework Combined License Agreement prevail and are fully applicable to this document.

  1. Company details
  2. Company name


  1. Name of your company’s main contact for the Ocean Certified Partner program


  1. Ocean revenue

Please detail the following:

  1. Ocean commercial plug-in product revenue in the last 12 months:


  1. Ocean custom plug-in product revenue in the last 12 months:
  2. Ocean consulting services in the last 12 months:
  1. Technical expertise
  2. Which technical domain do you consider your company to have as its main strength?
  3. Please list the name(s) of your domain expert(s)
  4. Which Schlumberger software platform do you currently develop on?
  1. Software development capabilities
  2. How many years has your company been using the Ocean software development framework?
  1. Name the main Ocean plug-ins developed by your company, detailing initial release date and subsequent update release dates?


  1. How many developers are currently doing Ocean development in your company?


  1. How many testers are currently working on quality assurance of your company’s Ocean plug-ins?


  1. Does your company have a qualified software architect?


  1. Does your company follow a specific development process? (if yes, please detail)


  1. Does your company follow a specific testing process? (if yes, please detail)



  1. Have your company’s developers/testers assisted with Ocean training classes? (if yes, please list)



  1. Have your company’s developers/testers assisted with Schlumberger software platform training classes? (if yes, please detail)




  1. Consulting engagements
  2. Does your company provide consulting services on the Ocean framework?


  1. Is your company delivering consulting services in a specific geographic region?


  1. Provide example of consulting engagements around the Ocean framework:
  1. Market reach
  2. Has your company participated in any of the Ocean joint-marketing initiatives in the last 12 months?(if yes, please detail)


  1. Please list the industry conferences or trade shows that your company exhibited at in the last 12 months:
  1. Has your company documented any case study or success history with a customer?(if yes, please detail)

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