The award is to be given to the chapter that has best represented the ideals of LMSA-NE, namely to recruit Latinos into higher education, educate about Latino health issues, advocate for increased Latino representation in health related areas, and promote awareness about social, political and economic issues as they relate to Latino health, through its activities throughout the year. The award is to be given during the LMSA-NE Annual Regional Conference HOD at Hofstra University School of Medicine in Hempstead, NY on April 9, 2017.
The following is a point system to be used yearly for the evaluation and selection of the Chapter of the Year. This chapter shall be an exemplary body of students who have demonstrated a deep dedication to the LMSA-NE and its principles and who have performed innovative activities in the spirit of community service, student education, and other goals. Regional dues must have been submitted to be eligible for this award.
Criteria: Points:
Regional Conference Host 25
Regional Delegate Meeting Host 15
Executive Council Meeting Host 5
Chapter Awarded Regional Conference for Upcoming Year 10
Submission of an application to host upcoming Regional Conference 5
LMSA Advocacy participation* 10
Community Service Projects 10 per event
Chapter programming: academic, social, cultural, meetings, etc. 5 per event
Participated in LMSA-NE Programs (please refer to website) 10 per event
Members participation in other campus community 5 per project
service-oriented projects †
National/Regional officer 5 per officer
LMSA Regional/National Newsletter submissions ‡ 5 per submission
*Prior recognition necessary by Executive Council
†Letter of recognition from a project manager necessary
‡Copy of article (original submission or copy) necessary
All activities must be documented in a time sensitive manner (flyer, email, pictures, etc.) and presented in a portfolio or PowerPoint presentation. Feel free to contact us with any questions at . Please forward completed portfolios no later than March 20, 2017 electronically to .