MINUTES 8:30-9:55 A.M.
SCHOOL MEMBERS PRESENT: Rita Bouillon, Val Murdock
PARENT MEMBERS PRESENT: Rachael Farley, Eva Chance, April Sintz, Heather Miller
1. Introductions
2. Elect Chair (Becky Smith), co-chair (Heather Miller), secretary (Rachael Farley)
3. SCC Orientation - Rita and Heather will attend on Thursday, October 27th at 6:00 pm at the JATC-S in their auditorium.
4. We are no longer required to watch the Land Trust video & won’t do a SNAP plan.
5. Report of this year at KSHS
*Another new classroom in place this year – 18 classes now with over 200 students – still in need of one certified teacher so Jenni is serving as a team leader in room 106 right now. We have kindergarten, medically fragile, orthopedically impaired, functional track and academic track classes.
*We have 2 new certified staff members: Caley Barber – University of Utah grad and former para in a district cluster classroom
Kyanne Matheson- now a certified teacher
*Classroom staffing – many new assistants were hired this summer. There are 3, 4 or 5 assistants in classrooms; may include a 25-hour assistant.
*This year’s theme is: “I work at Kauri Sue… What’s Your Superpower?”
*Future growth projection. We discussed the future need of additional classrooms as our student body continues to increase. We discussed several possible solutions including:
A. Onsite portables for SMAC and music classrooms. Teachers are willing to move outside. All classes would go to the portables to attend SMAC and music once each week. Concerns for this suggestion are the lack of bathroom facilities in the current music classroom. Smaller playground with wheelchair access.
B. Onsite portables for offices. Could this accomplish the goals?
C. Use Preschool classrooms for full time students. Rachael proposed housing the Preschool and early intervention classrooms in a separate building or portables. Ideas supporting this idea included: keeping the full time students together in the same building, bathroom facilities and other amenities are already in place, more floor level classrooms, community within the school instead of removing faculty, etc. Ideas contrary to the proposition were displacement of the early intervention program. Where would they go? We discussed housing them in various schools throughout the district, in their own building, or a district building.
*Subs – we hired a few full-time now and are in need of additional subs
*Community Based Training – including community jobs.
*Weekly - STAR Awards and JCU Outstanding Employee recognition
*Monthly Parent Newsletter
*SIBS continues
6. Our Adaptive PE Program – Val
*Val and Martha switch off mornings and afternoons being in the classroom/pool.
*Speech and PE are collaborating this year. Speech teachers come into the gym to assist with speech development in a different setting, encouraging transferability of speech skills. PE teachers are also coordinating themes with the speech teachers, introducing a different Disney movie each month. September theme: Cars.
7. Community Involvement
a. Riverton High School Pep Rally – October 5
b. Riverton High School Peer Leadership Team (PLT)
c. Ongoing Eagle Scout Projects
d. Juan Diego Senior Service Project – next January
8. Updated SCC guidelines from USBE – they do not impact our plan but they state that only $2 may be spent per student on incentives and that money spent on assistants must be used for staff who spend at least 75% of their time in direct instruction with children.
9. Land Trust Monies for this year - $13,469 – slated for curriculum development, Professional Development and subs for staff attending conferences
10. Professional Development report
a. All staff completed Mandt, LRBI, time-out and many staff have their
CPR and first aid, at least one staff in each classroom has their food
handler’s permit.
b. Summer Curriculum Projects
c. Ease into the EE’s – USOE Grant for $8,000 – certified team leaders
11. Fundraiser idea – car show with Memorial video, posters and t-shirts. All members present were supportive of these ideas.
12. Teacher Appreciation Luncheon report – this year’s t-shirts – Spaghetti Factory was a big hit with staff. Plan to continue with offsite luncheon this year.
13. Safety Audit – we did not receive 100% this year due to staff badges that were inactive because of under-use – bummer! But, we did receive an average of 92.76%
Members discussed the possibility of a PTA at our school and previous members explained the rationale considered in the past and why the decision was made to not have a PTA here.
Members asked about the upcoming bond. Rachael attended one of the informational meetings and shared the info she received and Rita also shared the info she had.
Friday, September 23rd
Friday, November 18th
Friday, January 27th
Friday, March 24th
Board Member’s Contact Information
Eva Chance 307-256-3552
Heather Miller 801-557-6341
April Sintz 801-859-6599
Rachael Farley 801-302-7827