Lump-Sum Bonus Plan


This document serves as the (agency/department name) plan for the June 2014 distribution of the $600 lump-sum bonuses to eligible Career Service, Selected Exempt Service and Senior Management Service employeesin the State Personnel System (SPS) as provided for in Section 8 of the 2013 – 2014 General Appropriations Act.


Section 110.1245, F.S., provides that in June of each year, bonusesshall be paid to employees from funds authorized by the legislature in an appropriation specifically for bonuses,the distribution of which shall be limited to 35% of the agency’s authorized positions. Each agency must develop a plan for awarding the lump-sum bonuses and the plan must be submitted to the Office of Policy and Budget (OPB) in the Executive Office of the Governor no later than September 15 of each year for review and approval.


In order to be eligible for a June 2014 bonus, employees:

  1. Must have been employed prior to July 1, 2013, and have been continuously employed through the date of bonus distribution.
  1. Must not have been on leave without pay consecutively for more than 6 months during the fiscal year unless on leave under the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act or military leave.
  1. Must have had no sustained disciplinary action which includes written reprimands, suspensions and dismissals, or voluntary or involuntary demotions associated with disciplinary actions,during the period July 1, 2013, through bonus distribution.
  1. Must have exceeded normal job expectationsas evidenced by an overall rating ofCommendable or Outstanding (3.50 – 5.00) for the performance evaluationperiod endingDecember 31, 2013 and demonstrated initiative in work. If an employee has been given writtennotice that their work performance hasdeclinedbelow the Commendablelevel(below 3.50)prior to the bonus distribution, the employee shall be ineligible to receive a bonus.
  1. Must have demonstrated a commitment to the agency mission by reducing the burden on those served, continually improving the way business is conducted, producing results in the form of increased outputs, and working to improve processes.
  1. The employee must have modeled the way for others by displaying agency values of fairness, cooperation, respect, commitment, honesty, excellence, and teamwork.

If an employee has exceeded normal job expectations it is assumed the employee has demonstrated initiative in work; has exhibited the attributes which shows a commitment to the agency mission; and has modeled the intrinsic values necessary for a high performing employee.

Work Unit and Bonus Funding

Pursuant to Section 110.1245, F.S., there shall be adivision of the agency by work unit for purposes of peer input and bonus distribution.

As a result, the (agency/department name) has identified the work units that will be used for the purpose of this bonus distribution. A list of the designated work unitsisincluded as Attachment A.

The following work unit requirements shall apply:

  1. The composition of each work unit is limited to employees within the same organizational entity in order that they may accurately assess the performance of other work unit members.
  1. Each work unit may be comprised of employees assigned to positions in all SPS services;Career Service, SelectedExempt Service, and Senior Management Service.
  1. The number of bonuses that may be awardedto a work unit shall be calculated by multiplying the number of authorized positions in the work unit by 35 percent (authorized positions x 35%).
  1. The funding available for work unit bonus distribution shall be calculated by multiplying the number of bonuses available to a work unit by $600 (number of bonuses x $600).
  1. Thegross bonus amount per recipient employee shall be $600.
  1. If the total funding provided to a work unit for bonus distribution is not expended, the unexpended funds may be distributed to other agency work units at the discretion of the agency head for bonus distribution purposes. However, the total number of recipients shall not exceed 35 percent of the agency’s total authorized positions for fiscal year 2013-2014.

Peer Review Process

Section 110.1245, F.S., requires aprocess for peer input that is fair, respectful of employees, and affects the outcome of the bonus distribution.

The peer review process shall be conducted as follows:

  1. Determine the work unit employees who meet the eligibility requirements to receive a bonus.
  1. All work unit employees are the peer group for the work unit. Peer reviews from outside the work unit may not be accepted.
  1. All work unit employees are eligible to participate in the peer review process even though they may not be eligible to receive a bonus.
  1. Other Personal Services employees are not allowed to participate in peer review process.
  1. All work unit employees shall be provided a list of the work unit employeeswho have been determined to beeligible to receive a bonus award. Based on the number of bonuses availableto the work unit, each work unit employee shall be permitted to cast an equivalent number of votes for those eligibleemployees who they believe merit receipt of a bonus based on the eligible employee’s overall contribution to the achievement of the agency mission and work unit goals. (Example: 35 available bonuses within the work unit = 35 votes per unit employee.)
  1. Work unit employees may cast only one vote per person, and may not vote for themselves.Work unit employees however,are not required to cast all their votes.
  1. When voting, work unit employees should consider the following:

a)Whether an employee has demonstrated a commitment to the agency mission by reducing the burden on those served, continually improving the way business is conducted, producing results in the form of increased outputs, and working to improve processes; and,

b)Whether an employee has demonstrated initiative in work, and has displayed the values of fairness, cooperation, respect, commitment, honesty, excellence, and teamwork.

Bonus Award Determination

  1. Bonus awards shall be determined by a calculation of each eligible employee’s December 31, 2013 performance evaluation score, and the number of peer votes each employee received during the peer review process.
  1. The performance evaluationscorevalue shall represent 70 percent of the total score (performance evaluationscore x .70) and the number of peer votes value shall represent 30 percent of the total employeescore (peer votes received x .30).
  1. Bonuses will be awarded to employees based on the total employee score, in high to low order, down to the number of awards available to the work unit. If a tiebetween employees occurs at the threshold of the maximum number of bonuses available to the work unit, the followingtiebreakerprocess will be used to resolve the tie:

a)The employee with the highest December 31, 2013 performance evaluation score.If the tie is not resolved; then

b)The employee with the highest peer review score. If the tie is not resolved; then

c)The agency head will resolve the tie.

Office of Policy and Budget Review and Approval

This plan shall be submitted to the Office of Policy and Budget by September 15, 2013, for review and approval.

Approved for the Agency/Department Name:


Agency/Department Head or DesigneeDate

Approved by the Office of Policy and Budget:

