Grant Application for Requests

Leadership in Action Grant

The leadership in action grant is designed to help credit unions implement leadership initiatives within their own institutions. Leadership is a key element linked to success in credit unions as well as most, if not all, other cooperatives. These grants are intended to support all leadership initiatives but are focused on the creation of strategies, systems and methods for achieving performance excellence, stimulating innovation, building knowledge and capabilities, and ensuring organizational sustainability.

Leadership initiatives that are values-based and help to encourage the entire workforce to contribute, develop and learn, and/or be innovative and embrace meaningful change, are key to funding these grants. Additionally, elements that underscore ethical behavior, trustworthiness, and personal involvement in planning, communicating, and coaching the workforce are particularly encouraged. Leadership grants are limited to $5,000 per year.

Date of Application:

Applicant Name:


Organization Address:

City, State, ZIP:

Telephone: () Facsimile: ()

Contact (if another) Telephone: ()

Email Address:

Purpose of Grant (1-2 Paragraphs or less): Please describe in a few sentences what this project entails, what the expected outcome will be, and how the project develops organizational leadership.

Please provide detailed information on how your project meets the key elements of the grant:

Note: Not all grants funded will contain all of the following elements; therefore, only complete the items that align best with your grant proposal.

How will your project underscore or focus on strategies, systems and methods for achieving performance excellence?

How will your project stimulate innovation, build knowledge and capabilities, and ensure organizational sustainability?

How will your project support or foster values-based leadership?

How will your project support or foster innovation?

How will your project support or foster communications and coaching?

How will your project support ethical behavior and trustworthiness?

Amount of Grant Request: $

Total Project Budget: $

Please attach project budget with grant application

Total Amount of Leveraged Funds: Is the credit union contributing any funds to this project and/or are you applying for any funds from NCUA or any other entity for this project?

Please list any pending grant applications or sources for funding, such as from the credit union.

List Source(s)




If you have unmet financial needs for your project, how will you fund those?

Timeline for Implementation of Project:

Please describe, e.g. we will purchase computers in January and train staff in February and implement the project fully in March.

Do you anticipate requesting funding from our Foundation for this or a similar/related project within the next calendar year?

Yes No

Will you be able to do any part of this project without funding from our Foundation?

Yes No

Name of Person Responsible for Proposal

and Completion of Project


Print name Date





Please include the following with your application:

1)  Most Recent Call Report 5300 / Organizational Financial Information if credit union applicant or IRS 990 or most recent audit in nonprofit, 501(c)(3) applicant

2)  Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors in support of this application

3)  Detailed Project Budget outlining all revenue and expenses for this project

4)  Letter of support, if applicable

5)  Business or fundraising plan, if applicable

6)  Submit this application via email to:

and questions can be directed to 720-479-3276.