Worth remembering...
"The more we make sports a life-or-death matter and the more we concentrate on a youngster’s needing to win or to succeed in order to feel worthwhile, the more we will undermine the contribution that sports make. Let’s eliminate the grandiosity of sports and see it for what it should offer to 99% of those who participate: healthy recreation where a child can have fun while developing physical skills and emotional maturity in a positive interaction with other children.
Let’s teach young athletes the fundamentals, talk to them about their batting averages and field goal percentages and take pride in their triumphs. But let's not neglect or abuse their motivations or emotions. Let's not forget that when they put on a uniform, they are still children, not miniature adults."
. . . Thomas Tutko and William Bruns in their book, "Winning is Everything and Other American Myths"
We're glad to have you back. For those of you that are new to our program we're especially happy that you have chosen our program, and are confident you'll have a grand season of baseball or softball.
E.K.R.C. is a non-profit organization chartered in 1956 to "promote recreation in the community". Ours is a volunteer program - none of our people are paid. The Volunteer operated concession stand is our primary source of funds. A small amount of time (one day) from each family would provide enough help so all of us could enjoy seeing our kids play. Our other source of funds is our fundraiser. It is required that each family participates.
Please volunteer your time and help support your program. The major area that we need help is in the concession stand. When your team is scheduled to work, please be responsible and take your turn.
There will be other events that need volunteers to help. Don't wait to be asked, call your coach, commissioner, or the concession stand to volunteer to work the additional events. We need to exemplify teamwork to our children by all pitching in together to make this organization a success. We look forward to your help!
Kettering Parks and Recreation provides E.K.R.C with the use of State Farm Park. Please help maintain our park by putting trash where it belongs.
Ours is a large program and we try to run it for everybody's benefit. We can't always please everyone even though we always try. Please try to remember this program is for our kids. In the spirit of sportsmanship, I ask you to allow the kids to enjoy themselves. They are giving their best, let's return it in kind.
If you have a complaint, suggestion or want to volunteer, please see me or one of our able commissioners - we'll listen.
I hope you have a great season -
Thank you
Ed Barnette
President - EKRC
Ed BarnettePresident
Allen JewellVice President
Dee GravesSecretary
Shannon CarterTreasurer / Head Concessions
Mike Waggoner Boys Coach Pitch Commissioner
Aaron Counts Boys Minor Commissioner
Brian Smith Boys Majors / E-Majors Commissioner
Chris Gilbert 14U &18U Softball Commissioner
Roger Williams 8U & 12U Softball Commissioner
Terry Koogler Scheduler / Umpire Director
Scott Barnette Tournament Director
Stephanie Swinford Board Member
Chris Hall Board Member
Steve Wilson Board Member
Bryan Howell Board Member
Steve Morgan Board Member
Sarah Suiter Board Member
Chad Campbell Board Member
Sandy Russell Board Member
/ Commissioner / PhonePony & T-Ball / Chad Kouse / 307-6989
Coach Pitch Boys / Mike Waggoner / 231-3001
Boys Minors / Aaron Counts / 305-5896
Majors / Brian Smith / 903-6014
Girls Coach Pitch / Roger Williams / 251-6770
Girls Majors / Roger Williams / 251-6770
Girls E-Majors / Chris Gilbert / 545-3746
If you have any problems that cannot be resolved with the commissioner, contact your division manager, if problems are still not resolved, please contact the EKRC President, Ed Barnette at 580-4630 or mail a letter to:
Mr. Ed Barnette, President, EKRC
2945 E Cunnington Ln Kettering, Ohio, 45420
All complaints, concerns or compliments received in writing will
be brought before the board upon receipt.
If you would like to attend a board meeting, please contact Ed Barnette at 580-4630.
E.K.R.C. Guidelines
Leagues/Ages Groups
The child's age as of May 1st will be used to determine in which league the child will play. Children may play up above their age if approved by commissioner but will not be allowed to play in leagues below their age without approval.
