Week 30 CCA

Test Review Answer Key

Answer all questions on your own paper. Explain in detail.

1.  Which planets would have a greater gravitational pull from the sun? List them and explain why.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are closer to the Sun so they have a greater gravitational pull from the sun.

2.  Which planets would have a weaker gravitational pull from the sun? List them and explain why.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. They are further from the sun so they have a weaker gravitational pull.

3.  What are some things astronauts would need to survive on another planet?

Oxygen, water, food, shelter

4.  What is a comet? A chunk of ice, rock, metal, and space dust flying through space with its own inertia. It orbits in and out of our solar system around the sun.

5.  What is a meteor? A small rock (meteoroid) burning through the Earth’s atmosphere.

6.  What is an asteroid? A large rock floating in space, orbiting the sun. Most in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.

7.  Explain how the planets stay in orbit around the sun. Inertia is the force moving the planets forward and gravity of the sun pulls them towards the sun. This movement forward and the pull of gravity keep the planets moving in an elliptical orbit.

8.  Explain how mass and gravitational pull related? The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational pull.

9.  What is Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and how does it help explain why moons stay in orbit around their planets? All objects with mass have a gravitational pull between them. Gravity exists between any two objects.

10.  How has the Hubble Telescope been the most useful to astronomers? It lets us see beyond our solar system into deep space.

11.  List the planets from the sun out in order. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (Asteroid Belt) Jupiter, Saturn, Urnaus, Neptune, (Pluto)

12.  What evidence did Galileo have to support Copernicus’ heliocentric system? He saw moons orbiting Jupiter, which proved that not everything in the universe moves around Earth. If this is true of Moons around Jupiter, it might be true of other objects. Also he saw phases of Venus – proved that the sun was shining of Venus at different angles from Earth.

13.  What 2 forces work together to keep the planets in orbit around the sun? Inertia & Gravity

14.  Where is the asteroid belt located? Between Mars & Jupiter

15.  Explain how a planet could be “eaten” by a star? If the star’s gravitational pull is stronger than the inertia of the planet, then the planet will be pulled into the star and it will look like it is being “eaten” buy the star.

16.  Know the names of the 7 major tectonic plates and where they are located on a map.

17.  What land feature is created when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate? Ocean – Land Converge: Volcanic Mountains, Ocean Trench, subduction zone

18.  Draw and explain what happens at a transform boundary.

Plates move past each other, sliding and scraping.

They jerk and this causes earthquakes. The point where they

Slide past is called the fault line.

19.  Explain why Earth has a magnetic field. Solid Iron & Nickle (metal) inner core is rubbed on by the liquid Iron & Nickle (metal) outer core. Metal rubbing on metal causes magnets.

20.  List and describe the layers of Earth in order from the crust in. Crust (solid), Lithosphere (crust & upper part of upper mantle – solid), Asthenosphere (semi-solid), Lower Mantel (liquid), Outer Core (liquid), Inner Core (solid).