Southend Children with Disabilites
Short Break Community Access Grants
Application Guidance 2017-2018
For the Community Access Grants, these are the main areas for consideration:
Children who have a disability and /or additional needs, living within the borough of Southend-on-Sea
Priority groups are:
· Children and young people with behaviour which is challenging due to a condition such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and/or Severe Learning Disabilities. Children in this group will display behaviour which challenges services or behaviour which causes injury to themselves or others. Not all children with ASD will require specialist additional Short Breaks services.
· Children and young people with complex disabilities and/or health needs including those with life limiting conditions and/or those with impairments such as severe visual/hearing loss and/or have moving and handling needs or requiring specialist equipment
· Young People age 14 and up to their 18th birthday who are significantly disabled and have difficulty in accessing services that are appropriate to their age. Young people aged over 14 who have mental health issues which impact on their ability to access community resources and leisure activities
· Families of children and young people up to their 18th birthday who are significantly disabled, where families will benefit from healthy sleep awareness support.
Please read all documents carefully and if you require some support, please contact:
Telephone: 01702 215316
It is essential that all application forms are completed fully and accurately to ensure that they are presented to the Short Break Steering Group for consideration to:
By email:
By post: Short Break Grants, Integrated Commissioning Team, 8th Floor, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.
By hand: Reception, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.
When to apply
Community Access Grants (up to £500) can be applied for between 16 January 2017 and 31 January 2018.
Grant criteria and eligibility:
· maximum grant award for a Community Access Grant is £500;
· each application must be for a single project;
· there is no limit to the number of applications that can be made by any organisation, provider or individual;
· the grants will be awarded from April 2017 to March 2018*, representing a maximum one year period, subject to compliance with contract requirements, outcomes and quality of performance. It cannot be rolled over.
The organisation or individual must:
· be able to meet the needs of children and young people aged 0-18 with disabilities and/or additional needs;
· benefit children and young people who live in Southend;
· ave in place appropriate insurancehave in place appropriate insurances - Children’s serviceds funded organisations are required to hodl £5,000,000 ~EChchildren’s services funded organisations are required to hold £5,000,000 Employers Liability and £5,000,000 Public Liability Insurance policies
· Have policy statemetns and guidelines in place for Equal Opportunities, health and Safety and Safeguarding Children/Child Portectionhave policy statements and guidelines in place for Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Safeguarding Children/Child Protection;
· ensure all staff, both paid and voluntary have an up to date Disclosure and Barring Service clearance and appropriate training;
· comply with reporting and monitoring arrangements;
· establish a reasonable charge/parental contribution towards the cost of the activityOrganisations are required to hold £.
Who can apply?
Applications will be considered from groups/organisations or services meeting any of the following requirements:
· voluntary and community organisations that are formally constituted;
· services within statutory organisations, such as Local Authorities and Health partnerships;
· groups, organisations and services, including commercial companies that are clearly able to demonstrate their ability, through an award, to deliver benefit to the community within the period of the Short Break Award;
· groups, organisations or services whose activities benefit residents of Southend.
Parents /carers can also apply.
The following will NOT be considered for funding:
· groups, organisations or services whose main aim is campaigning;
· activities or projects that promote religion;
· activities, the full cost of which can be charged for.
* Awards would not be subject to extension beyond 31st March 2018
What are we looking for?
To be considered for an award to support children in the above mentioned need categories, applications must meet the following minimum criteria:
· the activity must be able to demonstrate benefits to the residents of Southend;
· it should link in with one or more of the agreed priorities highlighted in Section 1
· applications must be complete in full and returned by 31 January 2018
· decisions on grant applications will be made and communicated to all applicants no later than 28 February 2018
· all relevant documentation must be available for viewing within 2 weeks of decision date, if the application is successful;
· all successful applicants must share with the Integrated Commissioning Team all relevant performance information as agreed.
What sort of activities can this funding be used for?
· the activities can be held after school, evenings, weekends and/or in the school holidays;
· an activity may be just for half an hour or up to a full day;
· it can be for a single activity session or a series of sessions that an individual would like to attend.
What is funded?
· activities that enable disabled children/young people to participate in interesting activities e.g. sports, arts and outdoor activities;
· activities that offer excellent outcomes for children and young people who have high support needs and/or/complex learning and physical disabilities;
· play schemes and clubs which will enable disabled children/young people to play alongside non-disabled children, e.g. siblings and friends;
· additional staff to run activities – coaches, instructors, tutors or special staff. When providing for a disabled child or young person you may require; additional staff to ensure the needs of all participants are met. Staff wages must be reasonable, e.g.1:1 staffing ratios will only be considered where this is absolutely necessary and there is evidence to support this;
· care support staff if required and unavailable from other sources (e.g. assist with personal care requirements during activities);
· providing expenses and training for volunteers that help to run the activities;
· staff training on different topics/areas related to working with individuals - this can include disability awareness for all staff and/or training on specific disabilities. These requirements must be costed and the use of e-learning considered;
· costs for minor adaptations to equipment, where this is a reasonable and specific requirement, to meet the needs of the individual taking part;
· equipment and resources required to specifically meet the needs of individual;
· activities must take place outside school hours for school age children.
What is not funded?
· residential (overnight respite) costs associated with the activities;
· personal equipment, clothing or other personal/commercial gain;
· activities that take place during normal school hours.
How will decisions be made on which applications are funded?
We would like to support as many children as possible to access supported activities, provided that we are satisfied that the provider:
· meets the requirements of the individual and their families;
· represents value for money in terms of outcomes against costs.
All applications will be evaluated by the Southend Borough Steering Group on the basis of:
· reach – how many children?
· cost – direct and indirect cost (cost to parent);
· availability – who can use it and how can children and families engage with the service?
Application Guidance Notes
Please read the application notes carefully before you start
Contact Details (Questions 1-2)
Question 1 & 2 - Contact details
Provide contact details for the applying organisation or applicant parent/carer. This needs to be the name of organisation and the applicant who is responsible for administering any grant awarded.
Organisational Information (Questions 3)
Question 3 - Organisation details
Provide details of your organisation or if you are an individual/parent/carer
Project/Service/Activity/Information (Question 4-11)
Question 4 - Project/Service/Activity/Information (Question 4)
Provide the title of your project/service/activity.
Question 5
Please detail how your funding will be used.
Question 6
Please describe the benefits you hope to achieve from the project/service/activity you are hoping to provide.
Question 7
How many children will benefit from the project/service/activity?
Question 8
How many sessions will you be able to offer if the grant is successful?
Question 9
Please tell us how much money you are requesting.
Question 10
Please tell us how you will involve users/participants in the development of your project/service/activity.
Question 11
Please tell us if you have applied to Southend Borough Council for a grant in the past 3 years. If you have, please give details.
Question 12
Please confirm documentation.
Please ensure that you sign the document
If you are an individual applying for a grant only one signature is required
Please make sure you have told us:
· What the activity is
· Where it is taking place
· When it will take place
· Who will attend
· The level of public/employer’s liability insurance held by your organisation
All applications must be signed appropriately.