Date: May 24, 2015
We celebrate Pentecost to mark the 50 days after the resurrection of Christ and
the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes with power like the wind and with flames to purify the people of God. We welcome Him and we worship Him as we celebrated the Trinitarian presence of God. May the Spirit birth new creativity and strength in our hearts and minds.
Greeting you this morning are Joyce and Frank Pinkney. Ushers are Dino
Sumerano and Jim Craven.
Sanctuary flowers are red geraniums to mark the coming of the Holy Spirit.
They will be planted around thechurch and parsonage.
Reach out to those who need your support in their day to day needs: Gordon
Kent in Ten Broeck; FriedelBorst; Andrew Holbrook; Don Hornbeck (Barbara Hornbeck’s father); Dolores McGoldrick; Esther Keator; Florence Prehn; Lori Pinkham in Wingate at Ulster; Bob Williams at Albany Med.; Annmarie Kurtz.
Activities this week
After worship: Stone House Day Committee
Monday: 2:00 pm Memorial Day Picnic at the Parsonage
Tuesday: 9:30 am Quilters
9:30 am Badminton
Wednesday: 7:30 am Bible Study
Thursday: 9:30 am Badminton
7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship. Refreshments provided
by the choir. Contribute your baking talents to the fellowship hour! There is a signup sheet next to the kitchen doors. Contact Hal Hauck.
Thirst Quenchers needed. We are collecting lemonade & iced tea to be used
during coffee hour.Please place your donation in the kitchen cabinet marked “coffee hour”. Thanks for your help in quenching folks thirst during this great time of fellowship
Big Breakfast. Treat yourself to a Big Breakfast on May 30, 2015. 8-10 am.
Call the office for reservations or talk to Doug Constant.
Marching with us in the Memorial Day Parade for Stone House Day? If you
need a costume, please be at the church at 9:00, otherwise meet at the Church at 9:30. See Ellen Richards.
Memorial Day Picnic: Rev Gram invites the congregation to a barbeque/get
together. Come Monday, May 25 2:00 pm to the backyard of the parsonage. Bring a chair and dish to pass. A fun time to be had by all!!
There will be a sign up sheet in Schadewald Hall.
The Women's Ministries will have a table setup in Schadewald Hall with a
signup sheet for persons wanting to volunteer to prepare meals for church members who after surgery or dealing with the loss of a loved one would appreciate meals delivered to their homes. Please stop by for more information.
A women's bible study group is being planned by the Women's Ministries to start
sometime this summer. Please stop by our table that will be setup in Schadewald Hall. We will have a survey, information and signup sheets. See Nancy Sweeney for further details.
Our Mission of the month for May will be for the children living in the shelter
motels. This is money we directly use to buy food for the children for snacks and drinks for school, as well supplemental food items for days when there is no school. We are unsure if this program will continue much longer, so please donate generously so we can stock them up as much as possible.
Contributions for the month of May Property and Maintenance envelopes will
be used to remove the underground fuel oil tank in the parsonage and install a new oil tank in the parsonage basement.
Please help our community by supporting the new library construction. It will
be fully accessible and have wonderful new features. Donate to: Hurley Library POBOX 660 Hurley, NY 12443
Box tops for Education. A container has been set up in Schadewald Hall to
collect Box tops for Education. A separate box is also available for Campbell Soup Labels. They will be given to Myer School. See Aileen Helsley for more information.
Events at other area churches:
Thursdays, Music at Old Dutch Church, 12:15 pm
May 29 and 30, 2015, Yard Sale, Katsbaan Reformed Church,
9 am-3 pm
Check the Bulletin Board in Schadewald Hall for more information.
Perform, then, this one act of remembrance before this Day passes–Rememberthere is an army of defense and advance that never dies and never surrenders, but is increasingly recruited from the eternal sources of the American spirit and from the generations of American youth. ~W.J. Cameron