2nd Grade Individual Reading Improvement Plan

Student Name: ______

Teacher: ______

Date: ______

Teachers, parents and students agree to work on the following skills:

______Introduce new texts during shared reading
______Introduce new texts during guided reading
______Provide opportunities to select familiar stories for

______Model and support how to select new leveled texts for

independent reading
______Support and reinforce selection of appropriate reading

material for different purposes
______Introduce new authors
______Introduce new genres
______Introduce book series

______Model and support the use of sustained reading time
______Model and support reading with a buddy
______Extend self-sustained reading time
______Support reading familiar as well as new stories at home
______Support involvement in book groups or literature

______Support self-assessment and goal setting

______Model and support creating a story from the

______Model and support previewing books before reading

______Model how to predict using title and illustrations ______Model and support predictions of story events before

and during the first reading
______Model and support linking to similar texts
______Model and support use of background knowledge

______Encourage joining in on familiar/repeated parts,

phrases, and words during read-alouds and shared

______Support rereading familiar texts to gain fluency
______Model and support reading dialogues with expression

______Model and support reading longer meaningful phrases

with appropriate intonation

______Support reading punctuation

______Support audiotaping to self-assess phrasing and fluency

______Support choral reading and/or readers’ theater activities

______Model and support moving left to right on text
______Model and support 1 to 1 matching on familiar text
______Demonstrate the concept of first and last, beginning

and ending of a word, sentence, story
______Model and support using known words to monitor
______Model and support using beginning letter(s) and

meaning to predict and monitor word choice
______Model and support confirming and discounting word

choice using meaning, language, and visual

______Support and reinforce self-corrections of miscues ______Model and support using beginning chunks/syllables

and analogies to problem-solve unknown words
______Reinforce using a variety of strategies quickly to

problem-solve unknown words

______Support and reinforce self-monitoring of meaning

across extended text
______Support and reinforce child’s responses to books,

stories, pictures, graphic features
______Support and reinforce responses to literature through a

variety of extensions
______Model and support retelling of familiar stories
______Introduce the elements in a good retelling and support

effective retellings of stories
______Introduce and support story mapping
______Introduce and support literature response journals ______Provide opportunities to discuss characters, sequence

of events, problems, and resolutions
______Provide opportunities to analyze and critique

informational texts
______Provide opportunities to compare/contrast stories,

authors, etc.
______Provide opportunities to analyze how information is

organized and presented
______Provide opportunities to link text to personal

experiences, or community or national events
______Support word study: compound words, contractions,

endings and their meanings
______Extend word study: prefixes, suffixes, root words,

word origins, and word meanings