Important Information about Project Format:

·  The cover page with golden emboss in Dark Blue background (color of faculty name plate). Sample copy is available with Dr. G. P. Pandey/ Rohit Lakhane.

·  Whole thesis to be printed single sided on A4 size paper with 1.5 line spacing throughout. However cover page/ Title page can be adjusted as per requirement.

·  Title Page (next page after cover page) is same as cover page, simple print out without golden emboss.

·  All pages should be numbered at bottom centered. Pages before the start of first chapter will be numbered in Roman (i.e. i, ii, iii, iv,…) while Chapter 1 onward in Arabic (1, 2, 3,…). The page number is not shown on title page but its page number is (i).

·  Chapter titles: capital letter, bold, centered, font size 24 pt. times new roman. heading and text will follow after 3 line spaces.

·  Main heading: Capital letter, bold, font size 18 times new roman, text will follow after two line spaces without any tab.

·  Sub-heading/su-sub headings: first letter of each word capital, font size 14 times new roman, text will follow after two line spaces without any tab.

·  Text: font size 12 times new roman, text will follow after two line spaces without any tab.

·  Tables, figures, equations and their captions should be centered and numbered according to chapter e.g. 5th figure of 3rd chapter is numbered as figure 3.5 and should be referred in text as fig. 3.5.

·  References should be given as per IEEE standard. e.g. 3rd reference is given as below and cited in text as [3].

[3]  M. P. Purchine, J. T. Aberle and C. R. Birtcher, “A Tunable L-Band Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna”, Microwave Journal, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 87-88, 1993.

[4] Snyder, L.V., 2004. Lehigh University. [Online] (1.3) Available at: http://www.lehigh.edui—lvs2/download/vrpsolver.html [accessed 17 December 2008].

·  Appendices should be numbered as A, B,…. Etc and their figures and tables be numbered as A.1, B.2 ….



The sequence of project report contents should be as follows:

1. Cover Page and Title Page

2. Certificate from guide and HOD

2. Abstract

3. Acknowledgements

4. Table of Contents

5. List of Tables

6. List of Figures

7. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

8. Chapters 1, 2 , ...

9. References

10. Appendices

11. Curriculum Vitae (as given on next page)


As per attached template

Justify Paragraphs: Align text to both right and left margins

Paper Size: A4, at least 85GSM

Binding information: Single Side Printing and hard binding with dark Blue cover with gold emboss

No of Copies:

01 copy for Deptt., 01 copy for Guide and 01 copy for each of member of group ( all hard bound as per above detail)

Curriculum Vitae

Name (Roll No.)

Address, Email ID phone No. and photoà

Brief description, achievements, educational detail of the members of the group like Mr. --- is student in MAIT …. He has participated in….

For more than one student the above format may be repeated.