Managers will be able to roster five players prior to the draw
Home team will occupy 3rd base dugout. You should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to gametime.
Each manager must present to the opposing manager a roster of players he has present at the start of the game. This will be the batting order. This does not include T-Ball.
Players arriving late will be placed at the bottom of the batting order.
Division / Boys / GirlsPony Ball (Boys & Girls) / 3 - 4 / 3 - 4
T-Ball (Boys & Girls) / 5 - 6 / 5 and 6
Coach Pitch / 7 -8 / 8 and under
Minors / 9-11 / 12 and under
Majors / 12 - 14 / 14 and under
E-Majors / 15 - 16 / 18 and under
Mound Distances / Baseline Distances
T-Ball / Boys - 46'/ Girls - 46' / Boys - 60'/ Girls - 60'
Coach Pitch / - 46' 40’ / - 60' 60’
Minors / - 46' / - 65'
Majors –
Note: Boys that are 14 year old will pitch from the 60.6 Mound….. / - 54' 43’ / - 75' 60’
E-Majors / - 60'6" 43’ / - 90’ 60’
Time Limits / Innings
Pony Ball / Boys/Girls – 1 hr. / 6
T-Ball / Boys/Girls - 1 hr / 6
Coach Pitch / Boys - 1 hr/30 m
Girls - 1 hr/30 m / 6
Minors / Boys - 2 hr / 6
Majors / Boys - 2 hr
Girls – 2 hr / 6
E-Majors / Girls – 2 hr / 6
Any game that is tied after maximum allowed innings have been played will be played until time limit has been reached. No new inning will start with 15 minutes or less to complete the entire inning. CITY ORDINANCE -- LIGHTS OFF AT 11:00 P.M.
Player Guidelines (All Divisions)
- Profanity or tobacco products on the bench or playing field will be cause for ejection.
- A player damaging any equipment in a malicious act will be ejected and must reimburse EKRC for the damaged equipment before being allowed to participate.
- A player throwing a bat or helmet may be called out and may be ejected from the game, after one warning to the team. This applies to the Minor, Major and E-Major leagues.
- The intimidation of any player by another player will not be tolerated (i.e. "trash talk" player's names). This includes “brush backs”. The offending player will be ejected.
- A player who deliberately tries to 'spike' or otherwise injure another player will be ejected.
- A player ejected from a game by the umpire must leave the dugout and the field. The ejected player is also suspended from play for the next played game.
- A player, or players, fighting while in uniform before, during or after a game while in the park will be suspended from play for the next played game. The second offense will be cause for review by the commissioners and the play may be suspended for the remainder of the season.
- A player may not play for disciplinary reasons.
- All players must wear the uniform provided by EKRC during the game. Shirts must be tucked in. Metal cleats are prohibited. Only molded rubber cleats may be used.
- Defacing of uniforms is prohibited.
- Game pants are required. (coach pitch & up)
- All batters and runners must wear helmets on playing field.
- All catchers must wear a protective cup. (coach pitch & up)
- All players are required to swing bats inside the fenced area ONLY.
- OHSAA rules apply in all divisions unless indicated otherwise within division rules.
- If a player is registered on a select team, that player is not eligible for the recreational program
For 14 and under, players may use BBCOR certified for NFHS use, wood composite bats which are BBCOR certified, one piece wood bats, or bats that are BPF 1.15 stamped at the bottom of the barrel.
Some BFP 1.15 bats were manufactured prior to the requirement to stamp this into the barrel...parents whose child has one of these bats must obtain a letter from the manufacturer indicating that a pre-July 2011 manufactured bat meets the BFP 1.15 guidelines. This would include bats that have a sticker rather than the stamped BFP 1.15 into the bat.
Manager/Coach Guidelines
- The manager of each team is responsible for his/her players, coaches and fans. Make sure that you and everyone associated with your team understands the following rules. These rules apply for the entire time that the teams, coaches, and fans at our ballparks.
