Biology I Honors/GTFinal Exam – Review Sheet

The following is an Overview of the major concepts that will be included on your final examination. In addition to the textbook chapters, items from notes and handouts are included below. Some illustrations will be used on the exam. Though not necessarily listed below, vocabulary related to any concept is always important.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Biology and Scientific Method

1. List and define scientific methods. Be able to apply these to specific scientific investigations.

2. What is a controlled experiment? What are the parts of a controlled experiment?

3. What is the difference between a scientific observation and an inference?

4. What are the characteristics of living things?

Chapter 2 Chemistry/Biochemistry

1. Distinguish between an element and a compound.

2. Describe the major types of chemical bonds. Ionic, Covalent (polar and nonpolar), Hydrogen

3. What is an atom? An ion? An isotope?

4. What are the major properties of water and why are they biologically significant?

5. Describe the structure of carbon and explain why it is an essential element in living systems.

6. What are the other major elements in living things?

7. Identify the major groups of Organic compounds as to:

a. Basic building blocks (monomers)

b. General structure and major polymers

c. Functions

d. Examples

8. Distinguish between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.

9. What are the structural and empirical formulas of glucose?

10. What is the structural formula of a generalized amino acid?

11. Describe the pH scale and identify acids, bases and buffers.

12. Define and give examples of solutions, suspensions, and mixtures

Ch. 2.4, 2.5, and 4.1 - Bioenergetics and Enzymes

1. State the laws of thermodynamics and explain how these relate to living things.

2. Define entropy and relate to living systems.

3. Differentiate between energy conversions in living and nonliving systems.

4. Define energy and describe the types of energy including activation energy.

5. Identify ATP and explain how energy is stored and released using this compound.

6. Define and contrast anabolism and catabolism

7. What is oxidation? reduction?

8. Define exergonic and endergonic.

9. What is an enzyme? A coenzyme? What are their functions?

10. Describe the allosteric enzyme and how it is regulated.

11. What is a biochemical pathway?

12. What is feedback inhibition?

Chapter 3 Cells and Cellular Transport

1. What is the Cell theory?

2. Identify key scientists involved in the formation of the cell theory. Describe their contributions.

3. Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

4. Describe the Endosymbiotic Hypothesis and what this idea attempts to explain.

5. What are the major structures seen in a typical cell? Give function(s) of each.

6. What structures are seen: only in plant cells, only in animal cells? What are their functions?

7. Identify the major components of the plasma membrane and how these relate to function.

8. Explain the “Fluid Mosaic Model” of membrane structure.

9. Distinguish between active and passive transport.

10. What is Diffusion? Osmosis? Facilitated diffusion? Endocytosis? Exocytosis? Phagocytosis? Pinocytosis?

11. Explain the movement of water across the membrane of a cell placed in hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solutions.

Chapter 4.2-4.3 Photosynthesis

1. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and the absorption and reflection of light.

2. Describe the basic structure of a leaf and a chloroplast.

3. Explain the opening and closing of the stomata.

4. Identify the two major parts of photosynthesis and the major reactions that occur in each part.

5. Describe the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis and summarize the effect.

6. Distinguish between photosynthesis and photorespiration

7. Describe the special adaptations seen in CAM and C4 plants.

8. Identify major scientists involved in explaining the process of photosynthesis.

9. Write a balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis.

Chapter 4.4-4.6 Cellular Respiration

1. Describe the structure of a mitochondrion.

2. Explain why cellular respiration is a gradual process.

3. What are the steps in cellular respiration and describe what takes place in each.

4. What is anaerobic respiration? Give two examples, the organisms involved, and products of each.

5. Explain why cellular respiration and photosynthesis are considered complementary processes.

6. Write a balanced chemical equation for cellular respiration.

Chapter 5 - Cell Growth and Division

1. Identify the following terms – centromere, kinetechore, chromatid, chromosome, telomere, centriole, centrosome, types of spindle fibers

2. Explain why cell size is limited.

3. Explain how DNA is compacted into chromosomes.

4. What are the stages of the cell cycle and the major occurrences in each stage.

5. List and describe the stages of Mitosis.

6. Explain methods by which cell division is regulated.

7. Explain the relationship between cell division and Cancer.

8. What is binary fission?

9. Describe the levels of organization in living systems.

10. What are stem cells and what are the differences between adult and embryonic stem cells?

Chapter 8 –DNA and Protein Synthesis

1. Identify the key scientists in the history of nucleic acids.

2. Name the two nucleic acids and describe the basic structure of each - bases, bonds,...

3. Describe the process of DNA replication and the enzymes involved.

4. Explain the relationship between DNA and proteins.

5. Describe the DNA code for life.

6. What is a gene and identify the two parts of Gene Expression.

7. Describe the process of transcription.

8. Explain how processing (editing) occurs following transcription.

9. Describe the process of translation.

10. Describe the various types of gene mutations.

11. What are the types of chromosomal mutations?

Chapter 6 - Chromosomes, Meiosis

1. What are germ cells, somatic cells, and gametes?

2. What is meant by homologous?

3. Distinguish between haploid and diploid cells and how the results of fertilization and meiosis change the cell chromosome numbers.

4. Differentiate between autosomes and sex chromosomes.

5. What are methods used to study chromosomes?

6. What is nondisjunction? Describe the outcome of nondisjunction.

7. What is trisomy? monosomy? How do these conditions result?

8. Describe the stages of Meiosis.

9. What are polar bodies?

10. Why is meiosis referred to as “reduction division”?

11. How is the process of meiosis different from mitosis?

12. How does meiosis allow for genetic recombination?

Chapter 6.3 – Intro to Genetics

1. Explain Mendel’s Laws regarding genetics.

2. Be able to work monohybrid crosses - complete dominance, incomplete, and co-dominance problems and analyze the results