02.10.2018Kongsberg Maritime
Configuration of a laptop computer for HiPAP 350P.
- Configure the computer using the procedure for HPR400 portable. This includes installing the latest version of the APOS software. NOTE!! The Windows firewall should NOT be disabled.
2. The built in network adapter must be used for the transceiver. Open Network Connections in Control Panel. Rename the Local Area Connection to Transceiver.
Right click on the Transceiver and select Properties.
Disable all items except Network Monitor Driver and Interternet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Right click on Internet Protocol and select properties. Enter the following IP address and subnet mask:
3. APOS must have its own TCP/IP adapter. A so called loopback adapter can be installed. Open Control Paned and select Add New Hardware. Follow the guide below.
After pressing Next here, the adapter will be installed.
Open the Control Panel again and select Network Connections. Right click on the Loopback adapter and rename it to APOS. Right click again and select Properties. Configure as shown below.
Right click on the Internet Protocol and enter the following IP address and subnet mask.
Click OK and select the advanced tab.
Click Settings and select the Advanced tab.
Remove the selection on APOS. Press OK.
4. Install Belkin USB to Ethernet adapter. Copy all files from CD to c:\install\Belkin\
Connect adapter and select "Install from a specific location" and point to c:\install\Belkin.
5. Install the HiPAP SW. NOTE! Remember to select C: as the installation drive and HiPAP 350 portable as the system.
After installing, start APOS. Right click on the HiPAP icon and select Maximise. In the Configure menu, select TRX Network Interface. In the list box, select the “Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit…..” and press OK.
Select Configure -> System Configuration:
Make sure the IP addresses is as shown below and that the Path for data files is set to the C: drive.
6. Switch to APOS. Log on as service.
Open the Configure -> Interface to Transceiver 1 menu. Press the Config Net button.
Remove the check mark on Use TrcInfc.
Open the Configure -> Transceiver menu.
Press the VRS setup button. Set VRS 1 to be Seatex MRU 5/6 serial.
Press OK.
Press the Transceiver Interfaces button.
Select COM1 and configure it as shown above.
Press the Gyro setup button.
Select Gyro 1 type as Serial Line, NMEA format.
Restart APOS.
The system should now be ready to use.
Configuration of a laptop computer for HiPAP 350PPage 1 of 15