- Harassment of the opposing team, umpires or tournament officials will not be tolerated from anyone. Any harassment, abusive language, gestures, or threats may result in immediate ejection of the individual from the ballpark. Once ejected, an individual is also prohibited from attending the team's next game.
- Any individual who is ejected from the ballpark must leave immediately.
- Any physical violence by a player, coach, or manager at any time is a serious offense. Possible penalties include the individual being banned from the next game or for the remainder of the season
- Any physical violence by a fan will be cause for that individual to be immediately ejected from the ballpark and banned for the remainder of the season.
- A manager/coach who abuses, verbal or otherwise, another coach, player, umpire, commissioner or spectator will be ejected from the game and must leave the park. The ejected manager/coach is also suspended from his/her next game.
- Any manager/coach removing their team from the field, unless instructed to do so by the umpire or commissioner, will be suspended for the next game.
- A runner assisted by a coach while running the bases will be called out.
- Except for base coaches, all managers/coaches must remain in the dugout unless time out has been granted by the umpire. First offense will be a warning. Repeated offenses will result in ejection from the game. Manager/coaches are not allowed to be behind the backstop at anytime.
- The home team manager of the last game each day is required to return the bases to the equipment box.
- The managers of each team must clean up dugout after each game.
- All games will be played as shown on the official schedule, including any games rescheduled due to bad weather. Managers are not permitted to postpone a game for any reason. Requests for rescheduled games will not be heard by any commissioner for any reason.
- Each manager must present to the opposing team manager a roster of the players he has present at the start of the game. This will be batting order for the game. Players arriving late will be placed at the bottom of the order.
- Manager/coach conduct will be reviewed by league officials if a formal written complaint is filed with any officer, commissioner or board member.
- A continuous batting order will be used at all levels.
- A scheduled game maybe moved to another diamond or area if necessary - as decided by commissioner of the day.
- All games will begin at the scheduled time.
- All coaches and asst. coaches are required to obtain a background check. (See , COACHES CORNER tab on web site for further information)
- Coaches are responsible for checking their player’s bats to make sure they are legal.
EKRC Roster Selection Procedures
- Create the number of teams per division with manager in place.
- After the final registration, the secretary will provide each commissioner with rosters from each division.
- Each manager will bring their list of 5 or less players to the Coaches meeting prior to the Draw. No additions to the five or less will be accepted after this meeting without presidential approval.
- Each divisional commissioner will list those five or less players on their official roster
- The commissioner of each division will then separate the remaining players by age (7 & 8 G-ball, 9 - 11 Minors, 12 - 14 Majors) and put them into two different hats separated by age.
- The commissioners of each division are to then create numbers 1- 10 (or quantity of teams in that division) for each manager of a team. We will then draw from a hat for drawing order of players.
- The coaches that do not have five players on their roster will draw in order by their assigned number that has been pulled from the hat, bouncing back and forth from the lower age to the higher age group until they have reached 5 players.
- Once each coach has five players on their roster, they will then draw by drawing order number. When this procedure starts, coaches will draw out of the age hats to even the ages on the teams.
- EXAMPLE: If you have five 10 year olds you will have the next five consecutive picks from the nine year old hat in Minors. The goal is to have evenly aged teams.
- Thirteen players is the optimal quantity of players per team.
- Late sign-ups will be as follows:
- The team with the least amount of players MAY get the first late sign ups until teams are even.
- Any additional late sign-ups will be placed on a team according to the Coaches Draw number during the Draw.
Pony League Rules
1.Each team will consist of one manager, two coaches and 9 - 13 players. The entire team will play defense and bat in a continuous batting order.
2.Games will start at the scheduled time unless delayed by weather. Since there are no standings and no score keeping, there are no forfeits. Do not wait for all players, players can enter game as they show up -- but have them try to be on time. Games will last 1hr for T-Ball. No new inning will start with 15 minutes or less to complete the entire inning.
3.Three offensive and two defensive coaches are allowed in the field during the game.
4.No umpires will be used.
