Provincial ERAS Collaborative

ERAS Enhanced Recovery in NSQIP (ERIN) Custom Fields Guide

Custom CPT List:

In the Data Portal, select My Account, select Manage Custom Lists, select CPT Groups, select New CPT Group.

In Custom Lists, create a custom list called BC ERAS. Add the following procedure codes (must be separated by a comma – no spaces). You can copy directly from this document and paste into the workstation.


Custom Fields:

In the Data Portal, select My Account, select Manage Custom Fields

On the first page, you will need to fill in the fields marked as 1, 2, 3 below. The field name is your discretion, but we suggest using ERAS_1, ERAS_2 etc. if you are unsure of what us use as a name. We recommend keeping the Display Label, Field Type and answer options consistent with what is in this guide as it will make it easier to extract and report out data in the future.

To create each variable fill in 1, 2, 3 as outlined and hit save. Variables that require multiple options will have a second screen appear (see examples below), please fill in the options as listed (one at a time, hitting add between each entry).

You can copy the Field Name and Display label directly from this document and paste into the workstation.

Item # Reference in Data Dictionary / Variable / 1. Field Name / 2. Display Label / 3. Field Type / Options
12 / Bowel Prep / ERAS_1 / Bowel Prep Completed / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
14 / HS Carb Drink / ERAS_2 / Pre-Op Carb Drink HS / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No, No-High Risk Pt
15 / Am Carb Drink / ERAS_3 / Pre-Op Carb Drink AM / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No, No-High Risk Pt
18 / Fluid Given / ERAS_401 / Volume Intra-Op Crystalloids (mls) / Integer > Numeric
ERAS_402 / Volume Intra-Op Colloids (mls) / Integer > Numeric
ERAS_403 / Volume Intra-Op Blood Product (mls) / Integer > Numeric
19 / Blood Loss / ERAS_5 / If Blood Loss > 500ml, enter volume / Integer > Numeric
13 / Antibiotic Proph / ERAS_6 / Antibiotic Prophylaxis Given / Select > Radio Button / Yes (IV on Time), Yes (Oral), No (none or outside time limits), Unknown
21 / Epidural / ERAS_7 / If no thoracic epidural, reason / Select > Drop Down / non-open surgery, contraindicated, pt refused
22 / Re Dose / ERAS_8 / Antibiotic Redosing for Procedures > 4 hours / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No, Not Applicable
16 / VTE / ERAS_9 / VTE Prophylaxis Given / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
25 / Drains / ERAS_10 / Abdominal and/Or Pelvic Drain / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
26 / Gum / ERAS_11 / Chewing Gum Started POD0 or POD1 / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
27 / CF Given / ERAS_12 / If clear liquids not given POD0 or POD1, fill in POD# / Integer > Numeric
28 / IV DC / ERAS_13 / If IV not discontinued POD0 or POD1, fill in POD# / Integer > Numeric
29 / Anti-emetic / ERAS_14 / Prophylactic Antiemetic Prescribed within 24 hours post-op / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
30 / Prolonged PONV / ERAS_15 / Post Op Nausea/Vomiting 24 hours post-op / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No
33 / Foley / ERAS_16 / If Foley not discontinued by POD2, fill in POD# / Integer > Numeric
38 / NGT / ERAS_17 / Prolonged Post-Op NPO or NG Tube Use / Select > Radio Button / Yes, No, Unknown