Minutes of meeting held on the 4th May, 2010

Attendees: Stuart Walker (Chair), Vivienne Wilmut, Judith McGee, Kevin Holmes, Margot Porter, Janette Dunlop

Apologies: Hayley Stuart, Billy Nicholson, Fiona Holmes, Tom Anderson


1) Previous Minutes

The minutes were accepted.

2) Fire Alarms

Ruthven Alarms to attend meeting on 29th June. KH to add to agenda.

3) TAVO Update

Alcohol licencing:

Payment for alcohol via donation or raffle tickets or some other means is no longer allowed, but individuals can now apply for licence to serve alcohol at special events in the hall.

MP to provide KH with the necessary information to update the hire agreement.

4) Exit Door handle

Estimate for repairing guttering needs to be revised as all gutters now down.

SW to get separate quote for handle.

5) Cleaning

A new cleaner has been engaged and has already made a good start. New equipment (mops, cleaning materials, vacuum cleaner, v-shaped floor sweeper, etc.) has been purchased and the expectation is that the standard of cleanliness will improve.

Hall users will still be written to and reminded of their obligations to keep the hall clean.

SW to write a letter.

6) Next Phase of Refurbishment

Requirements have been passed to Tom McLeish (who did the ceiling, heating and lighting work) and he is preparing a quote.

SRDP funding of up to 90% is currently available. Once the quote is received FH will proceed with the next stage of our application.

7) Heating

Need to produce instructions for users to switch heating on/off.

Heating times should be 08:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00 Monday to Friday

KH/SW to organise.

8) Licencing Requirements

MP to clarify the issue with SBC.

The Committee agreed to the Provision of a Public Entertainment Licence for Hall users at the cost of £44 per year.

MP to organise the PEL.

9) Duck Race

This year’s event made around £500. Thanks to all who contributed.

KH to order 500 ducks for next year’s event. We will look to sell 500 for £1 instead of 1,000 for 50p.

10) Keys

Concern was raised about the number of sets of keys that are in circulation and the lack of a key issue management process.

SW to organise a joiner to change the Yale lock on the front door of the Hall.

New keys will be produced and registered upon issue. As people hand keys on to others that take over roles in user groups they will be required to return the keys to the Hall Management staff for reissue.

11) Painting the Hall

KH/SW to ask Michael Grant for estimate of paint costs/volumes we would need.

FH will try to get the charity team at LBG to come and paint during the summer.

12) ECEC Village Sports Day

The ECEC have requested the use of benches and long tables for the sports day. The committee gave its approval.

13) Charges For Use of Chairs/Tables

All to consider whether/how we should charge for the use of the Hall’s Chairs and tables or whether we should stop allowing them to be used for outside events.

KH to add to agenda for next meeting.

14) Electricity Turbine

FH to contact Scottish Hydro for update on our water turbine application.

15) Next Fundraising Event

The next event will be a silent auction with cheese and wine. The date will be 24th September.

Each user organisation to contribute an item for auction.

KH/SW to organise flyers/newsletter

KH to organise wine and glasses

MP to organise drinks licence

VW to organise food

Entry tickets will be £2.50 (Adults only)

Wine will be £2 per glass.

Beer £2 per bottle.

Soft drinks will be free of charge.

Further discussion at next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 29th June, 2010 at 19:30

Agenda will be:

·  Alarm System Demonstration by Ruthven Alarms

·  Previous Minutes and matters arising

·  Next fundraising event

·  Hall Charges

·  General fund raising update

·  AOB

The meeting closed at 21:30

Eddleston Village Hall is a registered Scottish Charity, no. SC035039