- Will consist of a pitcher, catcher, first, second, short stop, third baseman and all of the other players will be in the outfield.
- Infield and Outfield are separated by the grass. Outfielders should play in the grass. Infielders in the dirt.
- All catchers must wear a helmet (optional facemask). Coaches should instruct catchers were to stand.
- The pitcher must have one foot on the pitchers plate when the ball is hit.
6.Bunting is not allowed. Each batter must take a full swing. The ball must travel at least 10 feet to be considered a fair ball.
7.Entire roster will bat each inning.
8.Base runners will stay on base even if they get out. This is to help teach base running skills.
9.Base runners will advance ONE base at a time.
10.There will be no strikeouts in this league. The batter will get 7 swings. If batter does not hit the ball within 7 swings, the player returns to the dugout.
11.The last batter rule will be used. The defensive coach will be notified when the last batter comes to the plate. The defensive team can end the inning in the following ways: by throwing the batter out at 1st; tagging a runner; by catching a fly-ball; by forcing a runner or by throwing the ball to the catcher who then steps on home plate. Last batter runs thebases. The defensive team should stay in-field until the play is over.
12.On throwing bats: Use your judgment. If batter throws bat, stop play, return runners and explain to batter. Let batter bat again. The coaches must work with the batters on this. Try to keep game moving.
13.On sliding: This league is not required to slide, but again, coaches work with the kids on this.
14.No leaving base before the ball is hit.
15.No advancement by base runners on any overthrows that go out of the field of play or beyond the foul lines. Helps keep the game moving.
16.League will use a reduced energy factor (RIF) ball.
17.All teams will hit off a tee all season.
T-Ball League Rules
- Each team will consist of one manager, two coaches and maximum of 13 players. The entire team will play defense and bat in a continuous batting order.
- Games will start at the scheduled time unless delayed by weather. Since there are no standings and no score keeping, there are no forfeits. Do not wait for all players, players can enter game as they show up -- but have them try to be on time. Games will last 1hr for T-Ball. No new inning will start with 15 minutes or less to complete the entire inning.
- Three offensive and two defensive coaches are allowed in the field during the game.
- Defense:
- Will consist of a pitcher, catcher, first, second, short stop, third baseman and all of the other players will be in the outfield.
- Infield and Outfield are separated by the grass. Outfielders play in the grass. Infielders in the dirt.
- An outfielder can only make an out by catching a fly ball. Only an infielder can make a force out, tag or call Time, even if it is the last batter.
- All catchers must wear a helmet (optional facemask). Coaches should instruct catchers were to stand.
- The pitcher must have one foot on the pitchers plate when the ball is hit.
- A batter may not advance more than 2 bases on an infield hit ball. If the ball is hit into the outfield (not rolling), than the play will end once lead runner is stopped.
- Bunting is not allowed. Each batter must take a full swing. The ball must travel at least 10 feet to be considered a fair ball.
- There will be no strikeouts in this league. The batter will get 7 swings. After 7 swings, the player will return to the dugout. This player does not count as an out. All outs must be made defensively.
- Batter/runner who is called out must return to the dugout.
- The 7th batter rule will be used. The defensive coach will be notified when the last batter comes to the plate. This is an automatic 2 out situation. The defensive team must make an out or throw the ball to the catcher to touch home plate before the last runner. The defensive team should stay in-field until the play is over.
- On throwing bats: Use your judgment. If batter throws bat, stop play, return runners and explain to batter. Let batter bat again. The coaches must work with the batters on this. Try to keep game moving.
- On sliding: This league is not required to slide, but again, coaches work with the kids on this.
- No leaving base before the ball is hit.
- No advancement by base runners on any overthrows that goes out of the field of play or beyond the foul lines. Helps keep the game moving.
- League will use a reduced energy factor (RIF) ball.
- All T-Ball teams will hit off tee all season.
- Players must play two innings in the infield and one inning in the outfield within the first four innings per game. (This will be enforced)